Interview: Jack

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Dee-Dee, Masky, and Hoodie were stuck with Jack, after losing a game of Miss Mary Mack.

Yeah, I feel bad for them, too.

Dee-Dee: here, we have the six hour loop video of Nyan Cat.

Masky: don't

Hoodie: try

Masky and Hoodie: anything.

Jack: aw hell to the no! Why you have to remind me of them PopTart cat niggas?!

Dee-Dee: -hovers her finger over the play button, mildly pissed off-

Jack: no, boo. Don do dat. -trembling-

Masky and Hoodie: will you answer the questions?

Jack: yea niggas. Yolo.

Hoodie: is it true that you entered the kitchen before we left to go to Walmart?

Jack: -tilts head-

Masky: -facepalm- you entered the kitchen, that true?

Jack: -tilts head once more-

Dee-Dee: .... Did you go to the kitchen? At all?

Jack: -headtilt-

Masky, Hoodie, and Dee-Dee: did yo nigga swag self go chill in the food room while us niggas went to the mart?

Jack: ya. I got me some swag food.

Dee-Dee: ok, uh..... -thinking- did you go to the fridge...... swag........

Jack: aw hell no. Got me some Takis from Merlyn's cupboard.

Masky and Hoodie: oh god. Dude, do you have a death wish?!

Jack: naw, the bae won't notice.

Dee-Dee: how many bags did you take?

Jack: the whole thing.......

Dee-Dee: that's like telling Jane that you ship her with Jeff.

Hoodie: you're gonna die anyway, so.... did you see anything weird?

Jack: nah bro, I be chillin there like Snoop Dawg.

Masky: who "chills" in the kitchen?

Dee-Dee: the fridge! -slaps knee-

Jack: I also stole yo cheesecake. It was on da couch.

Masky and Hoodie: leave. Now.

Dee-Dee: -jotting down notes on a nyan cat notebook with her hammer- I think that's a no.......

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