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*Thump-dump*, arrow out, load bow, pull the string tight, and release. *Thump-dump*. "AAAHHH!"  My anger was at the same level when I started shouting hours a go. I throw my bow down, okay not really I set it down, and walk to retrieve the arrows. I was shouting on Frank's range, I didn't care if  he would be mad at me. He could get over plus I didn't use any of his arrows so he couldn't get mad me. This outlet was working I need hand-to-hand combat. I'll  grab Jason and make him fight with me for a bit, and hopefully I'll beat him because of what he did to Piper. I'm about to kick Jason's when I hear yells from his room. "Why do you have a collection of pictures of you and her????"
"Because Pipes I lived almost half of my life with her"
" Well it seems like you love her more than me"and crying.
I don't think it's a good time to interfere. I slowly walk away from Jason's room and down to the training room.
I start to practice my dagger practice and I break down. Piper and Jason's fighting and all of the built up emotion that I've held back for the longest time. I drop the dagger and fall to my knees crying. I can tell how he felt, mad at the gods for just pushing us into a camp and trying to keep us 'safe'. Then throw us into the world making us fight  their battles. "You know it's not good to act on those emotions Thals." I look up and Luke is where the stairs end and the training floors begins. I got up and ran towards him and hugged him, he immediately responds by hugging me back. I pull away after a few moments "What? How? Why?"
"Aphrodite something about I should be there for you in one of your darkest times. I really don't know I'm just glad I'm here with you."
"Yeah I am too"
Eventually we went up to my room to talk, just talk. We talked about the underworld, the hunt, the 2nd faint war, and how everyone grew up. I told him how Percy and Annabeth got together, to which, he smiled and said" I always knew they would be together." I smiled and drifted off to sleep savoring the moment because I knew when I woke up. Luke wouldn't be there.

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