nIghtmArE (sub stray chapter, read after sleepover chapter)

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I was walking around in the woods during the middle of the night, wearing an outfit I remember making for my role as little red riding hood in the seventh grade play. I trotted on the path I was taking, until I came across a fork in the road. I wanted to turned back, but I couldn't. I looked to my feet. A string was tied to each of my ankles. I then tried to untie the strings. Looking at both my arms, I saw that each of my wrists had strings tied to them as well.

Like a puppet.

I unwillingly took the path on the left, which looked like the road that most people would avoid. Occasionally, I would try to break the strings, but I would wind up hurting my wrists and ankles instead. My feet hurt like crazy, all I wanted to to was take a break, to go home.

I heard a rustling in the bushes, along with a flash of long, black..... Hair?

I knew better than to talk to myself in these types of situations, yet, I couldn't keep my mouth shut.

Me: oh! who might it be, lurking in the shadows?

This was way out of character for me. And the way I spoke, it sounded like I was acting.

Like I was following the lines of a script.

The "thing" laughed.

No, not a thing. It sounded more like a girl, around Dee-Dee's age.

I turned my head around, involuntarily. The sudden movement made my neck hurt. I wanted to howl in pain, but I couldn't move my mouth. When I turned once more to face forward, I almost jumped in astonishment. A short girl with long, jet black hair stood before me. She looked like a gothic lolita, wearing a poofy purple and black checkered knee high dress, checkered opera gloves, and platform heeled shoes. Her bangs hid her eyes completely.

???: why, hello there. You seem lost.

Me: hello, young lady, what might your name be?

???: I believe my name is Nina.

Me: what a pleasure to meet you, Nina.

Nina: you can't say what you want to say, can you?


Nina: you've been turned into a puppet. The puppet master is controlling what you say and do. You are trapped.


Nina: I once lived with everyone in the cabin as well. One day, I went  to run errands. He kidnapped me, injecting me with a special medicine that would suck me into a twisted story book. Do you know why?


Nina: I Am.......... Wicked. I wasn't like everybody else. I was different, and for that, I am wicked.


Nina: your mother, Sabrina, your sister, Samantha, and Glenda, they all died. They were wicked as well. They weren't normal. You aren't, either. You actually manage to live with, and tolerate people ejected from society. Freaks. You are wicked.


Nina: Try to hide, if you can, but he'll eventually find you. You too, along with your friends, will soon end up like me. They don't care for you. They don't care for me. If they did, they would've searched for me, right?


Nina: I know you have embraced the fact that they're your new family. You are what I once was. Controlled by human emotions.


Nina: -laughs- oh well, I guess it's time to say goodbye now, isn't it?

She brushed her bangs away to reveal dull, crimson eyes. Nina then smiled at me, but....... The way she grinned, it seemed warped and sadistic. Nina grabbed a dagger, seemingly from out of think air.

Nina: ask them about me, I dare you. They'll brush it off, ignore the fact of my existence, I just know it.

Her tone was bitter, the only emotions I saw in that girl were hate, anger, abandonment, and so on. I had a hard time believing that she had ever been happy.

Nina: I don't even know you, yet I can feel the huge difference between us. You seem to have had a very happy past. Next time we meet, I will make sure to crush that.


Nina: oh well, until then, enjoy yourself.

She lunged at me with her weapon.

I would've dodged, but the strings prevented me from doing anything.

I felt a sharp pain in my chest, right when the dagger made contact with my skin.

That was when I woke up.

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