#3 - Nightcore

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#3 - Headcanon - Nightcore

Tyler hates nightcore music.
(For those who don't know: Nightcore  Songs are songs that are taken and sped up and given a higher pitch. Look up your favorite song on YouTube then add nightcore to the search.)
Mike and Onity don't really have an opinion on it.
But that doesn't stop Onity from replacing one or two songs at a time on Tyler's iPod with their nightcore versions. He waits like a month between each time he does it and picks songs Tyler's not obsessed with, but is still listening to quite a lot.
Then he gets caught and he's grinning and Tyler declares he's getting a divorce against his boyfriend but the most that really happens is Tyler fixing the damage and putting a password on his iPod.
How Onity gets pass the password every month is a mystery and it bugs the ever living hell out of Tyler because as far as he knows Onity's Magic "can't do that kind of shit".
Though he should probably stop telling Mike the password, Mike might have something to do with it.

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