the car ride home (stray chapter, read after Jeff's appointment)

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Jeff wore an extremely pained expression as we drove back home. At one point,  Dee-Dee offered him some icecream.

He responded with: "this isn't time for fucking icecream. Get away."

This made Dee-Dee cry, which caused Sally to scold him not only for saying "the f-word", but for making one of her "bestestest" friends cry.

Mikayla, who decided to live in the cabin for a while, and I were jamming to the carmeldansen.

Mikayla: this is a very catchy song.

Me: yeah. It's Swedish. I have the original version on another playlist.

Mikayla: original?

Me: Yup. This was edited to a higher pitch. A few animation frames later, a PV, introducing the famous dance that goes along with it, was uploaded on..... I think it was YouTube, but it could be Nico Nico Douga, a Japanese  video sharing site. The two who were  dancing in the video were characters from a manga, but I don't remember the name of it.

BEN: -puts a hand on my shoulder- you are learning well, young grasshopper.

Me: wut.

BEN: I dunno. I just felt like saying that.

Mikayla: Mikayla does not get BENJAMIN's references.

BEN: Meh.

Masky and Hoodie: why do we feel like we should say something?

Dee-Dee: beats me, maybe Joe knows! -points at Jeff-

Mikayla: but that is Jeffrey.

Dee-Dee: but he looks like a Joe, doesn't he.

Mikayla: -looks at Jeff- ah yes! Jeffrey DOES look like a Joe!

Dee-Dee: right!?

Jeff: kill me........

Jane: -grabs Jeff's knife from out of nowhere- -walks up to Jeff- WITH PLEASURE, JEFFIE....

Jeff: oh God NO....... -panicking- getawaygetawaygetawaygetaway from me Jane! IT WAS A FIGURE OF SPEECH!


Pinkamena: -stuffs hard candy into Jane's mouth- nope! -steps back as Jane faints-

Mikayla: score: Joe:0 Jane:1/2

Jeff: WHAT?!

Pinkamena: I saved yo ass. Penalty.

Me: -points dramatically at Jeff- -in Haruhi Suzumiya's voice- PENALTY!

Masky and Hoodie: -in Phoenix Wright's voice- OBJECTION!

Pinkamena: I don't see how.

Masky: oh wait.

Hoodie: wrong thing.

Masky and Hoodie: nevermind!

Me: good.

Dee-Dee: nyah! Pasta! -picks up a can of ravioli- chef don't judge!

Me: lemme see that.

Dee-Dee: okie. -hands me the can-

Me: it's past expiration day, and I bet it smells like the cafeteria food, too.

Dee-Dee: oh....... -dissapointed-

Me: don't worry, I'm sure I can make pizza or something.

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