A sign would be bery helpful Part 1

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                                       3rd POV
As the demigods use the mist, that was provided by Hazel, to escape from the  juvenile detention center. The crew settled into the routine they had, on the way to the West Coast. "So Percy please tell me where you got that shiner from?!" Annabeth piped up. Percy looked as if he was asked to repeat the Declaration of Independence. "Uh, I️ don't know?" "Oh come on dude everyone knows that you and Travis got into a fight with some of the other guys at the detention center" Leo answered for Percy. Glares were thrown at Travis and Percy. Percy whined,"Leo! Oh but what did you girls do while we were at the detention center? Huh? That question was never answered!" "That's because the question was never asked,Percy" Katie said smoothly. "Besides it the small quest we had wasn't much, all we did was go into a club, and grab a key from the sound area. See nothing much!" Piper said. "YOU WENT WHERE??" Travis exclaimed, not sounding too happy about where the girls went. "Yes Trav we went to a club, no one got hurt and that is the important thing to remember here alright?" Katie said calming her raging boyfriend. "As long as long one got hurt, I️'m fine with it" Jason said like a true leader. "Whatever, Wise Girl could of took care of any creeps that came there way." Percy said sounding like a perfect boyfriend, and coming drape a arm over Annabeth's shoulders. "Thank you Percy" Annabeth said, "Now is there anything else, we need to take care of?".
"Um, yeah. I️ have a swim meet in 3 days and I️ would like to practice. So if we could get home that would be great." Percy said reminding the group.
"Oh yeah, would you like you to make a sign for you?" Annabeth asked sarcastically.
"Oh yes a sign would be very helpful, me not being able to see it during the race, and only seeing it during breaks, when y'all would most likely have it down!" Percy said doubling the amount of sarcasm, and sass that Annabeth had.
"Would y'all two stop? I'm trying to sleep! Some of us actually did work at the detention center!" Leo said. "Yeah me!" Calypso responded to Leo. The group rolled their eyes at both of the couples, and went about themselves for the car trip back to NewYork.
The day of Percy's swim meet came, it was in an inside pool facility with bleachers on both of the long sides of the pool. Percy had to ride with the swim team to the meet, so he had left the demigod house at around 5. The meet started at 7, thankfully Percy didn't actually swim until 9. So when a group of 15 people walked through the doors to come and support Percy. The group was always (😏)  happy when the meet was after 8 A.M. Of course, Annabeth came, she tries to make as many meets as she can. But seeing as Piper, Jason, Hazel, Frank, Leo, and Calypso haven't seen him swim at all they wanted to tag along. Travis, Conner, Groves Juniper and Katie had come to a few of Percy's meets, just because they wanted to get out of school for a little bit. And Emily was there for a few of Percy's meet before she knew that she was a demigod. But Sally and Paul, like Annabeth, tried to make as many meets as possible. Naturally when the demigods walked in to see Sally, they all hugged her, seeing as she was kinda like a mother figure to all of the teenagers. When Sally saw Annabeth out with the book Gone with the wind and saw that she was wearing black Nike leggings, black tennis shoes, and Percy's 'way to big for her' Goode High School Swim Team sweatshirt, with the name Jackson on the back. Sally sat down to next her on the bleachers, and said "You know one day, that's actually going to be your last name?" Annabeth smile, closed her book and hugged Sally as tight as possible "Oh I️ missed you, mom. I️ really did!"
"Then come over more often, bring the crew with you too, Paul and I️ are tried of a quiet house!"
While Annabeth and Sally were talking, Piper sneaked a picture of the two women hugging. Both of the ladies releases from the hug and smiled at each other. Annabeth went to say hello to Paul, while Sally hugged the living daylights out of everyone else. Then Percy's race started, of course he won, but he didn't beat everyone else by a landslide. When the whole meet was over, Percy came and walked up to the demigod crew. Jason and Frank held a sign, that was made by Piper, Hazel and Calypso. The sign said in big blue bold letters "It isn't flying, its drowning in style!" "Go Seaweed Brain!" Percy laughed at the  sign, and went to hug his mom, Sally just laughed as her dripping wet son, hugged her. When Percy went to hug Annabeth, all she did was pull a towel out from bag and tells him "Dry yourself out please!" Percy smiles dries himself and then goes to hug Annabeth, the couple hugs and before any words are exchanged, a platinum blonde hairs girl came up and screeched "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, you did amazing today Percy , oh my god, oh my god!" The group turned around to see a group of 6 girls all wearing tube tops, with high waisted jeans, the girl leading the group was wearing a pink big fluffy, a black tube top, high waisted jeans, with black high heels. "Hi Queenie." Percy said monotone, trying to be nice. "Oh all of your friends are here? Oh Annabeth this is public, you are not supposed to wear workout clothes in public silly!" Queenie said acting very fake. Before anyone said anything Sally came to the recuse, "It was very nice to meet you, but I️ need to get my son home thank you!" Sally lead the group away and told Percy "Go get changed and get on the bus. Someone will be here to pick you, and bring you home alright?" Percy nodded and went into the locker room. "Everyone else, get in the cars. You'll follow Annabeth and I️ in her vechile, to Paul and I️'s home. Now Paul you will go get Percy from the High School? Everyone got that good!" As the group walked out to their cars, and Annabeth and Sally took Annabeth's gray Toyota Camry Solara SE Sport (idk what that actually means, my cousin is into cars and he said that it's a nice car, so anyways)
"You know Annabeth you really shouldn't compare yourself to that girl, her features and your features are completely different. And Percy loves your features move. Honestly, he talks about in his sleep when you two are separated from each other!" Sally said, attempting to lift Annabeth's sprits. "Yeah I️ guess, your right Sally, it's just she's so much pretty than me and"
"Stop right there missy, have you seen the way Percy looks as you, he literally looks at you like your a queen that he would do any task for you if you asked". Annabeth just laughed, "Oh drive won't you Sally?"

I️ know I️ haven't updated in ages, but I'm working on two new chapters after this one. Thank you so much for all the love and support y'all have given me I️ really appreciate, and that's why this chapter is sooo long. Also who do y'all ship Conner Stroll with?? Miranda?? Emily?? Or another character?? Please tell me!!

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