#37 - Heart Break

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#37 - Headcanon - Heart Break


       Amy and Diego of course had a second kid after Rose, but their second kid wasn't actually Tyler. They had a child between the two that died shortly after birth due to heart complications. 

After coming to terms with the loss of their child, they had Tyler. They worried about his health, but when he was born, he seemed 100% healthy, and so they were relived. It wasn't till years later that Tyler began showing signs of heart related issues, and the moment he did, Amy and Diego were willing to give up anything to make sure their son lived. They would deal with any amount of medical bills, they would make sure they made every check up on time, they did everything. And it was incredibly stressful, and they relied a lot on their family to help. 

Being able to watch Tyler grow up and live happily along side his sister was oh so worth more than everything Amy and Diego sacrificed. 

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