Love Me Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven:

McKenzie's Point Of View:

"Because I love you."

Oh my...

"I can't tell you because I love you. I care about you, and I don't want anything to happen to you. That's why I can't tell you." He said, looking away.

I smiled as tears, once again, found their way to my eyes. But they were happy tears. This time, I pushed them back. "Y-you love me?" I asked. He said he loves me.. Did he? What if I'm imagining this?

"Uh.. Y-yes. I.. I love you.." He said. My smile grew at his words. "Say something.." He mumbled, rubbing his hand on the back of his neck nervously.

"I love you.." I whispered. It felt good to say it. I liked it. I like it because I actually do love him. I love Austin. "I love you." I said louder, smiling up at him. He grinned as he walked up to me, closing the gap between us. His hand on my hip and the other on my cheek. I smiled against the kiss, and he did the same.

When we pulled away, he pulled me into a hug, kissing the top of my head. I hugged his torso, breathing in his scent of Axe and body wash.

Wait.. He said he didn't want to tell me what was wrong because he loves me and cares about me.. What the hell does that mean?

I decided not to keep the conversation about that going, since we were having a moment just now. "Everyone is still downstairs." He whispered.

I looked up at him. "Really?" I was shocked that they would still be here. Especially with our yelling..

He nodded, a smile on his face. He licked his lips as he grabbed my hand. "Come on." He said softly, leading me to the living room, where, surely enough, the whole crew was sitting, laughing and talking to each other. Austin took a seat, and pulled me down to sit on his lap.

Sarah smirked at me, and I mouthed, 'I'll tell you later'. She nodded and we continued to talk.

***Half an hour later***

"Tell me everything!" Sarah squealed as she, along with Anne and Ally, sat on the couch next to me. We sent the guys, including Jason, out to buy some snacks. Mason was on Ally's lap and Jazzy was on Anne's. I smiled.

"Okay, so for a couple of days now, Austin has been a bit secretive and distant. Its been annoying me because I really want him to talk to me about the things that bother him. So you see when that Jake guy was talking to us and I went upstairs when we got here because the guys wouldn't tell us about him?" I asked Sarah and she nodded.

"Well, when Austin went upstairs after me, we had an argument about how we don't know anything about each other and how he doesn't tell me anything about himself, so he got mad at one point, and said I was having a bitch fit for no reason. Then I called him an asshole and.. I told him I hate him. I was crying and he punched my wall. Then he just left." I told them.

"So I spent like an hour crying, until I got up and took a shower. When I got out, Austin was sitting on my bed. I just walked past him and changed. When I got back out, he was still there. Then he said 'Ask Me'. I asked him what he meant, and he told me to ask him anything and he would answer. So we spent a while asking each other about our selves. I asked his favorite color, food, and stuff like that. But then," I couldn't stop smiling at the memory.

"I asked him about the day that he got a text and he got all angry and stormed out. He told me that he couldn't tell me. And I asked him why.." I let out a squeal, and my friends were smiling wide. "And he said... Because he loves me!" We jumped up, all of us having some sort of squealing fest.

Love Me ~Austin Mahone Love Story~ {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now