a change in plans (Katniss has a mansion?)

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After a few minutes of walking, we made it to the large condo that was Ari's house.

Just in time to see our Hispanic-American friend walk out the front door, carrying bags of her own, cursing in Spanish.

Ari: -muttering- vieja tarada del carajo, pero si esa pinche barrera de una madre no conocería "malo" si de viniera y le pateara en el-

Me: uh..... Ari?

Ari: oh! Hey......

Jane: bad news?

Ari: my Mom was watching the 700 club and heard some Rob Patterson Guy say that sleepovers were "evil". She didn't want to "open any doors", so now you folks can't sleep over at my place. By the way..... Who's the Asian? -points at Mikki-

Mikki: *Japanese

Ari: you look Korean. I didn't want to take any chances.

Mikki: but..... -muttering- Koreans are paler....... Damn....... I need to get out more.........

Ari: sí. Fantástico. Could you please answer my question?

Mikki: Mikki Hiromata: anime otaku, Walmart employee, and Pringle-can-stacking extraordinaire.

Ari: ok. Cool.

Dee-Dee: so what's the plan?

Ari: dunno.

Pinkamena: I-

Just then, a limousine pulled over close to where we were standing.

Pinkamena:-looks up at the sky- SURE! OK! CUT ME OFF! WE ALL KNOW YOU'RE JUST A BI- -gets struck my lightning- -starts to stager, her speech slurred- I meant to say the best author-sama in the whole wide world......... -collapses-

Dee-Dee: -points at limo- STRANGER DANGER!

One of the windows rolled down, revealing a certain hunger games fan.

Everyone except for Mikki and Mikayla: Katniss?!

Katniss: -in a Brooklyn accent- yeah, don't wear it out.

Mikki and Mikayla: who are you.

Katniss: -in a southern drawl- why, I'm Canada!

Me and Mikki: -grumpy cat face- no.

Katniss: -in a Jersey accent- what? Just cuz I'm a directioner doesn't mean I can't make anime references.

Sally: you're a directioner?

Jane: who knew......

Mikayla: Mikayla does not see the stereotypical qualities seen in a regular directioner.

Katniss: meaning: I'm not a carrot.

Mikayla: carrot?

Katniss: you know, a one direction know-it-all that can and will kill anyone who doesn't know about or like the band?

Mikayla: oh.

Katniss: by the way, weren't you a chaperone for the pageant field trip?

Mikayla: indeed.

Katniss: -Obama approves face- cool.


Armini: lol wut?

Dee-Dee: just go with it.

Me: you'll get used to it.

Armini: ok.

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