a woman named Linda (part 2)

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Slendy took the car, so we had to walk to Walmart. Since the name tag on the dress was from the store, we figured that his "job" would be located there.

Me: Jeff?

Jeff: yeah?

Me: I think we're supposed to go that-a way.

Jeff: this is a shortcut.

Dee-Dee: are you sure?

Jeff: I know this woods like the back of my hand. -points at a path we passed by- that's the shortcut to the mall.

Masky: why would you need to know that?

Jeff: where do you think I got these jeans?

Me: Forever 21?

Jeff: not cool, bro.

Me: I did some research on several of you guys on this website called Creepypasta. Aren't you supposed to be wearing dress pants?

Jeff: they get itchy after a while.

Masky: you did research?

Me: not in the weird Yandere stalker way. I was just curious.

Hoodie: ok........

Me: anyway, how long till we get there?

Jeff: about....... Ten minutes.

Dee-Dee: Yayz! Walmart!

After the long walk, we finally stopped at Walmart. And, you bet that everyone was staring at us with a wtf look.

Well except for the fangirls.

Random girl with a Yaoi T-shirt: OH MAH FLOPPING GLOB, IT'S JEFF-SAMA! -points us out to her group of friends-


Dee-Dee: NU! -jumps in front of Jeff-

Jeff: -runs away-

Masky, Hoodie, and I watched helplessly as the group of six chased Jeff around the parking lot. This went on until Dee-Dee caught up to them, sending the fangirls flying by swinging at them with her mallet.

Dee-Dee: DON'T MESS WITH MY JOE. -back hugs Jeff protectively-

Jeff: my name is Jeff.......

Dee-Dee: -lets go--whining- you look like a Joe, tough.

Me: -whispers to Masky- I'll go down with this ship like the captain of the Titanic, you?

Masky: I ship it like Kiki's Delivery Service.

Hoodie: you two are still my OTP.

Me and Masky: SHADDAP.

Dee-Dee: what's a ship?

Me: I support you and Jeff dating.

Dee-Dee: but he has cooties.......

Jeff: do not!

Me: good point there, Dee-Dee.

Jeff: fml.....

Me: -muttering- welcome to my world.

We entered Walmart. As soon as everyone saw us they either hid, or exited the store. We looked around until we saw a Walmart employee stocking the shelves with cans of Pringles.

Me: oh! Pringles!

Employee: -turns to us- you can have a can, its on the house.

Me: really?

Employee: the manager ran away as soon as he saw you guys, so why not?

Me: -grabs a can of pizza flavored Pringles- thanks!

Jeff: ok, so you aren't scared of us, and you aren't a crazy overly obsessed fangirl. What are you?

Employee: my name is Mikki. I'm not an easily frightened person. My hobby is reading creepypastas.

Me: cool, have you seen a man with a blue dress and a girly afro named Linda?

Mikki: you mean a deluded Slender Man? Yeah, he's in the deli frying chicken. Want me to tag along?

Dee-Dee: I like your hair.

Mikki: uh..... Thanks?

Masky and Hoodie: you can tag along.

Mikki: ok, Tim and Brian, right?

Masky and Hoodie: NO.

Me: huh?

Mikki: try watching Marble Hornets. Masky looks like Edward Cullen. -laughs-

Masky: not cool, bro.

Hoodie: it's true.

Masky: IS NOT.

Jeff: can you two shut up? We need to find Linda.

Masky and Hoodie: FINE.

~at the deli~

Mikki: hey, Linda, you got some visitors.

Slendy: oh lawd. Where are they?

Me: right here, Slendy.

Slendy: my name is Linda.

Me: no. You're delusional.

Slendy: I ain't delusional.

Me: what if I told you that you are a tall as holy fuck faceless white man with tentacles that walks around in the woods during the night and steals people's souls?

Slendy: gurl, I would put you in a mental hospital.

Mikki: I tried that, it didn't work.

Me: shit.

Hoodie: rainbows.

Masky: nigga.

Slendy: -snaps out of it- TIMOTHY, NOT YOU TOO.

Masky: Jesus Christ! Don't fucking call me that!

Slendy: is this Walmart? Why am I in a little girls' princess costume? And why do I have a wig on? WHY AM I FRYING CHICKEN?! Could somebody explain?

Dee-Dee and Jeff: -run away-

Slendy: -facetentacle- why do I have the feeling that those two hoodlums are involved?

Me: beats me.

Mikki: you might want to wash the face off, Slendy. -hands Slendy a hand mirror-

Slendy: Derpina and Jeffry are in the deepest of troubles at the time, if I do say so myself.

Me: screw that, let's go home.

Mikki: can I come with?

Me: sure. Jack still needs to be deswagified. We need all the help we can get.

Mikki: huh?

Me: I'll explain on the way home. Slendy?

Slendy: fine, she shall tag along if the wishes to do so. Let us go to the parking lot to get the car.

Me: awesome!

Jeff: no...... Another girl...............

Mikki: -death glare- you got a problem with me, smiley face?

Jeff: -sweatdrop- eh heh heh, no, not at all.

Me and the gang drove back home in Slendy's red SUV. When we got there, there was a big surprise awaiting us.

BEN was standing at the entrance, along with a dark pink pony with straight hair.

You guys might know her as Pinkamena Diane Pie.

Just Another Creepypasta FanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora