Love Me Chapter Twenty One

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Chapter Twenty One:

McKenzie's Point Of View:

"Morning." I leaned over to give Austin a kiss after I entered his car.

"Morning." He smiled back. I put my bag on my lap, as Austin pulled out of my driveway. "How did you sleep?" He asked me.

"Fine." I smiled. "You?" I asked.

"Eh.. I missed having you in my arms." He smiled cheekily. I blushed.

"Cheesy." I said, looking out the window, so that he wouldn't see my red cheeks.

"Don't think I didn't see you blushing, babe." Austin said. I giggled slightly as I looked down at my lap.

"Shut up." I said, and he chuckled, placing his hand on my thigh as we continued the ride to school.

When we arrived, we split up and went to homeroom. Before I knew it, it was lunch time.

I walked outside with the girls, giggling as Ally told us how her and Zach are almost, I repeat, almost, going out. She seemed so happy about when they went to the dance, it was adorable. I looked out in the distance to see Jason and Anna walking side by side. Jason's hands were in his pocket, smiling as Anne laughed out loud, covering her mouth, clearly embarrassed at her loud laugh. A slight blush crept on her cheeks, and Jason smiled, his eyes sparkling.

He said something, and Anne giggled, covering her cheeks. I smiled.

"Guess who?" A husky voice whispered in my ear as a pair of hands covered my eyes. My smile grew as I placed my hands over his.

"Is it my super attractive boyfriend?" I asked.

"Probably." He removed his hands from covering my eyes, and placed them around my waist, hugging me from behind, and placing his chin on my shoulder.

"Let's go to the park." Sarah suggested. Outside, there was a small park next to our school. The gates were always open, so people could go in, but nobody ever did.

"Okay." We all agreed.

I went walking up the stair things that led to the slide, with Austin behind me. I stood with my back against a rail on a side. Austin put his arms on either side of me, holding onto the rail. "I hate school." He pouted.

"Don't worry," I smiled, placing my hands on his chest. "Today is finally Friday. Then the weekend. Then we have one more week, until Thanksgiving." I squealed. He smiled.

"You're cute." He told me, out of nowhere.

"Thanks." I giggled. He leaned in and kissed my cheek.

Beck's Point Of View:

I watched as that jackass kissed her cheek, and rolled my eyes. She's under his damn influence. I know he doesn't really like her, let alone love her. Not as much as I did and still do. I will always love her, and watching this asshole with her, messing with her heart.. It disgusts me.

How can she stoop so low, to someone like that guy? She had me. I gave her everything she wanted and more. Maybe sometimes I would fuck up, but this is just unacceptable. Never would I have thought that McKenzie would be with someone like.. Him.

Maybe that Taylor girl.. But that's because she's a slut. They are a match. But not my McKenzie. She is innocent. Only naughty for me. It has always been that way. And it always will. I was her first everything.

First boyfriend, first kiss, first time. First everything. But now..? Look at her! All over him. Following him like a sick fucking puppy.

God, I hate him with a passion.

Love Me ~Austin Mahone Love Story~ {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now