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The next day

'No way!'
'Yes way.'

Selina leaned back in her seat, her mind blown by the story TJ had just told her. They were in their usual booth in the Kafe with Jana and Matei, and Selina was catching up on previous events.
'Wow, I thought the story was made up by the press. Everyone thought it.'
'Well' TJ began to admit 'the description of Kincaid may have been a bit...exaggerated.' They all turned to Jana, who shugged in defence.
'I told the press what I thought!' She tried to keep a serious face but couldn't help but join the other's laughter.

 After a while, the laughter died down, and TJ continued to fill Selina in. Jana zoned out of the conversation and caught Matei's glance from the corner of her eye. He responded with a small smile, but Jana noticed his eyes seemed sad and had lost their sparkle. She immediately knew what the problem was.
'Matei' she began, holding his hand under the table 'I know you're upset, but it was Emilia's choice. You know she wanted to stay in the wild.'

'I know. I just- after everything that happened, I thought that, maybe, she might want to be with her brother, you know?'

'I understand. But she's growing up, Matei. She said it herself, you don't need to look after her anymore.' She gave her boyfriend a reassuring smile, and it seemed to work.

From then on Matei didn't seem to be faking when he smiled. His mind was finally at rest. Emilia wasn't a little cub anymore, and she deserved to be independent. Matei had been so convinced that it was Emilia who wasn't ready for change, who was worried to move on. All this time, it wasn't Emilia. It was himself. Jana had made him realise that he could finally let her go, and he loved her for it.

Another ten minutes drifted away, ten minutes of casual chat and inside jokes. Anyone walking past would've have thought that these people were just normal teenagers, with nothing bad ever happening to them in their lives. It was strange how things so quickly went back to normal, Jana thought. But then again, none of their lives had ever been normal. Ever.

'Well I guess you've got me to thank' a voice spoke up from behind. The four friends turned to see a face they didn't expect.

They were all speechless, except Jana. The alpha patted the space next to her, gesturing Ollie to sit down. As soon as he sat down, Ollie knew he had a lot to make up for. He studied each of them carefully. Matei already looked frustrated, refusing to look him in the eye and choosing to scowl down to the floor instead. TJ was looking at Selina, the way you look at someone in an awkward situation and you're waiting for someone to say something. Selina herself was fiddling with her headscarf, as if she was trying to distract herself from the awkward silence.

Ollie coughed 'I um, I wanted to say sorry. For everything.' He waited for someone to say something. Silence. Jana nodded, indicating for him to carry on.
'And I understand if you don't want to be around me anymore. Seriously, just say the word, and I'll be gone.'
Once again, no one spoke. Sighing, Ollie stood up and began to make his way out of the busy Kafe.


The wolfblood turned around, halfway through zipping up his jacket. Jana had stood up, and was once again gesturing him to sit. Ollie did as he was told and returned to his seat, not knowing what to expect. Was Jana going to let him stay? No, he shouldn't get his hopes up.

'We wanted to say thank you. If you didn't save us, who knows where we would be right now.' The alpha looked at the others, who all nodded. 'And we would really like it if you stayed.'


Jana laughed. 'of course'

'Well, in that case, milkshakes all round!

'Yes!' TJ exclaimed, giving Ollie a high five 'I like this guy already'

Jana rolled her eyes and got up to make the drinks. At last, everything was going back to normal.

Suddenly, as if it had heard her thoughts, her phone vibrated against the surface of the counter.

Someone was calling her.

Jana almost dropped a glass on the floor when she noticed the name on the screen.


Authors note

This is the final part of the story, however there will be an important authors note explaining everything up in the next few days, so stay aware! xx

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