Pilot - Suspicions

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  Raelynn's P.O.V.

I go with Scott and Stiles after school to help look for his inhaler. Dad wasn't best pleased, but I left before he could say anything. I jump down into a little creek after Stiles and he grabs my hand as I slip on the rocks, stopping me from falling in. I smile a thank you and carry on jumping, desperate to get out of the freezing water.

"You were amazing today, Scott," I say as we carry on walking through the woods.

"Yeah, almost too amazing," Stiles adds. My hands are shoved into the pockets of my black leather jacket, my brown ankle boots soaked from the creek water. "How'd you do it, man?"

"I don't - I don't know what it was. It was like I had all the time in the world to catch the ball. And that's not the only weird thing," Scott says, looking back at me and Stiles. Our eyebrows raise, pressing him for more information. "I - I can - hear stuff I shouldn't be able to hear. Smell things, too." My eyes widen when he says that. Werewolves have advanced hearing and smell, so they can smell emotions and scents.

"Smell things?" Stiles asks, his nose crinkling up in such a cute way. "Like what?"

I hear Scott sniff the air slightly and he looks at me. "Like the mint-mojito gum in Rae's pocket."

I furrow my eyebrows and put my hand into the inside pocket of my jacket. "I don't even have any mint-mojito . . . " I trail off as I pull out a single piece of gum, and it's exactly right. "Huh," I say, shoving it back into my pocket. I'll deal with it later. "So all this started with a bite?"

"What if it's an infection, like my body's flooding with adrenaline before I go into shock or something?" Scott says, rushing his words. Stiles and I glance at each other before he speaks.

"You know what? I actually think I've heard of this. It's a specific kind of infection," Stiles says, sounding completely serious. Me and Scott stare at him. "I think it's called . . . Lycanthropy."

Mine and Scott's eyes widen for completely different reasons. Scott is scared and I'm confused; does Stiles know about werewolves? Does he know I'm a hunter?

"What's that?" Scott asks quickly. "Is that bad?"

"Oh yeah, it's the worst," Stiles says. It's like watching a tennis match again. "But only once a month."

"Once a month?"

"Mm-hmm. On the night of the full moon," Stiles says, his mouth pouting. He howls and I know he's joking. He has no idea that werewolves are real. I'm pretty sure if he knew he'd be terrified. Scott pushes his chest and Stiles stumbles slightly. I smile and shake my head, keeping an eye on Scott's signs of changing. "Hey, you're the one who heard a wolf howling."

"Hey, there could be something seriously wrong with me!" Scott says loudly. We all start walking again.

"I know!" Stiles replies. "You're a werewolf. Rrrr!" When Scott and I shoot him a glance he stops joking. "Okay, obviously I'm kidding. But if you see me in shop class trying to melt all the silver I can find, it's 'cause Friday's a full moon."

Scott shakes his head and we walk a little more until he kneels down. "No, I - I could've sworn this was it. I saw the body, the deer came running. I dropped my inhaler."

I shrug. "Maybe the killer moved the body?" They explained to me what happened last night.

Scott smirks up at me. "If he did, I hope he left my inhaler. Those things are like 80 bucks."

Me and Stiles laugh as Scott moves a few more leaves about, searching for his important piece of medical equipment until we notice someone stood watching us. I immediately remember my small ring dagger I keep in my boot and the hem of my pants. Stiles hits Scott's shoulder and Scott stands up, turning round as me and Stiles scratch the back of our necks nervously. The stranger is wearing a black leather jacket with his hands in the pockets, but he takes them out as he walks closer, making him even more intimidating.

"What are you doing here?" he asks. None of us answer him, we just stare. "Huh? This is private property."

Stiles takes the lead and speaks for us all. "Uh, sorry man, we didn't know." I look up at Stiles as he talks and then back at the stranger. I'm more nervous right now than when I'm facing a werewolf because I know what werewolves are going to do. I have no idea what this man could do.

"Yeah, we were just looking for something, but-" Scott pauses as the man inclines his head slightly, asking for an explanation. "Uh, forget it."

The man delves into his pocket and I panic. I grip the handle of my ring dagger that's in my pants, preparing to throw it if he tries anything. He throws something at Scott, who catches it and looks down at it. It's his inhaler. I look back up at the man but see his back retreating away from us.

"All right, come on, I gotta get to work," Scott says, and I keep looking back at the place the stranger was stood.

"Dude," Stiles says, stopping Scott when he tries to walk away from where we're stood. "That was Derek Hale. You remember, right? He's only like a few years older than us."

"Remember what?" I ask, completely confused by their new conversation.

"His family," Stiles explains. "They all burned to death in a fire, like, ten years ago."

"Hmm," Scott says. "I wonder what he's doing back."

Stiles scoffs and walks off, Scott following. But I'm now watching Scott's retreating back as I walk behind him, wondering whether his symptoms are anything to do with the turning of werewolves. When I get into the Jeep, I decide I need to research when I get home and see what the symptoms are about. I run up to my front door and wave as Stiles beeps the horn when they drive off. Dad is waiting for me when I come through the door and I expect a huge angry shout, but his arms are crossed over his chest, as are Mom's, and they're glaring at me.

I sigh. "What?"

"You were supposed to watch Allison, make sure she's okay," Mom says.

"She was picked up by Dad!" I say loudly.

He glares at me and narrows his eyes. "To your room."

I press my mouth into a flat line and walk with my chin in the air, walking up the stairs to my room. Everything's unpacked; I don't have any personal possessions like pictures or DVDs. I have a lot of books, mostly on mythology and a couple of ornaments Allison or Kate got me, but other than that nothing else. It is military clean, meaning my bed is always made and it's always clean. I'm always jealous of Allison's room no matter where we go; she's always got the bigger room, a double bed and so many photos its unbelievable. My room in this house is the smallest one despite the two spare rooms we have, and I have a single bed with no photos. The only personal thing I have is a necklace Allison got me a couple of years ago. It's a black rubbery chain, which looks more like really, really thin rope than a chain, and a pendant is hanging from it.


I rip open the birthday wrapping, Allison perched on my bed, grinning. In the wrapping paper is a small box, and in that box is a necklace. I lift it up to see a silver wolf pendant hanging from the black rubbery chain. "Alli, I love it!"

Allison giggles and kneels as I kneel to hug her. "I'm so glad you like it!"

"Of course I do," I say, and I turn around for her to clip it on around my neck. Once she's clasped it I take the pendant between my fingers, turning back round to face her. "Thank you."

"Wolves are my favorite animal, so I figured if you have that I'll always be with you," she says.

I pull a box out from under my bed. "Happy 13th birthday, Allison." She rips the wrapping paper off of the box to see a photo frame with a collage of me and her. "Twin." I shover her shoulder and she laughs.

"It's beautiful, Rae. Thank you." She hugs me again and I'm grinning from ear to ear. "Come on, Mom and Dad have some presents downstairs."

My presents are mostly books and a few new clothes, but Allison's are so much nicer. I don't mind; Allison loves me, and that's all the love I need. Kate comes round a few hours later and sweeps me up in a hug, my dress floating out with her. She hands me a huge present and gives Allison a small one, and I feel bad. Alli isn't used to getting less than me, but she looks happy when she thanks Kate for the perfume. Kate takes me into the living room alone when I open my present. A few books a dollars tumble out, along with a bow and arrow.

"Kate, you got me a bow and arrow?" I squeak.

Kate grins and laughs. "I'll teach you tomorrow. Happy birthday, teenage warrior!"

End of Flashback

I smile as I sit at my desk and hold my wolf pendant. Since Alli gave me that necklace I haven't taken it off, and she's always kept her photo frame as close to her bed as possible. I fire my laptop up and do some research on symptoms when Allison comes running into my room, my door swinging open.

"You'll never guess what?" she squeals, jumping up and down on the spot.

"I have no idea," I say, laughing.

"Scott McCall asked me to go to the party on Friday!" she shouts. I flinch and smile. "Can you believe it?"

"I thought you weren't a girly girl?" I smirk.

"I'm not, but he's adorable. Are you coming Friday?" she asks hopefully.

I shake my head. "No, thanks. Not my scene."

"Oh, please!" she whines. "Come on, you can go with Stiles."

I think about it for too long and she nods, running off. Great, now I've got a party to go to.

Stiles P.O.V.

"Scott, Scott! Wait up!" I shout as I run after him on the field. I stop at the benches and dump my stuff beside his.

"Stiles," he groans, "I'm playing the first elimination. Can it wait?"

"Just hold on, okay," I say, trying to rush my words. "I overheard my dad on the phone. The fiber analysis came back from the lab in L.A. They found animal hairs on the body from the woods!" I start speaking loudly as he starts walking away.

"Stiles, I gotta go," he says apologetically, rushing onto the field.

"Wait, no! Scott! You're not gonna believe what the animal was! It was a wolf." I sigh and run my hands through my hair when I hear a small voice beside me, making me jump.

"I thought there were no wolves in California," Raelynn says beside me.

"Uh, there's not," I say, sitting on the bench. "You should probably go sit down before coach sees you."

She smiles and hurries over to a spare seat on one of the benches, giving me a small wave when she sees I'm still watching her. I watch the field and see Scott doing flip after flip over each player until he manages to shoot and score in the goal. I am shocked; he's never been able to do that before, and he suddenly doesn't need his inhaler. I turn round and see Rae hurrying across the field as the crowd cheer and shout, back to the parking lot. I have to let her go; there's no way Coach would let me go after her.

Raelynn's P.O.V.

In my car is the bow and arrows Kate got me for my 13th birthday. I've always used them on a hunt and I've never missed with them. I have to use it on Scott now that I know he's turning, but there's only one way I can do it. I quickly lift the hood of Stiles' Jeep and pull on things that I know won't start the car. Suddenly, I see them coming towards the parking lot, so I jump into my Impala and pretend to be doing homework. Stiles smiles, as does Scott, and it hurts me to think I'll have to kill him in a minute. And Allison likes him. Stop it, Rae, I think. It has to be done.

I climb out when Stiles lifts the hood of the trunk up and tells Scott to start the engine when he says. "Car trouble?"

"Yeah, stuff seems to have come out," Stiles says, hitting his head on the hood as he starts fiddling.

My eyes widen. "Woah, dude, what are you doing?" My hip length hair sways as I rush to see what he's doing.

"Trying to fix my Jeep," he mutters.

"Stiles, a mechanic needs to fix that. I can do it for you, I just need to go home and get my tools," I say, spinning a quick lie. "I can tow your Jeep back there with the Impala."

"Sounds good," Scott says. "Would you drop me off at or near my house please? I've got a hot date tonight."

I slap his chest and he winces. "That's my sister!"

"Damn, she told you," Scott says, rubbing the spot that I hit.

I smirk. "We're twins. We tell each other everything." Then I freeze; that's not true. I haven't told Allison about this hunter side of me. "Stiles, you coming?"

Stiles groans and puts the hood down, walking over to the Impala. I drive it round and attach the Jeep to the back securely, and we all climb into my car. Halfway home I take a wrong turning and go towards the Preserve, knowing I'd be safe to kill Scott in there. My heart is beating so fast, I'm scared. I've never had to kill a friend before. I don't know how my dad has done it before. I stop and climb out, going to the trunk and pulling out my bow and arrows.

"Uh, Rae, I think we took a wrong turn somewhere," Scott says, climbing out of the car too. He sees the bow and freezes, and I grab his arm. "Rae?"

"Move," I snap, and he obliges wisely, walking backwards until I turn him the right way. I take him quite deep into the Preserve, Stiles calling after us. I let go of his arm and push him forward so he stumbles and falls onto the ground. His eyes are so scared, and I'm scared. I'm terrified. "Stay down." I hear Stiles come running after us as I draw my bow and arrow, and I stick my foot out, making him trip over it and fall down beside Scott. "Stiles, stay down."

"Rae, what the hell are you doing?" Scott says loudly.

I draw the bow and point it at Scott's chest. His eyes widen and I bite my lip to stop feeling sad. Even though I've known him for just two days he's kind of grown on me. They both have. "Shut up. I need to concentrate."

"Woah, Rae, put the bow down!" Stiles says.

I get angry then and lower the bow, using it to emphasize my arm movements. "He's a werewolf, Stiles! He'll try and kill people. Trust me, I know."

"I know he's a werewolf, Rae," Stiles says, standing up slowly with his hands raised. He's looking at me as if I'm crazy. "I did my own research. Look, maybe werewolves have killed each other or others, but he's not a killer."

"I'm a hunter, Stiles. I'm supposed to kill him. If I don't, my dad will."

"We'll keep it quiet."

"It's not that easy! I've never failed on a hunt and I've been training since I could walk. If I figured it out my dad definitely will!"

"I'm not a damn werewolf!" Scott says, standing up.

I look at Stiles and realize that he hasn't told Scott that he's a werewolf. "No - no I know. This was a test, to see if you were suffering from lycanthropy."

Stiles puts on a fake laugh as I do. "You fell for it, Scotty."

"I need to go, I've got a date to get ready for," Scott says, running off in the direction of his house.

I bite my lip and turn to Stiles, and he looks down at my bow. "What?"

"Was that necessary?" he asks, raising an eyebrow.

"I was going to kill him," I say simply. "That's what I've been trained to do. But I didn't because-"

"Because you believe he won't kill anyone?" Stiles asks hopefully.

"Most werewolves kill at least one person in their lives, Stiles," I reply, starting to walk back to my car and Stiles follows. "Shouldn't you be getting ready for that party?"

He smiles as we climb in, and I fix his car for him. That night there's outrageous knocking on the door which turns out to be Stiles, then he leaves abruptly after talking to Allison, and he calls me at like 6 in the morning. He tells me that Scott is a werewolf, he knows and he turned.

"Why does it sound like you're driving?" I ask groggily. It's Saturday man, I'm tired.

"Because Scott was in the Preserve all night and I've picked him up," Stiles answers.

I laugh. "Tell him to expect a slap from me when I see him."

"What for?"

"He ditched my sister at a party and she won't see him until Monday," I yawn. "She's having time to boil. And so am I."

"Oh God," I hear Scott say.

"Better believe it, Scotty," I answer before hanging up, grinning.

One of my best friends is a werewolf and the other is a guy who thinks this whole thing is freakin' awesome. Little does Stiles know the shock he's going to get when he finds out what I know about werewolves. I just hope Scott keeps the secret from Allison, otherwise that's going to cause a lot of drama. And Dad. What happens when he finds out? That can be sorted out when I wake back up, considering I should have slept for at least 3 more hours.  

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