Always trust the man in the icecream truck

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I looked back at Sicily, she had a cocky smirk plastered onto her Barbie-like face.

The kind of smirk that makes me want to slap it's wearer silly.

Me: Unhand my hoodie, bitch.

Sicily: not until you break down.

Yeah, something tells me that shit is gonna go down in 3..... 2.....

I jerked forward, making Sicily, let go at the sudden movement. I then spun around, kicking the side of her left leg and making her fall in an instant.

Sicily: hey! That was rude!

Me: I told you to let go of my hoodie. You didn't listen.

Jane: atta girl! Kick her pill-shaped ass up and down the bus loop! -jumping-

Masky: this is sooooo going on YouTube!

Hoodie: not before I Photoshop, edit, and make it cryptic it won't.

Jack: I'm surprised a crowd isn't gathering.

Dee-Dee: Yayz! Sicily got hurt!

BEN: why does this remind me of Blazblue?

Pinkamena: I dunno.

Sicily glared at me, slowly getting up and dusting her One Direction belly button tank top. I awaited her next move. A cat fight is a cat fight is a cat fight.

Sicily: that's it! You gon be begging for mercy once I'm done beating your Chinese ass up!

Me: whatever.

Let's just say that I never knew someone as tan as Sicily could turn THAT red.

She swung at me, stumbling forward and hitting air. Let me tell you, that girl was HORRIBLE at fighting. I dodged, doing a backflip (I used to take gymnastics in the fifth grade. Yeah, as girly as it sounds, that crap is VERY useful at times), then headbutted her, sending her skinny body flying.

Pinkamena: hey, I used that move on Gilda when she broke free from the surgical table and called me a psychotic bitch! That really got her good!

BEN: .......

Pinkamena: hey, griffin cupcakes taste yummeh, kay?

Sicily was about to get up, when the unexpected happened.

An icecream truck fell on her.

Now I'm REALLY freaked out, something like that woulda caused a bunch of commotion. But, sadly, Sicily moved an unharmed arm from the bottom of the truck, signaling that she was ok. She rolled out from underneath and got onto her bus, having a complete mindfuck, and silently questioning how she was still alive.

But hey, so was I.

Oh, those logic-defying Pinkie Pie moments.....

Anyway, one of the doors to the truck swung open, revealing what seemed to be a gothic monochrome clown with a swirly cone nose and a pair of extremely long arms, eating a box of Dunkin's Doughnuts chocolate doughnuts. The man choked down the piece he had been eating, forcing it down with a few sips of diet Pepsi from a mug that was shaped like the awesome face. after coughing a bit, he waved at the group.


???: HEY! Slendy told me to pick you guys up. Get in the back!

Me: -backs away to where everyone is standing- hey Jane, is he a pedo?

Jane: nah, he's Laughing Jack.

BEN: I could see why Merlyn would think that, pedophiles dress up as clowns nowadays to earn kids' trust. Studies say that 40% of children trust clowns more than they trust strangers.

Pinkamena: wow.

Masky and Hoodie: we should get in the truck. He has icecream and candy back there.

Jack: -runs to the back of the truck, opening the doors and jumping in-

Me: whaddever..... -gets into the truck, followed by Masky, Hoodie, Pinkamena, BEN, and Jane-

Dee-Dee: WAIT FUR MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEH! -gets into the truck like Jack did.-

The back of the truck was what astounded me the most, it was A LOT roomier than it looked on the outside, completely defying the laws of physics. And at the center of it all, was Sally, who was scooping rocky road icecream from a large tub and stuffing her extremely dirty face.

Sally: -swallows icecream- hai guize! Jeff is gonna go see Dr.Smiley!

Jane: -fistpump- Yush!

Pinkamena: oh! That means I'll actually see him in action! Awesome!

Me: so.... We get to go there?

Laughing Jack: -yelling from the front of the truck-  Slendy said that you guys are gonna console him in the waiting room.

Jane: -evil smile- yesh....... "console".........

Me: oh my, so do I turn everyone back?

Pinkamena: not me! I like this form! It's comfy.

Me: -rolls eyes- fine.

Yeah, bippity boppity boo, I turned everyone back.

Masky: so..... Jeff is gonna die?

Laughing Jack: no, not exactly.

Jane: WHAT?!

Pinkamena: aw........

BEN: damn, I thought I was gonna get my own room.

Sally: you guys are so dark, -gets out a tub of s'mores flavored icecream and a packet of gummy worms- have some sweets!

Masky, Hoodie, and me: Yayz! -the three of us starts eating with Sally-

Dee-Dee: is there PopTart flavored icecream?

Sally: -stops eating- sure! -gives Dee-Dee a tub of strawberry PopTart flavored icecream-

Dee-Dee: TO NYAN CAT! -gets a spoon from her hammer and digs in-

BEN: that awkward moment when that stuff is drugged.

Jane: -eating blackberry flavored icecream like a fancy person- I don't see why you're complaining.

Pinkamena: -gets out a tub of cupcake flavored icecream- yeah, this stuff is boss!

Jack: -eating hard candy- yeah!

Laughing Jack: -driving- uh...... Don't eat the hard candy, that's drugged.

Jack: hu- -faints-

BEN: Aaaaaand that's why I don't eat.

Sally: did he die?

Laughing Jack: let's hope not.


Laughing Jack: what? Do you want Slendy to sue my overalls off?

Masky: eh, he'll live.

Hoodie: I mean, he survived the Nyan Cats, right?

Pinkamena: Nyan Cats?

Everyone: long story, Pinkamena.

Laughing Jack stopped at a seemingly abandoned building, parking the truck in an overgrown dirt road.

Laughing Jack: we're here, folks.

Pinkamena: -runs into the building like a crazed fangirl- AWESOME!

Jane: only Pinkamena can be exited about this bullshit.

Pinkamena: -runs back out, slaps Jane across the face- NO. -runs back inside-

This is going to be a very interesting afternoon.

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