Im not even gonna bother giving this chapter a name

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The title basically explains how pissed off I am right now.

So, as you read before in the previous chapter, we have to keep Jane detained in our room until further notice. Sally has to spend the night with Slendy, who seems to be the father-like figure of the gang, and I have been assigned to stay at Masky and Hoodie's room.



Before Jane was thrown in there, sally and I got the chance to grab two pairs of pyjamas, and our basic needs. Sally grabbed two white night gowns, her copy of the full version of Dr.Seuss's The Butter Battle, and Charlie.

Meanwhile, my reflexes were inhuman, as I grabbed every cosplay, plushie, manga, book, electronic, charger, and DVD I owned like a crazed shopaholic during a Black Friday sale. As for pyjamas, I only had time to grab an oversized T-shirt, a white one I obtained when I went to Nana Mizuki's Union concert a year ago.

It went up to my knees, JEEZ.

The rest of the day flew by as we (by that, I mean Sally and I) watched a couple of episodes of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. We (now meaning everyone except for Jack) also tried to deswagify Jack. And failed. In every way.

An example could be:

Me: Jack, wanna watch My Little Pony with Sally and me?

Jack: hell no, bae. Dat be fo fags.

Sally: -starts crying- you're so mean!

Me: -flips table- -in Germany's voice- VERDAMMIT.


BEN: dude, wanna play Mario Party 9 with Merlyn, Masky, Hoodie and me?

Jack: -listening to Nikki Manaj- you a stupid hoe, you a stupid hoe, you a stupid hoe, you a stupid hoe....

BEN: I think I'm going to drown myself now.... -walks away-

And finally.....

Dee-Dee: hai Jack! -reading dialogue I wrote on her hand in purple Sharpie- I mean, whaddup nigger..... Yolo swag aye.

Jack: aye, boo. -slaps the back of her tutu- nice a-

Dee-Dee: -sends him flying with her hammer, making a hole in the ceiling- BAD JACK. BAD.

Jeff: you think your family of Nyan Cats will see him?

Dee-Dee: they'll completely obliterate him.

Jeff: good.

In conclusion. Uh..... Yeah.

Anywho, before we knew it, it was time to go to sleep (kesesesese, see what I did there?). I immediately went off to Masky and Hoodie's room without saying a word to anyone. Well, except for our dynamic duo.

Me: -enters room- let's get this over with.

Masky: are you kidding?

Me: huh?

Hoodie: it's.......


Me: awesome! Lemme change. -goes into their bathroom and changes into the white Union concert tee- -exits- LET'S GET DIS PARTY STARTED! Wait- -goes back and ties hair into a messy bun with a blue scrunchie- NOW LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED! WOOT!

Masky: m'kay, Hoodie, the sleepover hat of awesomeness, please?

Hoodie: with pleasure. -hands Masky a top hat with several pieces of paper inside-

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