New Home, Sore Toes

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I felt someone grab my side and shake me gently, as if trying to wake me up. Coming to the conclusion that last night's events were just a strange, fucked up dream, I dismissed the person as my grandma and turned to the side.

Me: five more minutes, mee-maw....

The person chuckled. It sounded like a boy's voice, so curiosity got the best of me. I opened my eyes to see another teen, different from the one I saw (and almost turned into a rabbit) last night. The teen had wheat blonde hair, and was wearing Link cosplay. Thinking that I was still asleep, he started to poke my cheek.

???: -disapproving frown- wake up....... -starts to poke me harder-

Me: -groaning- ow... ow.... -slaps hand away- Fuggoff...... You aren't Mee-maw.

I sat up to get a closer look at the attacker. Because of the annoying poking, I was now wide awake. The boy looked at me, managing a wiry side smile.

???: oh look, you're awake.

Me: -cranky, not being a morning person- the FrUK are you?

???:-gives me an "are you fucking kidding me" look- -sarcasm- I'm Canada.


???: -sighs- you don't say?

Me: so what's your REAL name?

???: I'm BEN.

Me: cool.

I finally noticed something.

My toes hurt like holy hell.

I looked to where they were. A small girl, about 8 years of age, was at my feet. She had on a purple dress with the name 'Sally' stitched in red thread. Her eyes were a vibrant lime green, and her hair was a chocolate brown. Her bangs hid some white medical tape, which was wrapped around her forehead.

She appeared to be playing 'this little piggy' with my toes. I stared, dumbfounded by the fact that the girl had been doing so for God knows how long.

BEN looked at me, trying not to laugh at my priceless facial expression. The little girl looked up at me as well.

BEN: that's Sally, she's been playing with your feet for about an hour. She also styled your hair.

wait a sec...... MY HAIR?!

I felt my head, panicking. But instead of the hacked up Cynthia/Miley Cyrus hair I expected, I found two neatly done pigtails, one of them having a medium sized bow clipped on to it. My sidebangs were held up by a couple of Bobby pins.

Sally: the bun was pretty, but I got bored. Your hair is soooo soft..... -smiling-

Me: damn, you can be a hairstylist one day.

Sally: -pouting adorably, scolding- please don't curse.

Me: erm... Sorry?

Sally: -grinning again- it's ok!

BEN: hey, Merlyn?

Me: Yup Yup?

BEN: -runs off to another room- don't move till I get back!

Me: ok....?

Sally explained to me that when I had fallen unconscious in the forest, BEN and some other dude named Jeff took me in to a cabin nearby; it wasn't uninhabited, though. Sally, BEN, that Jeff guy, and some other folks live here as well.

Five minutes after BEN had initially left, he came back, dragging two other guys, one with a dark yellow hoodie with a mask, and another with a brighter yellow hoodie, which hid his face. Along with a teenage girl, which I'm too lazy to describe.

BEN: these guys are Masky -points to the boy with the mask-, Hoodie -points to the the other boy-, and Jane -points to the girl-

Me: Well hi, Masky Hoodie and Jane -still a little tired-

Jane: you're the girl who was about to turn Jeff into a fatass Rabbi?

Me: -smirked- no.

Jane and Sally: -frown-

Me: I was about to turn the dude into a fatass rabbit. Its open season, too.

Sally: awesome! -grins-

Jane: -bear hugs me- I love you in every way except for the gay way.

Me: I don't know how to respond to that...

Masky: Get used to it,

Hoodie: she hates Jeff,

Masky and Hoodie: more than BEN hates Kingdom Hearts.

BEN: -death glare- -in a demonic voice- DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE SAY THE KH WORD IN MY PRESENCE.

Everyone except for BEN and Sally: ... -scared shitless-

Sally: no cursing!

BEN: -voice returns to normal- what? It's like a super gay Disney version of Final Fantasy. Not that I have anything against gay people, but still.

Hmm, where have I heard that before?

Sally: -turns to BEN- When are Jack and Slendy getting back?

BEN: maybe at around 12.

Me: wait, hold the fuck up-

Sally: I said, no cursing!

Me: ok, ok. Anywho, 12 am or pm?

Masky: pm

Sally: also, when is Jeff-

Jane: -death stare--in a demonic voice- DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE SAY THE J WORD IN MY PRESENCE.

Sally: -insane smile- -eyes widen- what did I say about cursing??? -eyes starts to glow-

Jane: eh heh heh.... -smiles nervously- sorry.

Sally: -back to normal- it's ok! -giggles-

Me: so, what time is it now?

Hoodie was about to answer, when we heard a knock on the door.

Jane: oh! They're back! -gets door-

Sally: I'll make lunch! -runs to the kitchen-

BEN: and I'LL make sure Sally doesn't set fire to the kitchen. -walks towards kitchen-

They just left me there, with Masky and Hoodie.

They're both guys.

I'm still in bed.

Talk about awkward.

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