....and while we're still on the subject, lets include a flashback thingy

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Jeff paused, afraid, but not knowing what Morty was talking about.

Jeff: wha.....

Morty: -throws Jeff to the other side of the hallway- you really are a dumbass. I woulda expected you to remember!

Jeff: -gets up- sorry, bro. I've murdered over 9000 people in cold blood. I just can't find the time to remember names.

Morty: fine.... I'll be nice enough to refresh your pea-sized memory.

Jeff: you? Nice?

Morty: just shut up and let's me tell you a little story. It's not like you can leave, anyway....

Twas the date September 13th, 2006. School was starting, and I was getting out my books and crap from my locker, the one you happened to be trapped in.

Jeff: ....what does this have to do with me?

Morty: -in a demonic voice- STOP TALKING.

Jeff: -flinches- well then. C-could you please stop being a Jane and get to your backstory?

Morty: -grumbles- if you could let's me do so.....

Anyway, I was about to get my math book, when I start to hear yelling. People flood in from the cafeteria into the hallway, not only scaring the bejeezus out of me, but causing me to ditch my books and locker for the sake of not getting run over. I was towards the back of the stampede, that's when I saw you.

Jeff: ok, go on......

Morty: ok. Jeez.

Let's me tell ya, though. You were the ugliest little fucker I had ever laid eyes on. You were literally a killing machine, shanking folks to death like nobody's business. And as soon as I managed to get a good look, you whipped your head towards me at an ungodly speed. Those goddamn eyes of yours pierced into my soul as if they themselves were knives. It was very traumatic for me.

Jeff: ok, Edgar Allan Poe. Stop pausing for dramatic effect and get on with the story.

Morty: oh Fuggoff, as if YOU could do any better.

As I was saying, as soon as you looked me straight in the eye, I knew I had to make a run for it, and so I did.

You stopped stabbing folks and ran towards me, knife in hands, ready to send me to hades as well. The chase went on until I took a wrong turn and got cornered in Ms.Miller's 9th grade language arts class.

Jeff: hey, that's my homeroom.

Morty: does it look like I give? Really, dude, I'm telling a story here.

Jeff:  well, excuse me, princess.

Morty: -eyes start glowing-

Stray objects, books, scraps of paper, pencils, ect. Started to hover in midair, glowing an eerie red.

Morty: -voice echoes throughout the hallway- what did you say.....?

Jeff: O-ok. Go on.

Morty: -snaps fingers, causing everything to drop- okie-dokey.

For a while, I sprinted across the room, jumping on the occasional desk in hopes to tire you out before making a beeline for the exit. I was about to escape, when I tripped on a backpack that some lazy fuck left lying around on the floor.

You approached me slowly, smiling wider with each step. My ankle hurt like holy hell, preventing me from getting up.

You grabbed me by the collar of my once white tee. -gestures at his torn, dirty, gray T-shirt. Inscribed in sloppy writing was the acronym, R.I.P-

I remember my head bumping against the wall when you pinned me there. Your smile faded as you took a good look at my left foot. I looked down, too. My ankle was twisted, causing it to jut out at an awkward angle. You then looked up.

"Well, it looks like you hurt your ankle," you said, laughing as you stated the obvious. I still don't get what you though was so fucking hilarious.

You then fell silent.

"You know what would make it feel better?"

I nodded weakly, choking out a "what?"

You started up again, laughing louder than before, "YOU SHOULD GET SOME REST! GO TO SLEEP, KID!" -points at his stab marks- to make a long story short, I then received these. After that, you left the room, leaving me there to die from lack of oxygen.

Jeff: wow.....


This time around, he didn't do anything to intimidate Jeff, he just looked like an ordinary angry teen, if you didn't include his torn clothes and injuries.

Jeff: what?

Morty: you know, I had a family! Sure, Mom died in a car crash, but what about my Dad?! I even had a kid sister. Her name was Marielle, she was only eight years old when I died. Mari bawled her eyes out. To her, I wasn't just some kid; -tearing up- I..... I was the best big brother in the whole wide world..... I loved her till the end, and now that I'm free to invisibly roam the earth as I please.... I still do.

Morty fell to his knees, crying.

Jeff: dude...... I didn't know about that. -approaches Morty-

Morty: -sits down- -looks up at him angrily- when you murders people, do you EVER take into account if your victim has a family? If those many slaughtered men and women had children and loved ones to come home to? What about the many children you took the lives of? Did you ever think of how they would never see their friend and family again?

Jeff: -sighs- I never did. That party of my mind didn't work at the time.

Morty: huh?

Jeff: to maintain the little sanity I had left for long periods of time, I would have to be isolated. Before recently, I couldn't be around anyone without wanting to kill. I called this the "Murder switch". Every time it was active, everything went white, and the only think I felt was the urge to take lives.

Morty: wowza, that's horrible.

Jeff: yeah, but I eventually got over it. Sorry I killed ya, I was an asshole.

Morty: think: dumbass.

Jeff: huh?

Morty: didn't you say that you couldn't help it? God, you have a terrible memory!

Jeff: this was a feelsy moment, how did you-

Morty: I've been able to talk with Marielle in her dreams. The other ghosties call it "dreamwalking". So basically, it's not a big deal to me anymore.

Jeff: but this was supposed to be a feelsy chapter......

~meanwhile, in the cabin~

Jane:-playing poker with Dee-Dee- hm......

Dee-Dee: what?

Jane: my Janie senses tell my that Jeffie just broke the fourth wall. Remind me to kick his ass tomorrow.

Dee-Dee: don't worry! I won't -pulls out a random PopTart and slams it onto the table- GO FISH!


~ at the school~

Morty: not anymore, mathafaka! Woo! I feel like doing something fun. Telling my life's story made my throat itchy.

Jeffie: hm...... I know where Ms.Abalos keeps her secret stash of candy......

Morty: dude! I've been trying to find that out since the ninth grade!

Jeffie: well then, let's go!

(flashback ends)

Dee-Dee: that was a truly interesting story, Joe!

Me: I though it was boring.

Jane: you told him to stop being a me.......

BEN: guess Jeff finally found someone who out-bitched him.

Jeff: HEY!

So yeah, let's get on with our story.

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