Chapter 25

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I have interrupted this show to broadcast an important message. My name is Alexander Kincade. As you all know, the world was recently rocked by the wolfblood discovery. Some people said that the wolfbloods should be driven out, made to live in the wild like their ancestors hundreds of years ago. But their ideas were cast aside. Why? Because many people cannot see what threats these creatures pose. I am here today to prove to you that their thoughts are most definatly correct. Lying behind this shutter are four wolfbloods in their true wolf form. If you did not see the anger before, you will soon'

The metal shutter raised, scratching and clunking unattractively. The warehouse had previously been fitted with curtains drawn halfway across the room, which also began to slowly open. Alex took his place behind the camera and settled back to watch the show take place. Finally, the world was going to see what had always been so obvious. He contemplated what to do with Jana and her pack after the broadcast. Take them back to the wild? No, they didn't deserve to be let go that easily. Keep them as prize pets? Alex half laughed at his absurd thought. But wait, what actually stopped him from doing so? He found himself smiling when he began to seriously consider his new scheme. He thought it was brilliant.

However, the grin on his face faded when he realised that the wolfbloods were nowhere to be seen. The curtains had opened to present the viewers with a view of complete darkness. Then, two gem-like objects glinted in the dark, blinking every now and then. Kincade watched on in shock as a single, wolf like creature padded into view, pausing when it noticed the human ten metres away. Alex leaned forward in his seat to take a better examination. He soon identified the wolf to be Jana; it was shown through the read and white fur.

Silence followed. The animal sat down obediently, its yellow eyes kind and soft. There was even a faint trace of a smile forming along it's mouth line.

Alex began to stand up, but an arm pushed in front if him, preventing him from standing up. He heard his assistant whisper 'Stay here, I have an idea' before he saw him silently leave the warehouse. After watching his companion leave, Kincade turned his focus back to Jana. However he jumped back in surprise when he saw five wolves staring at him intently with their amber eyes. Alex immediately recognised one of them to be Ollie; he had seen his wolf many times before. Remaining completely still, he also noticed which one was Emilia. Sitting on the far left of the pack was a smaller, timid looking wolf, nuzzling into the creature next to her, which Alex presumed to be Matei.

By process of elimination, the wolfblood settled to the right of the alpha must have been TJ, who was snarling and baring it's sharp teeth.

'as you can see, a wolfbloods first instinct is to attack. This is one of many aspects of their brutal and savage nature.'

This only made TJ growl more angrily. However it took one glance at Jana to make him retreat, and he sat down obediently with the rest of his pack.

Kincade stood speechless. What was going on? The expression on Jana's face suggested to him that somehow, they had dodged his plan. But how?

Alex glared at the wolf on the far right, who bowed their head to the floor. Alex knew that Ollie wasn't to be trusted, yet he still put his faith in the young wolfblood. How could he have been so stupid?

He realised how immersed he was in his own anger. He needed to focus. Every second the wolfbloods looked innocent, the further away people would be from understanding his views.

On the other side of the room, a door burst open loudly, and the six creatures in the warehouse all turned. Alex held out his arms to stop his assistant, but it was too late. It all happened so quickly. The lighter, the curtains, the single second between the click of the lighter and the sudden burst of flickering heat rising up the fabric.

'what the hell did you do?!' Kincaid shouted from behind the camera. A barrier of flames had formed where the burning fabric of the curtains had dropped from the ceiling. It was only a matter of time until stray cables caught fire too.

Kincaid's attention was no longer on his captives, who had all transformed. They were transfixed by the fire, with horror reflected in their glowing yellow eyes. Instincts beginning to kick in, they backed away until they felt their backs hit the wall. They were trapped. Smoke gradually started to fill the room, making it difficult for the wolfbloods to see, even with their heightened senses.

Squinting, Jana could make out Matei standing to her left. She studied his terrified face carefully. The look on his face showed that all the memories of the house fire were flooding back. Matei looked traumatised, unable to fix his eyes away from the object that had caused him so much pain in his life. There was something else too, and it didn't take long for Jana to realise what this was. She called after her boyfriend, but Matei was already barely visible.

'Emilia! Emilia, where are you?' The older wolfbloods battled through the quickly thickening smoke, coughing and keeping their eyes from the growing fire. TJ felt his eyes beginning to sting, making it even harder to see. Using his hands as guidance, he felt his way across the wall until he found what he was looking for. A fire extinguisher. TJ noticed Ollie close by, who saw the object TJ was holding. Ollie pointed towards the flames, which had now reached the collection of technology and camera equipment.

Jet black veins raced along TJ's dark skin. He had to face his biggest fear, in order to save his pack. Holding the heavy object at arms length, he held down the lever. A series of uneven spurts shot out of the extinguisher, but it seemed to be successful. The frequent crackles and spits of the fire died down, and the blanket of smoke slowly began to lift.

Jana rubbed her eyes, not caring if she smudged her small amount of make up. She was just happy that it was all over. From the other side of the room, Jana could hear snarling. When she got closer to the scene, the fog revealed a small wolf pinning Alex Kincaid to the floor and growling menacingly.

'its over, Alex' the alpha said, after letting out a small laugh 'wolfbloods and humans will live side by side forever, and there's nothing you can do about it.'

10 minutes later

Jana couldn't help but grin as she watched her enemy being taken away by the Segolia security men. Although she had worked with them for a while, it still surprised her how quick the company could respond to an emergency.

She stood with her back lent against Ollie's car, with the rest of her pack, admiring their success. They had overcome one of the most evil schemes ever invented, Jana thought. Who knows what could have happened to them if they failed.

She jumped out of her thoughts when she felt a single arm snake around her waist and gently pull her closer. Smiling, she rested her head on what she knew was going to be a black duffel coat. Jana could almost sense the smile emerging on Matei's face when she did this. Her heart skipped a beat when she heard his voice whisper softly in her ear.

'Come on, let's go home'

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