#54 - Micheal

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#54 - Headcanon - Micheal

Micheal Schmidt, Mike's father, left his wife Josie and moved states away to get away from the abusive relationship. He lives in a small apartment by himself for awhile, living with a great depression due to the guilt of leaving his kids (Mike who was only 3 days old) and the anxiety of having to build himself back up financially and mentally.

Micheal is able to land a job at a company as a translator, as Micheal is fluent in German, his mother's native language. For awhile, that's all that he does, and then returns to his small apartment to sleep.

Eventually Micheal makes a few make friends from the company and he's made some money back for saving and his depression, though not gone, has calmed down. Micheal finds himself going other places and talking to people more and enjoying himself. After work on of his friends invites him to join the group as they go to the bar, which Micheal agrees.

Micheal meets a slightly younger man named Kendra Scott, a bartender, and after a few weeks, begin to date. Months into their relationship, Micheal moves into Kendra's rather nice house, and together they help raise Kendra's niece, whose mother is away for work. 

Though Micheal worries about his kids and the life he left behind, he is so very happy with Kendra, who instead of demanding attention like Josie, makes Micheal feel loved and cared about. 

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