#33- Siblings

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#33 - Headcanon - Siblings


Onity doesn't dwell on his past, and when he does, he doesn't really express it. Those times that he does think back about Yvenity and everything that lead up to his years within the mansion, it's all internal. He doesn't want to waste his time in the past when he can enjoy the life he has now. He doesn't want to miss anything.

 But, there was one time he couldn't help it. 

He's caught up in the thought of how much Tyler and Rose love and support each other, and how Gavin and Mike have reunited and moved on from their past to enjoy each others company. And he starts to think about his own siblings. And he can't help but realize how much he misses them. 

He has a breaking point too. He sits there and cries, a messy cry, because he stop thinking about them. He thinks about how he would pester Audrey like a normal little brother, and how he'd play with Emaurri like they were little dogs. And how Audrey would try to teach him things and how he would watch Emaurri attempt to use magic to create lights in the dark sky. He remembers his baby sister Karma, but remembers that she was so young that he never truly got to know her. 

He thinks about how much they all meant to him, and how he'll never see them again. 

They were so supportive and loving and kind and they were his family and they were always there for him when he was sad or happy or whatever and now they're not. 

They're not. 

And he has no idea how they're doing. He doesn't know if they're doing good or if they're even still alive. He doesn't know what they've done with their lives. Maybe they've studied more and chased their passions. Maybe they fell in love. Maybe they have families of their own now. Maybe not. 

Maybe they're not okay. Maybe that war got worse. Maybe the war is over. Maybe they won it. Maybe they lost it. Maybe they're just managing. 

And he thinks about how he hopes they're okay. 

Upon finding Onity and mess of tears and snot, Tyler and Mike are panicked and have no idea what to do because they've never seen Onity break down like this and they end up just sitting with him, cuddling him, letting him talk or cry or whatever he wants to do. 

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