The trip

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3rd person PoV
All of the demigods piled into the car. It was the great idea of Annabeth(naturally) that they would drive in shifts. First up was Jason with Annabeth navigating. The van was custom made for the trip it seemed like. In the back near the cargo hold was the kitchen with a dining room table that was super small. Then there was a small walkway that lead up to the seating of the van. Along the walk way in both sides there was a twin size bed for sleeping there was even black out curtains if anyone wanted to take a nap in the middle of the day. The small aisle was lead up to 3 rows of seating, the first row was the driver and passenger seat. The second row was, well a row, the third row was petty cool because in the back there were captain chairs. The demigod crew had traveled out of New York within 4 hours. And within the car there were many complaints of "I'm tried"
"I'm hungry"
"I need to pee"
"Leo stop kicking my seat"
"Shut up I'm trying to sleep"
So we the crew reached the state line they stopped to grab food, go to the bathroom, and change divers. Travis was sleeping on one of the twin beds, he was driving next. Hazel, Katie and Calypso were playing cards in the kitchen. Leo was also sleeping seeing as he had the next shift of the from row. Piper was driving while Frank was navigating. In the middle row there was Percy and Annabeth on the outside, while Jason was in the middle. All 3 were covered in a blanket. How Percy and Annabeth managed to fight over who had more blanket and flirt at the same time was almost unknown. Finally Jason was feed up with it "Alright that's it! I'm leaving Annabeth move to the middle please!" Jason climes over the middle row seat while Annabeth switched seats. Now the problem was that the two were agueing over who had more blanket. Most of the other demigods put in earphones or went to go sleep with their boyfriend, cough Calypso cough. After 45 more minutes, Katie noticed something" Guys look it's quiet!" Everyone went to go look at the row that held Annabeth and Percy. Annabeth was sleeping in Percy's lap while Percy played with Annabeth's blonde curls, with his earphones in. Percy pulled an earphone out"What happened?" No one answered for they all knew that Percy and Annabeth did fight but they loved each other so much that nothing could ever come between them.
//////////////////////////////////////////                           About half a day has passed
Still 3rd PoV
The Demigod crew was almost past through Tennessee when Annabeth decided that she would sleep, she was driving next. Katie was driving at the hour with Hazel navigating. Percy and a few of the guys sag in the back, talking about football and basketball and well, just overall boy things. Suddenly a loud, terrifying scream arm from the only twin bed that was occupied. The van jerked to the shoulder of the road, waking the person that the scream came from. With in seconds after the scream left Annabeth's mouth Percy was by her side. As everyone looked at Annabeth when she woke up she was confused"What happened?" She asked, everyone looked around nervously, Percy ,being the good boyfriend that he was, was going to tell her about how she just let out the scream. But before he could tell her Travis said"You just screamed bloody murder! What happened Beth?" Annabeth looked at Percy to see if that was the truth, when he gave a small timid nod, all Annabeth did was reach out her arms like she wanted a hug. What she got was much better though. Percy laid down on the small bed taking up almost 75% of it and forced Annabeth to lay on his chest. The rest of the demigods couldn't see what happened then because Percy pulled the black out curtains shut, just as the van pulled back onto the lonely highway. While Percy and Annabeth slept, a small car pulled up alongside the vintage van. Then out of the car climbed a amtron, it looked very much like a human except it would only be copper bones. Attached to the antron was a note  in messy scribbled handwriting.
I will hope all of you didn't want to drive the whole 2 days to Nevada, but him in the driver seat and it will all be taken care of. Hephaestus
Travis gladly put the amtron into the driver's seat, and came to the back of van. Everyone was in the back of the van the two captain chairs swiveled around the face the table and the black out curtains were pulled away from the bed. The demigod crew spread themselves out among the 3 spaces the had with in the van. The crew stared to talk about everything and anything. Then Leo shouted above the noise level of the demigods "Guys we should all go play truth of dare!" The were sounds of agreement and disagreement all through out the van. Eventually the people who agreed out weighed the people who disagreed. "Okay I'm first" announced Leo"Travis, truth or dare?"
"Dare son!"
"I dare you to grab the long board and race down the next hill that comes up." The group edged him on while Katie tried to stop her boyfriend from a very terrible idea.
"Watch me!" Travis grabbed the long board that was in the van, jumped out of the window and started to go down the same hill that the van was going down. Everyone(mostly the boys) were cheering Travis in, while the girls watched in shame of the 'great' ideas of their boyfriends. When Travis got back into the van, he smirked, kissed Katie to show that he was okay and continued on with the game. Travis looked around and asked "Annie, truth or dare?" After a glare Annabeth responded "Truth because I don't trust your dares."
"Out of all the books you have read, which couple is the most like you and Percy?"
"Ugh that's hard, probably Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger because Hermione loves to to learn, and Ron like to be funny and is very care-free."
Percy joined into the conversation at this point. "I don't know if that's a compliment or not?"
Annabeth turned around in Percy's lap to smile at him. "It is!" Annabeth said. And the demigod crew continued on with the trip.

Hi!!!! Thank you for being so supportive! Do y'all like 3rd person point of view cause I kinda do???!!!!! Tell me what y'all think and any ideas please first 2 to comment an idea, will have the idea out in the story. And I might shoutout the ideas that I like😁😊

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