Jason and Piper

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Piper PoV
The rest of the day went pretty smoothly in terms of ignoring Jason. After school I had dance practice. We had to have a big group dance together. I met up with Emily in the dance room. " Hey Emily!"
"Hey Piper! What's up?"
"Not much, do you know what we are dancing to today?"
"Normally Miss Tessa picks something with no words and jazz-like. You know she is from New Orleans right?"
"Nope didn't know that"
"Ladies.. I don't have all day to teach a dance start stretching please". Miss Tessa butted in.
We nodded and after almost 2 hours we had the group dance down, with small errors to fix.
"Great job everyone! Tomorrow we shall practice group more and then the duet dances!"
I changed and walked out of the school and over to the bus stop. After catching the bus I walked to the house and then up to my room and I changed into black Nike shorts and then a red long sleeved coca-coca shirt. I walked over to Jason's room. I knocked. He wasn't in the room. I looked around the room and my eyes landed on the bulletin board. Their were pictures of the seven, Leo, Jason and I, and just me and Jason. And I noticed some of him and Reyana. Something about those pictures set me off. I started to tear up when "PIPER!" was heard from behind me. I turned around and saw Jason in the door way. He was shirtless and sweaty from working out in the training room. "Piper I don't know what I did wrong but please forgive me."
"Why do you a collection of pictures of you and her?" I asked looking back at the pictures on Jason's bulletin board. He looked where I was looking and said "because pipes I've lived almost half of my life with her"
"Well it seems like you love her more than me!" And I'm crying I can't hold the tears back anymore. This day has been too eventful. Jason pulled me into a tight hug and whispered "Sh I only love you Piper Cherokee McLean. Why would I need anyone else in this world except you?" He lifted me up and placed us unto his bed. "Whenever you are ready can you please tell me what I did wrong please?"
Ignore him. Yes I was being childish by doing this but whatever. I felt Jason's hands hold mine "Piper please".
"Today during gym class a storm venti Dylan more importantly came and attacked me. And I'm kinda under stress lately with the move and the dancing. And I kinda just fell apart yeah."
Jason soaked up all of this information and then responded" Piper I'm sorry I couldn't be there to save you from Dylan. I was talking to Will about something for you. And don't be stressed we always get through stuff together. I promise."
(Ten points to you if you get that reference)
I stayed in Jason's room after that only emerging to get pizza from downstairs.

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