Love Me Chapter Twenty Three

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Song Of The Chapter: All That Matters- Justin Bieber

On The Side>>>


Chapter Twenty Three:

McKenzie's Point Of View:

I woke up with my neck killing me. I noticed I fell asleep on my window seat. I looked out of my window, at where Austin was sitting last night.

But he was gone.

My cheeks were tear stained, and I had a killer headache. Wow, today is already a bust. I slowly stood up, groaning as I instantly felt pain on my thighs. "Oh, gosh.." I whispered. I slowly walked to my bathroom, my body aching even more with each step I took. I turned on the shower head, and slowly stripped out of my clothing. I stepped into the shower, and stood under the warm water.

My muscles relaxed only a little bit, but they were still tensed. I didn't bother to wash my hair, since I washed it yesterday. I took an hour in the shower, just standing there, but it felt like a year. I stood there, thinking.

When I stepped out, I put on a pair of grey sweatpants, and a tank top. I put my wet hair up in a ponytail, and grabbed my phone, sitting back down on my window seat. I laid my head back against the wall, as I looked down at where Austin was last night.

He stayed there, for about half an hour, until he stopped crying and finally left. Me, on the other hand, cried myself to sleep. I pressed my lips together, as the memory of Austin and Taylor last night played in my mind. His hands rested on her waist, as he gladly kissed her.

I shook my head, trying to push that to the back of my mind. As I did so, I got a text.

From: Beck

We should hang out? :)

From: Austin♥

What are we going to do about Paris..?

I sighed as I read both messages.

To: Beck

Maybe later?

To: Austin♥


I waited until my phone vibrated again.

From: Beck

Alright. Take your time, just don't spend it all feeling bad about him. Live life to the fullest ♥ Call me when you are up to going out.

I smiled.

From: Austin♥

Can I come over..? So we can talk about it?

I thought about it..

To: Austin♥


I smiled at my response, before going to text Beck.

To: Beck

Thanks :) I'll talk to you later.

And Austin texted me again.

From: Austin♥

I'm already here.

I looked up, and surely, Austin was outside of my window, sitting on a tree branch. I rolled my eyes.

To: Austin♥

Love Me ~Austin Mahone Love Story~ {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now