First day (4)

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BEN, Pinkamena, and I lounged by the water fountain for the remaining 5 minutes of gym, pretending to get drinks so Coach Masterson wouldn't take our absence on the track into account. (though BEN stayed a fair distance from the fountain. when the coach asked why, he just answered with "I have hydrophobia")

Before long, it was time to go back to the locker room. I put my hair back into their usual pigtails (I style my hair into a side ponytail for gym) as I talked to Pinkamena. The bell then rang for one of my favorite periods of the day.



I met up with Masky, Hoodie, Ari, Katniss, and Jack in the lab. Hoodie claimed that he wanted to sit with Jack for a change, and Katniss had already paired up with Ari, leaving me to sit with Masky, so he could be by someone he actually knew.

Then came Daniel.

He looked at me like I was dead to him.

Daniel: I thought we were gonna sit together.

Me: sorry, I just don't want Tim to be alone, being new and all.

Daniel: and why can't he sit with Brian again?

Me: Jack took his seat.

Daniel: what about Kathy?

Katniss: it's Katniss, you douche!

Daniel: or Ariana?

Ari: ay santa madre de dios, you did NOT just call me my full name.

Me: because you pissed them off and now they wouldn't do you a favor to save their lives?

Sicily: hey, boo! Over here! -waves at Daniel-

Daniel: fine then, I'll just sit with Sicily.

Me: kay, that's what you did at lunch, so......

Daniel: whatever. -sits next to Sicily-

Masky: crybaby.

Me: why do I feel like I won't hear the end of this?

Ok, now that the only interesting part of chem is over with...

Ms.Reno taught us about the periodic table until the bell. We didn't do anything "sciencey" to everyone's disappointment. Mikki had told me that Ms.Reno was a super fun teacher when it came to that stuff, since she had her about four years ago.

Next up was art. Masky, Hoodie, Jack and I walked to the art room. The teacher was a middle-aged man by the name of Mr. Pellechia, a down-to-earth kinda guy who let us listen to music on our phones during class. I used to have him for 6th grade, before he got fired.

Yeah, when I said chem was my FAVORITE period, I lied.

Me: Ommigod! Mr.P!

Mr.Pellechia: oh, hi Merlyn. How's your art going?

Me: I've improved.

Mr.Pellechia: Mark Crilley videos?

Me: he is GOD.

BEN: -tapping the seat next to him rapidly- hey look listen! Gaming buddy, over HERE!

Me: gotta go! -runs over to BEN, sitting down in between him and Jane- dude, you sound like Navi.

BEN: the bitch is contagious. Now, what do we do?

Random Jock: your mom!

Me and BEN:.......

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