This is my fight song

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                                   Hazel's POV
I slowly wake up to see a black, nothingness and it scares me for a bit, before I realize where I am. I'm back in camp Jupiter with Annabeth , Pieper, Katie, and Frank. I look down at my pitiful appearance, my jean shorts are crumbled, my white shirt has a grease stain on it, and my jewelry is all tangled up. I look up at the red glowing digits that read 2:27, and go as quietly as I can to the showers. After I️ shower I️ head to Frank's room. When you are praetor, or when you are a guest you get your own room. As I️ head over to Frank's room and enter his hallway I️ pass by an open door. It's Reyna bedroom, in almost of the people who haves lived here very few say Reyna's room.

I️ carefully looked in, and when I was about to turn around I bump into someone

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I️ carefully looked in, and when I was about to turn around I bump into someone. "You know breaking and entering is a crime right Hazel?"
"Yes but I️ just looked. I️ didn't do anything else?"
Reyna laughed" I'm messing with you, I️ know you wouldn't do something like that." I️ just shyly smiles back. "I'm supposed to tell you go back to your room but I️ think Frank might need you a little more. Don't tell anyone about this Hazel, okay?"
" I️ won't tell a soul!"
Reyna smiled, softly called her dogs and the went into her room and closed the door. I️ turned around to face Frank's room and creep into the room.

Frank was laying on the bed with his stomach facing down

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Frank was laying on the bed with his stomach facing down. I️ took my shoes off, pulled my hair up and found one of Frank's smaller t-shirts on the ground. As I️ climbed into bed, I️ snuggled right up close to Frank. His arm found its way around my waist as he pulled me closer. Then he buried his head in my neck as a quick sign of affection. I️ smiled and fell asleep effortlessly.

I️ woke up as the sun peeked in through the windows, I️ attempted to get up from Frank's hold around my waist but was unsuccessful. Then I️ slipped out of it when I️ moved out of the way so that the sun was in his face. "Umm, I️ trying to sleep here please!"
"Don't worry I️ was too, but we have things to do today and you must clean your room today it's a mess!"
Frank sat up and surveyed his room, there were clothe and shoes on the ground with dust on his shelf and on his cabinets.
" Come on! Let's get this cleaned up real fast and then we can move on for the day! Okay?" I️ said
"Alright, I️ hope Reyna lets us take a nap before the war game tonight." I️ rolled my eyes at that because he could decide if we wanted to take a nap today. I️ got up off of Frank's bed as he lays a arm over his eyes. I️ grab a SPQR shirt that I️ had brought here last night and some blue jeans shorts.  I️ change into the outfit and didn't dare to attempt to fix my hair. After I️ had changed, I️ laid on Frank's bed while he changed. Then I️ stood on the bed and cleaned off the wood shelf, where Frank keeps the most random little things. I told him to 'sort these into what he must have and what he never uses'. Then I️ tackled the cabinets above his bed, there are normally toiletries in the first cabinet, and then paper for his job as praetor in the  second one. The third one is full of memories Frank  says. We picked clothes and decided that we would stop at the laundry place on the way to breakfast, then we made Frank's bed and went off to the laundry place.
Travis POV
The sirens sound as we run  away from the detention center. I'm beside Percy who is laughing from the week that we there.
Flash back
Calypso lead us through the underground tunnels of the detention center. Then we popped out in a cell that had a bunk bed and a toilet with bars. "Percy and Travis this room can belong to the two of you. Alright?" asked Calypso, then she said "Jason and Leo will be beside you, now remember all we have to do is find the chest and that will be during the night. I'm thinking that we take shifts so that we can all sleep and get the rest that we need. I️'ll be posing as Miss Wesley, so if you absolutely positively need me ask for her. Anything else?? Oh! Some of these kids are b-a-d, if any of you get hurt, I'll be killed by your girlfriend!" All of the boys nodded, Leo and Jason then followed Calypso down the pipe.  After we had all gotten settled into this humble home we would be staying at, all I thought about was Katie. I️ missed her a lot, and her cuddles in the middle of the night. "Hey Percy!" Percy head came out over the side of his bed.
"Yeah man?"
"This might be a weird question, but when did you know you loved Annabeth?"
"Uh I️ don't know dude I️ think, I️ knew when I️ spent that time on Calypso's island. Why man?"
"Well I️ think I️ love, no I️ know I love Katie but I️ just don't know how to tell her."
"Well, why don't you tell Katie that you love her when we meet up with then again?"
"Yeah, Yeah I️ think I'll do that. Thanks Percy"
Percy hummed a 'you're welcome' and went to sleep. Then a load alarm went off, I️ jumped off of my bunk and realized that it was just a bell. The bars to Percy and I's cell opened and we walked down the halls into the mess hall, we had a horrible meal that was mad up of slop and then was forced into class. After 2 hours we all went into the yard. Percy, Leo and I️ had gotten comfortable, our jumpers had been tied around our waist and our hair was ruffled. While Jason, poor Jason his jumper was zipped up to his neck, and his hair looked like he was coming out of the military.
This went on for about 3 days we played the 'bad boys' during the day, Percy, Leo and I️ had all gotten into fights that we won by a landslide if I️ say so myself. And during the night we searched for this cheat high and low. The night that Percy and Leo found it was awesome. I️ was laying on my bed AKA my rock when Percy popped up and said "Come on dude, we can get out of here!" I️ climbed down the hole and heard the tune of "this is my fight song" which Percy was singing horrible. "Dude shut up we are going to get caught!" Percy stopped. We had almost gotten out of the 15 mile radius that the center had trapped with stuff. When lights came and focused on us, alarms started wailing and a voice over a loud speaker came on. Calypso, Percy, Leo and I️ all shared a look. Then we ran, Jason was left with his hands up in the air. Percy turned around, rolled his eyes and grabbed Jason's wrist, "Come on  man we gotta go!" We all started to run as fast as we could. "Caly, babe do something!" Leo yelled. Calypso yelled back " I️ can't I'm not focused enough!"
"Everyone stop! Calypso we will cover you! Get ready boys!" Leo yelled before any people could get to us. We had disappeared, men were yelling "Where'd they go?" Leo whispered "Did you do that Caly?"
A new voice answered his question "No I️ did!" We all looked up to find the girls on Fetus(I️ think that's the right spelling) and a big eagle flying next to them. Piper looks over and says" My boys!! I️ thought you two would need a recuse!!" While Leo and Jason grin and say "Our girl!!" back to her. As the dragon lands Annabeth runs to Percy and says "If you are hurt, I️ swear to all gods!" Percy just laughed and hugged Annabeth. Then I️ felt a body hugging me tightly, I️ looked down and hugged Katie back I️ lifted her up off of her feet for a bit and spun her around. As I️ set her down, Percy made eye contact with me and nodded. As Katie is about to say something I️ spit out "I️ love you!" Katie looks shocked at first. Then she smiles and cocks her head a little "I️ love you too Travis Stroll." I️ feel so relieved, I️ hug Katie again and take her hand as we climb onto Fetus, that has now changed into a van.
As we all settle in Annabeth ask "Percy why do you have a shiner by your eye?" Percy freezes up. Katie tells me "Travis don't think I️ didn't notice the bruise on your jaw!"

Sorry for not updating schools an sports has got me busy. I'll try to give y'all 2 more updates this week but it's not certain that I'll be able to. Oh and Happy Thanksgiving if I️ don't update til then!

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