Chapter 18

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By the time Jana and Ollie got back to the Kafe it was the next day, and the Kafe was full of early morning businessmen getting their breakfast cappuccinos. In the middle of them was a very flustered Katrina, rushing to and from tables with plates precariously balanced along her arms. She let out a sigh of relief when she saw her flatmate by the door.
'Jana! And-' she stared at ollie '-you?'
He smirked 'I'll just wait over here, yeah?' He walked away and settled himself in a booth. Katrina turned her attention back to Jana. 'You've got some explaining to do. I've had to cope with the morning rush all by myself!'
'I know, and I'm sorry. You go upstairs and rest, I'll take it from here'

Katrina sighed and left the room, leaving Jana alone. Jana took a moment to look at the crowd of people in the small café. This wasn't going to be easy.

She made her way over to an empty table and started stacking up the dirty plates.
'Here, let me help' a hand took away the stack of plates and when Jana looked up she realised it was Ollie. He smiled at her, showing his beautiful brown eyes. Jana couldn't help but smile back, he had such a kind face...
'Really, you wouldn't mind helping?'
'No worries. Anyway, it could be fun'
Jana raised her eyebrows 'Fun? Have you ever worked in a café?'
Ollie laughed and picked up a cleaning cloth 'Seriously, it's fine. It's not like I've got anywhere better to be...' he trailed off and stared down at his hands, playing with the loose bits of fabric.

Jana joined him by the counter 'haven't you got to get home? I'm sure someone might get worried'
Ollie shook his head 'there's no one to get worried'
Jana realised that she didn't actually know that much about Ollie, maybe she should try to find out more...
'so you don't have a pack?'
'I did' he smiled sadly 'but I was taken away from them. I was quite young, so I don't remember much about my wild pack'
You're a wild wolfblood?'
He grinned at Jana's reaction 'yeah, just like you. I could do ansion, eolas, everything. And then one day, I woke up somewhere else'
Jana was surprised. Maybe there was more to Ollie than she thought. But she could tell this was a sensitive subject, the last thing she wanted to do was upset Ollie.
'Who took you away from your pack?' She asked softly. He opened his mouth to speak, but was stopped by his phone vibrating on the counter. He picked it up and read the notification that had appeared.

'I have to go' he mutterd shortly 'I'll see you round yeah?' He handed Jana the cloth and went to collect his leather jacket from the booth. Jana watched him as he walked towards the door. There was something about Ollie that just seemed... Interesting to her. She wanted to get to know him, but how was that going to happen if she never saw him again?
'Ollie, wait!' She called after him. He turned round in the doorway, halfway through putting on his jacket.
'You could always join my pack, I'm sure we'd all like to have you around' Ollie smiled 'I'd love to' he said, before he disappeared behind the door and out of the Kafe.

Once he was outside, Ollie took a deep breath. First part of the plan, done. He stuck his hands in his pockets and walked down the harbour, until he spotted the two men he was looking for. They must have noticed him too, because they walked over to him, lowering their hoods.

'Well?' One of them said 'Where is she?'
'In the wild' Ollie replied 'But everyone else is still in the city'
'Ollie! We need the fire walker!' The other man said. He realised that his voice had raised and bought it back down to a whisper 'You had one job!'
The other man stopped him 'It's not over yet. We can still find her, if we use the wild alpha'
Ollie realised who they were talking about immediately 'What? you can't use Jana! Don't you think she's been through enough in her life! Look, what's the point in doing this anyway, the world knows about wolfbloods, there's nothing we-' He stopped when he noticed the look on their faces.
'We took a big chance letting you help us, Ollie. You should know by now not to go against what we say'
'No buts, unless you want to go back to where you were, you don't go against us again. Understand?'

Ollie bowed his head slightly. He knew all too well what these people would do to get their own way.
'Yes Mr. Kincade'

Authors note

Ooooh! You'll have to wait for a while to find out more! Hope you enjoyed this chapter and please vote and comment if you want
Love you guys xx

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