that one incident with the locker

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It was 2:55. Seventh period had ended about five minutes ago.

The gang and I were getting our bags, text books, and other school-related crap out of our lockers. Dee-Dee was taking out her Nyan Cat back pack, when, without warning, she screamed bloody murderbutts.


Jeff and I rushed over to her.

Jeff: dude! What's wrong?!

Dee-Dee: -crying- th-they're gooooooooone!

Me: what's gone?

Dee-Dee: m-my....... -bursts out crying again- MAH WALLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET!

Me: huh? But you had it just a second ago. Lemme check my locker to see if- HEY! Mine's gone, too!

BEN: -walks over to us- Ms.Miller told me to tell you guys to shut the hell up. What's going on, anyways?

Me: wallets, BEN.  Just..... Wallets.

Jeff: her wallet went missing because she's an uncoordinated dumbass.

Me: -grabs Jeff by his hoodie- listen here, ya little shit! I was putting my wallet into my flying mint bunny backpack JUST a second ago!

Jeff: not my fault! Now, put me down! You're tainting my hoodie with your cooties!

Me: with pleasure, Jeffie. -singlehandedly throws Jeff at Jane- HEADS UP, TURTLENECK!

Jeff landed on top of Jane with a very loud thud. I tried not to laugh as I though about what would happen next.

Jane: ehehehehe....... Jeffie....? Why are you on top of me? -looking as if she were going to devour his soul-

Jeff: ahahaha....... When you say it like that........

Me: -runs over to Masky's locker, opening the door and snatching his camcorder before his eyes-

Masky: how......

Me: I know all. Anyways... -runs over to where Jeff and Jane are- this gon be good...... -trying to turn camera on- how does this thing work again?

Masky: -sighs, rolling eyes- lemme show you. -approaches me, gesturing for me to give him the camcorder-

Me: NO-fine........ -hands him the camcorder- it's not like I needed help in the first place. I mean, I'm just too damn lazy.

Masky: do you want to make this piece of shit work, or not?

Me: ok, gimme it.

Masky: fine, then. Let's see you turn it on. -hands me the camcorder-

Me: ok then. -fumbles with the camcorder- AH- -batteries pop out, hitting Hoodie on the side of his head- ha.......

Hoodie: HEY.

Masky: twas her, bro. Twas her.

Me: don't listen to him! I'm innocent!

Masky: lol nope!

Me: -sticks tounge out-

Masky: -imitates me-

Hoodie: aw.... Tsundere ship moment.......


Pinkamena: -pops up randomly- hey! What's that supposed to mean?!

Hoodie: radda radda radda radda radda......

Jane: haht haht haht haht haht... -evily grin-

Me: what happened to Jeff......?

Jane: oh, nothing, my dear Merlyn, nothing at all~

Me: ok then!

Jack: bullshit at it's finest.

Jane: shut up.

BEN: hey, guys.

Masky and Hoodie: huh?

Me: what?

Pinkamena: uh.... It's 3:00. The bus is leaving in, like, three minutes.

Everyone except for Jeff: CRAP!

We ran to the bus loop, hoping that the bus wouldn't leave us. I mean, who could blame us? It was a forty-minute walk from the school to the cabin. Ain't nobody got time for that!

Meanwhile, Jeff was trapped in his locker. Jane had shoved him in there while everyone else was distracted.

Jeff had fallen asleep in his locker. He woke up at about midnight.

Jeff: ow...... -cracks neck- ugh. I hate sleeping in a bad position.

Bored, he leaned towards the door to his locker, falling over once it opened.

Jeff: WHAT? Jane didn't lock my locker! Oh God..... -sighs- oh well, I guess I'll have to roam this totally abandoned high school with no one to help me if I got into trouble. Oh God, what if there was a ghost lying around? -chuckles- how cliche would that be!? Ha!

He walked up and down the school, eventually ending up at his locker. But....

He felt something different.

His locker was closed, as opposed to being wide opened, which was how he had left it. A stale, copperey stench was drifting from the cracks of the storage unit, much like that of dried blood.

Jeff cocked his head to the side like a confused puppy.

Jeff: huh? I don't remember killing anyone.....

???: I do......

Our fellow killer felt a chill go down his spine as he heard those words. He felt heavy breathing down the back of his neck. It gave him goosebumps.

The unknown voice sounded like a boy's; about 17.

But.... When Jeff turned around, he saw nothing. Not a single human being was on campus. Other than him, of course.

He turned around.

Jeff: oh well, must be hearing thi-

He stopped in mid turn.

A lonely figure was standing about five feet away from him. After recovering, he noticed that the figure was a teenage boy.

The guy had black hair, highlighted with a royal blue. His eyes were a soul-piercing crimson. Most of what he was wearing was torn; especially his baggy, black jeans. Most of which were exposing skin tied in bloodstained medical tape. Where his lungs should've been, were two large stab marks. His face was dirty, also stained with dry blood, not to mention dirt and grime.

Jeff looked at the figure, now wearing a bored expression

The boy took a step towards him, making the black angel wings necklace he sported jingle.

???: hey there, buddy; nowhere to go?

Jeff: er...... Yo......... -trembling- sup...... Uh...... Ghost dude?

???: the named Morty, dumbass.

Jeff: well...... I'm Jeff...... Jeff the killer......... Hi.

Morty: wait..... JEFF?!

Without warning, Morty pinned Jeff against the lockers.

Jeff: wtf bro?! Let go!

Morty: that's why you weren't afraid of me after I revealed myself, isn't it?!

Jeff: hu-

Morty:-demonic voice, eyes glowing- WHY DID YOU KILL ME?!

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