" I missed you"

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Percy's Pov
My dream is amazing I thought. Annabeth was leaning into kiss me, then she opened her mouth and said "BEEP BEEP BEEP!". Huh? I opened my eyes to see the red numbers on my alarm clock glowing back at me. " Ugh" I hate mornings, but I got up and showered I picked out my clothes for the day. Which were jeans, a rain drop shirt my dad had sent me, a golden watch( also from my dad) and black converses. "Good Morning Percy!" My mom chirped. " Morning Mom" I said while kissing her in the check. She handed me a bowl of blue oatmeal and handed Paul an apple and his school bag. " Alrightly Percy let's go"said Paul. I responded with " Alright".
When I go to school my friend Liam was on the steps taking to Emily,Kelvin and Grover. Yes, Grover did go to Goode. Only because he was still trying to find demigods. " Hey Percy did you here about that group of kids that are transferring here?" Asked Liam 

Annabeth's Pov
I woke up in my new room which was beautiful. It even had a secret study in it, which was awesome. My room was gray and a little of blue around it. I went to shower in my bathroom which was blue and had little splashes of gray around it. After I took my shower I went to go pick out an outfit from my closet, which was full of clothes from Aphrodite. When I went in it though there was only one outfit. The outfit was a pair of jeans, a shirt with an owl on it, a sea blue jacket, gray flats and owl earnings. I got dressed and went to go get my backpack. My backpack was gray with a blue owl on it. I went downstairs to see everyone except Leo and Jason. However they came downstairs shortly after me. We had cereal for breakfast( Demeter) and headed down to our cars. My car was a tiny gray car. Hazel, Piper,and Thalia were going to ride with me to school. Hazel looked cute with jeans and a purple tank top on. Over the tank top was a black leather jacket, she was wearing golden flates with bows on them for her shoes. Piper looked amazing with jeans and a black tank top under a light pink, plaid shirt. The shirt really set off her hair. Her shoes were gray heels. Thalia was wearing jeans and a shirt that had the phases of the moon on them. She also had on a necklace that said" Shoot like a girl", black converse and jeans finished the look for her. With in a few minutes we were at Goode. Everybody stared at the big group of kids/demigods as we made the way down to the office. I was the last one to get my schedule and locker number. A girl came in and said" Hi I'm Emily and I will be showing y'all around the school." Them she came up to me and said" Can I see your schedule?". I handed it to her, to her and then her eyes got big and she said"you almost have the exact schedule  as the most popular and cutest boy in school!" " Really, who is he?" I asked " Percy Jackson"she responded. In the background I heard a student making an announcement on
the intercom.
                 Percy's Pov
Emily rushed off as soon as we got inside" I volunteered to show the group of new kids around" she said. As we made your way to the lockers Kelvin said" I bet some of the new kids are girls and I bet they are hot. Are you gonna go after them Percy?"" I sighed and said " No! I told both of you I already have a girlfriend. With blond hair that is curly, and eyes that are the most beautiful eyes that I have ever seen." Just then the announcements were on" That is all forGoode High. " then there was some mumbling and then a new voice came on " Would Seaweed Brain please come to the office immediately!" I froze while putting my books in my bag.I slammed my locker and ran to the office. Hoping, praying that it would be who I thought it would  be. I got to the office panting and saw her blond curls. The girl turned around and it was my Annabeth. " ANNABETH" I screamed she turned around with a smirk on my face. Out of the corner of  my eye I saw the rest of the gang. But I went toward Annabeth and kissed her while I spinned  her around.   " Oh I missed you Percy" she said after we finished kissing. "Annabeth, words can't explain how much I missed you. "
"Hey!" " what about us " I turned around and saw almost all of my demigod friends standing I front of me.

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