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Last chapter was really long so this one is shorter. Also Jana2004Lebanon you are amazing for commenting first on the last chapter. Also HUGE shoutout goes to AstroMalfoy for being herself!

                                 Percy's PoV
I never thought the saying of 'lost in the middle of nowhere' really meant anything, but now I know what it means. The only building we cane see for miles is the juvenile detention center, we were hiding by using the mist, all of the demigods sat at the table as Annabeth went over the plan again, "Okay, do here is the plan! Calypso you and Hazel will go in and use the mist to enter Percy, Jason, Leo and Travis into the system, you too will also grab uniforms for them and find a home base area for Calypso, in the center." Annabeth directed expertly, Hazel and Calypso went out of the van and went over to the juvenile detention center. "Now boys listen up this is very important, the point of the mission is to get an old chest, I'm thinking that it's going to be in some place that's important maybe an office or somewhere. All of these work has to be during meal breaks, or the cover of night. Now Calypso will be providing cover with the mist, however when you are not looking for the chest you have to play the part as the 'bad kids' alright?" Everyone nodded when Hazel and Calypso came back, there had 4 orange jumpers that we would've wearing. I changed into the jumper feeling comfortable in the bright orange. "Okay say your goodbyes boys and head out!" Announced Calypso. I sauntered up to Annabeth and looked down at her, she looked up at me and hugged me "please be careful Percy, I don't know what I would do without you." I hugged her back and said "Annabeth, I'll be fine I have  Jason looking after me after all."
She backed away from the hug and we kissed, after the blissful moment was over. She leaned against me and we watched the other couples say goodbye. Jason and Piper were still hugging and when they backed away Piper said "Don't let yourself get hurt, and don't be too selfless, and plea-"
"Piper I know how to take of myself, and I don't think I could ever forget you." Piper smiled and they kissed. I focused my gaze on Calypso and Leo they were wrapped in a lazy hug, talking quietly. I think the hardest goodbyes were said by Katie and Travis. Both were hugging and Travis seemed to be whispering something to Katie, as Katie teared up. "Let's Gooooooo the faster we go the faster we can find the chest!!" Yelled Leo I think it wasn't hard to say goodbye because Calypso was coming with us. We all went out of the back door and we went to go fulfill this mission to Hephaestus.

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