#43 - 2p AU

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#43 - alternate Universe - Second Player/Personality


The Second Player (or Second Personality) AU is the AU where all of the characters have opposite personalities.

In this AU, Mike is a rich white conservative republican male who is the owner of a large company called BLu inc. He is disgustingly confident with himself and believes mental health issues (including depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, etc) are all jokes. He's outspokenly homophobic and believes poverty would be fixed if poor people just worked more and weren't so god damn lazy.
Mike is a big family man, and by that i mean he cares way too much about his blood family. His brother Gavin and his dad support him in his work, but his sister Andrea and his mother are more liberal and do not like being associated with Mike. This tares their mom apart because she feels she should be there for him no matter what, but shes scared of his power.

Mike owns a beautiful white marble mansion, and despite the public believing he lives alone, he doesn't. He has two roomates, Tyler and Onity.

Tyler is a shitty young adult, with the immaturity of a teen. He's a sexist racist fuckboy who believes he'a better then everyone and his dream in life is to be famous. He wears his hats backwards and uses all popular social media, doing anything to get attention. He has very similar views with Mike, but is far more violent about his beliefs. He doesn't give two flying fucks about his family, which include his depressed parents and his emo bipolar sister.
Tyler lives in Mike's mansion due to a deal they made. Tyler knows things about Mike that could destroy his power in society. He knows Mike has done things that would label him a hypocrite, for the two are friends with benefits. Since Tyler was homeless he was offered a room at the mansion for his silence. Part of the deal was that he had to feed himself, but Mike is never home, so Tyler does whatever he wants anyway.

One more secret keeps Tyler and Mike forced to even acknowledge each other. The two are hiding Onity.

Onity is a weak depressed extraterrestrial that detests humans and their planet. All he wants to do is go home, but he can't do that. He lived alone in his mansion until BLu inc tore it and the forest down for land. Tyler, who explored the place before hand, found Onity, and then nearly exposed Onity to the world, but Mike stopped that. The two decided to basically keep Onity prisoner in their house. Having an alien is a risk, but an easy grab at fame if they were to ever decide to expose him.
Onity is physically abused by Tyler, and the rare times he does see Mike, Mike is verbally abusive. But this unkindness isn't new to him, his family was shit too, and so he grumbles about humans and waits for the two to leave him alone. There is this strange cat that appears sometimes that Onity is almost always forgetting, but the cat will cuddle with him in his lap. But don't pet it, it doesn't like being touched.
Onity would use what little power he has to teleport away, but his last home no longer exists, and when Mike and Tyler kidnapped him from his home, he was blindfolded. He can teleport around the house, but its all so boring to him. The open space brings him paranoia. On top of everything, he's given an attempt to suicide, multiple times, but something or someone always stops him. Sometimes its the cat, or a drawing he forgot to finish, or Tyler yelling at him.

If the originals and the 2Ps met, original mike would probably attempt to kill his opposite, or at least think about it. 2P Tyler would annoy the ever loving hell out of the original Tyler, to the point original Tyler would yell back but then lock himself in a bathroom or closet until rescue. original Onity would attempt to help his opposite and protect him from those who hurt him, but find himself to never express appreciation. Onity decides to leave his opposite who even though wants to leave, doesn't take the opportunity. Onity would then give 2P Tyler and 2P Mike a piece of his mind cuz he won't allow their treatment of his depressed baby.

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