Love Me Chapter Twenty Nine

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♥Kenzie's Point Of View♥

"Happy Thanksgiving." I smiled at everyone as I entered the fancy restaurant that dad told me and Austin to meet everyone in.

"Happy Thanksgiving." Austin also said. I saw my dad smile.

"Happy Thanksgiving." Everyone said back, as Austin and I sat down.

Turns out, I was stupid, and we're actually leaving tomorrow.. Whoops!

We talked about some things, like how dad was doing at work, and how mom was doing, as we waited for our food.

We had a nice time together, talking and eating the amazing food. I had some type of chicken and oh my gosh I was in heaven!

Mom and dad let me drink some alcohol, so now i'm in my room, with Austin, laughing my ass off because I tripped over my own feet. "I'm getting the vibe that you've never gotten drunk before.." Austin sighed, helping me up, and leading me to my bed.

I laughed at his comment, sitting back up, since he laid me down. "Kenzie, go to sleep." He said. I shook my head, laughing as the room spun.

"Woah.." I giggled.

"McKenzie." Austin sighed.

"What?" I whined, pouting at him.

"Go to sleep." He ordered. I shook my head quickly, laughing.

"I want some of the yummy macaroni and cheese. You know, the one we had yesterday!" I said, grabbing the hotel phone on the desk beside my bed, and placing it in front of me. "Kenzie, you just ate." Austin said, hanging up the phone.

"But I want more!" I whined, and he sighed, rolling his eyes. He picked up the phone, and ordered my mac and cheese. "Ooh, and some Vodka!" I added. "No." He said. "Yea, that'll be it." He said into the phone.

"And Vodka!" I yelled, and Austin ran his hand down his face. "No. No Vodka. Just the mac and cheese, and some water." Austin said. I stuck my bottom lip out and he shook his head at me. I shrugged and stood up, skipping around the room.

"What the fuck is she doing?" I heard Austin whisper to himself. I laughed, and bumped into his bed, falling on the floor again. I burst out laughing once again, laying on my back, and looking up at the ceiling.

"McKenzie, get up." Austin let out a laugh, walking over to me and helping me up. "I like the floor." I giggled. He laughed, trying to keep himself up, so that he could help me up. "You're so weird." He shook his head as he laughed. I giggled as I finally stood up.

As I did, there was a loud knock on the door. "Room Service!"

I smiled and ran, well, stumbled, to the door. "Kenzie." Austin laughed, walking after me. I giggled as I opened the door. I frowned slightly as I saw that whore standing there, a smile on her face as she held onto the cart.

She just can't take a hint, can she?

Austin's hands rested on my hips, from behind, as he slowly moved me away from the door, allowing the girl in. I rolled my eyes, watching as her smile widened at the sight of Austin. She slowly stepped inside, and I noticed something that honestly pissed me off.

She had her uniform, but it was shorter than the first time we saw her, and the first two button's were unbuttoned, reavealing her cleavage. She slowly walked inside, moving her tiny ass from side to side.


"Is there anything else you guys need?" The girl asked, looking at Austin. Yea, I need you to hop off my man!

Love Me ~Austin Mahone Love Story~ {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now