Venomous - Girl fight

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  Raelynn's P.O.V.

Scott and I are sat at the desks beside each other, saving one behind us for Stiles whenever he shows up. My eyes are fixed on the person in front of us, their leather jacket shining from the lights in the ceiling. Stiles comes running in, practically hopping into the seat behind Scott.

"I just talked to my dad, who just talked to Jackson, and I've got really terrible, horrible, very, very bad news," Stiles says quickly, making Scott and I turn around. I smirk at him and he flashes a smile my way before returning to his serious face.

"I think we already know," Scott says, holding his arm out to the back of the guy sat directly in front of me; Isaac. I know he's smirking, and I push my hair away from my face as I look to him and then back at Stiles and Scott.

I don't listen for the entire lesson, keeping my focus on the back of Isaac's head, watching ever small movement he makes for any sign of what he's going to do. When the bell rings, he leaves almost immediately, while Scott, Stiles and I are one of the last to leave.

"All right," Stiles says as we walk down the corridor, and I want to touch him, so I intertwine our hands together, but he doesn't question it. He just squeezes and carries on walking in between me and Scott. "I only found one thing online called a kanima. It's a werejaguar from South America that goes after murderers."

"That thing was not a jaguar," I say confidently.

"Yeah, and I'm not exactly a murderer," Stiles defends. I smile and lean up, kissing his cheek.

"Yeah, but you did see it kill somebody, which is probably why it tried to kill you," Scott suggests. "And it's still trying to kill you, and it probably won't stop until you're dead."

Stiles stops walking as I try and suppress my smile. "You know sometimes I really begin to question this 'friendship'." He makes the quotation marks by lifting his hands up, including the one with my hand, and then we hurry after Scott. We walk into economics super early, and I sit behind Stiles as he and Scott sit by each other. He turns around to face me as I'm getting my books out, and I raise my eyebrows as I look at him expectantly. "Hey."

"Hi," I say, dragging the word out as I shuffle through my papers.

"So," he says, and I drop my papers and tilt my head to the side slightly, making him nod and talk faster. "Uh, I thought, tonight, seeing as I've not taken you on a proper date yet, we'll go on one."

"Okay," I smile, and he grins as I lean forward and plant a swift kiss on his lips.

Jackson sits down beside me, and I don't look up, and neither do Scott or Stiles. "Hey, testicle left and right, and testicle right's girlfriend." I click my tongue and look up so I'm looking at the back of Stiles's head, but not turning to face Jackson. "What the hell is a kanima?" Then we turn to face him.

Coach slamming a book down on his desk turns our attention back to the front of the class. "All right, listen up. A quick warning before we begin our review. Some of you, like McCall, might want to start their own studying groups, because tomorrow's midterm is so profoundly difficult - I'm not even too sure I could pass it." He chuckles as I close my eyes, exhaling through my nostrils. "Everything okay, Argent?" My eyes snap open, and he's staring at me. "You look a little - sick."

"I, uh," I stutter, and Stiles turns round in his seat to watch me with a smirk playing on his lips. "I - nope, I'm good." Coach nods and asks for a volunteer at the board, giving me time to lean forwards to Stiles's shoulder. "Hey, I know I agreed to a date, but I haven't studied for the economics test at all, so I'm gonna need some help."

"Wha - at all?" Stiles gasps, whipping round in his seat.

I shrug. "Everything's been so busy recently. You know, saving people. Hunting stuff. Trying to figure things out. It's hard."

"And what about your other subjects?" he asks.

My mouth drops open. "Dammit."

"Oh, God," he groans, and I fold my arms on the table and bury my face in them.

"Paralyzed from the neck down," Jackson says quietly, getting my attention once more. I look up slowly, glaring at him. "Do you have any idea what that feels like?"

"I'm familiar with the sensation," Stiles mumbles, and I smirk at him while Jackson rolls his eyes.

"Wait -" Scott says, thinking and piecing things together in his head. "Why would Derek test you? Why would he think that it's you?"

"How should I know?" Jackson hisses.

"Wait, they think it's Lydia?" I ask.

"I don't know, all I heard was her name and something about chemistry."

"Jackson!" Coach shouts, making me jump and face the front of the class. He's stood just in front of Scott and Stiles's desks. "Do you have something you want to share with the rest of the class?"

"Uhh," Jackson says, looking over at me, but I hold up my hands to show him I'm not participating. "Just an undying admiration for my - my coach."

"That's really kind of you," Coach says, and Jackson nods. But I could hear the sarcasm in Coach's voice, and I wait for his reaction. "Now shut up!" I cover my hand with my mouth to hide my smile. "Shut it! Anybody else?" He turns and walks away.

Scott leans over to Stiles and grabs his jacket, almost pulling Stiles out of his seat. "How do we know it's not her?"

"Because I looked into the eyes of that thing, okay?" Stiles says. "And what I saw was pure evil. And when I look into Lydia's eyes, I only see 50% evil." I feel something almost like jealousy bloom in my stomach, and I lean forwards.

"Maybe 60%," I suggest, and they turn to look at me. "You know, but no more than 40 on a good day." Stiles chuckles and kisses the top of my head.

"Stilinski!" Coach snaps. "No - no, no, no, no." He walks over and holds my shoulders, making me sit up in my seat. "No doing any of that in my class." I flush bright red as the class start to make cooing noises at us, and Stiles just looks down at his papers.

"That's not a very good argument you guys," Scott whispers.

"I'm aware of that," Stiles sighs.

"But it's not here, all right," I say, twiddling my pencil between my fingers. "It can't be. Lydia's fine."

"Lydia," Coach says, and I look up to see her stood at the board, the piece of chalk in her hand. She's crying, and lets out a small, gasping breath as Coach snaps her back into reality. My eyebrows furrow as I look at her while she looks around, confused. He steps in front of her and looks at the board. "Anyone else wanna try answering? This time in English?"

The class start laughing at her, sniggering behind their hands, and I feel a deep growl come from the back of my throat. Scott shakes his head at me as Lydia heads back to her seat, but I keep my eyes on her the entire time.

"What is that, Greek?" Scott asks.

Stiles looks down at his phone. "No, actually, I think it is English." He holds his cellphone up for us to see the picture he's just taken of the whiteboard with Lydia's 'answers' on them, and he flips the picture round to reveal the words 'someone help me', just written backwards to the normal eye.

"Derek is not gonna kill her without proof," I say as we walk into Chemistry.

"All right, so he tests her like he did with Jackson, right?" Stiles says, and I nod. "But when and where?" We look up as Erica and Isaac walk in, their matching leather jackets sticking them out like a sore thumb.

"I think here and now," Scott says quietly. Erica and Isaac glance at Lydia's bench, where she's sat alone, and then to us.

I shove Scott's shoulder, and he dashes to sit on the empty stool beside Lydia while Stiles and I sit at the bench directly next to theirs. Allison walks in and sends me a confused look, and I subtly tilt my head back to Erica and Isaac's bench, and she looks and does a small understanding nod.

"Einstein once said," Harris says as he walks down the aisle between the benches, "'Two things are infinite: The universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.' I myself have encountered infinity stupidity." He claps Stiles on the shoulder a couple of times, and I glare at the back of his head as he walks away. "So to combat the plague of ignorance in my class, you're going to combine efforts through a round of group experiments. Let's see if two heads are indeed better than one. Or in Mr. Stilinski's case, less than one. Erica, you take the first station. You'll start with -"

There's a noise, and I turn to see that pretty much every guy in the class have shoved their hands up into the air, and Erica is looking around, pretty impressed. I roll my eyes and return my chin to where it was resting on my hand.

Harris scoffs. "I didn't ask for volunteers. Put your hormonal little hands down." The hands slowly retreat down to the desk, and I roll my eyes again. "Start with Mr. McCall. All right, next two. Argent twins."

Allison and I move to our desks as Scott moves to the one he's sharing with Erica and Stiles heads more to the back. We sit down beside each other and start measuring out chemicals, while I try my best to listen in to Scott and Erica's conversation.

"Anything?" Allison asks, and I shake my head.

"It's too noisy in here," I sigh. "I still need to work on that." I watch as Allison glances over to Erica and Scott, and I can feel her tensing beside me. "Jealous?"

"No, I don't get jealous," she chuckles, holding a beaker up to her face.

"Never?" I ask. "You never get jealous?"

"Why would I?" she asks, reaching for another beaker. I can see she's getting frustrated.

"Because of that thing happening over there," I say, pointing to where Erica is running her hand up Scott's thigh. "That requires some jealousy." We quickly write down our notes, and we smile at each other before changing when Harris rings the small bell on his desk. I'm with Isaac next, but Lydia is with Scott. "Listen to me," I say to Lydia as I pass her desk, "don't talk to Erica or Isaac."

"Why?" she asks.

"Just don't," I urge.

"Come on, Raelynn, next station," Harris says, discreetly telling me to move my ass.

"Trust me, all right?" I ask, and she nods as I move in front of her and sit down by Isaac. He sends a nasty smile my way, and I smile sarcastically back, lifting the chemicals to my face. "You listen to me you punk ass freak." He chuckles slightly. "If you harm one strawberry blond hair on her head, Imma turn your little werewolf ass into a fur coat and give it to her as a birthday present."

"Really?" Isaac asks with a chuckle, and I turn to look at him. "I've never actually been to one of her big, invite-only birthday parties. I did ask her out once, though."

"You asked out Lydia Martin?" I snort, and then turn my attention back to what I was doing, which is unscrewing the lid of some kind of liquid. "Sounds like the beginning to a heartfelt story."

He nods, a smirk on his face. "Wanna hear?"

"Nope," I say immediately, not looking at him.

"It was the first day of freshman year -" he starts, but I interrupt him, turning in my seat to stare directly into his eyes.

"And you thought everything was gonna be different for you in high school, but she said no," I finish.

He chuckles again. "Yeah, she even laughed. Told me to come back when the bike I rode to school had an engine, not a chain." I feel my eyes flick to Lydia, feeling a little annoyed that she sounds like someone who values money over personality.

But I push it to the back of my mind as I answer him. "Hm, unrequited love's a bitch. Maybe you should channel all that negative energy into a, I don't know, a poem? Probably in English class."

"Nah," he says, shaking his head, "I was thinking I'd channel it into killing her." I feel myself growl, and he smirks again. "I'm not very good at writing."

"And switch," Harris says. Isaac stands and before I can get there, he sits down beside Lydia. Stiles attempts to stand, but Harris swipes at his hand with a ruler as I sit down beside Erica, shaking my head at Allison as she heads over to sit by Erica instead. "If you're testing my patience, Mr. Stilinski, I guarantee it'll be a failing grade."

I'm sat directly behind Scott and Stiles, and Erica is watching Isaac, who is watching Lydia. Allison is sat beside me across the aisle, watching me and Erica as discreetly as she can. I lick my lips and turn my head to look at Erica. "What are you gonna do to her?"

"Don't you think the better question is what's she going to do to us?" Erica replies, turning her body so she's facing me. I glare at her, and Stiles turns round to make sure I'm okay before smiling and facing the front as Harris smacks the ruler down in front of him again. "I have to say, you guys are cute together."

"Thanks," I sneer.

"But you know," she says, ignoring me, "I've always had this feeling like I'm a little psychic. I just don't think you're going to last."

"You think you can hurt me by saying mean things that aren't even true?" I ask, trying to project confidence.

"Would you like it better if I physically did mean things?" she asks, fluttering her eyelashes. I narrow my eyes as she places her hand on my thigh, and I feel her claws against my jeans. "Did you know I had the biggest crush on Stiles for such a long time, and then you come along and snatch him up in a few days." I growl, and she smiles. "Come on. Girl fight in lab. It'll be hot." She digs her claws into my thigh, and I gasp through my nose as I press my hands against the edges of the desk to stop myself from crying out.

"Time," Harris calls from the front, and Erica takes her claws out of my leg. I know there's marks, but I can already feel it healing. "If you've catalyzed the reaction correctly, you should now be looking at a crystal." I watch as Stiles picks up his beaker, looking with a confused expression at the foamy mess at the bottom of it. "Now for the part of that last experiment I'm sure you'll all enjoy - you can eat it."

Isaac picks up his and Lydia's crystal with a pair of tongs, holding it out to her. She shrugs. taking the crystal between her fingers and lifting it slowly to her lips.

"Lydia!" Scott shouts, standing up and shoving his stool back out of his way. Everyone's eyes turn to him, including Lydia.

She looks at him, confused. "What?"

"Nothing," Scott says, sitting back down awkwardly.

Erica, Isaac, Stiles, Scott, Allison and I watch in anticipation as Lydia takes a bite of the crystal, and it's at that point my stomach drops onto the floor. She doesn't get paralyzed; it doesn't do anything to her. Erica looks a little shocked, almost upset, while Stiles and Scott dip their heads, and I turn to look at Allison, who is pale.

Stiles leads me, Scott and Allison into Coach's empty office, locking the door behind us. "Derek's outside waiting for Lydia," Scott says.

"Waiting to kill her?" Allison asks.

"If he thinks she's the kanima, then yes," Scott says. "Especially after what happened at the pool."

"It's not her," I say. All their eyes turn to me.

"Rae, hey, she didn't pass the test," Stiles says gently. "Nothing happened."

"No, it can't be her," I say again.

"It doesn't matter, because Derek thinks it's her," Allison says, perching on the edge of the desk. "So either we can convince him that he's wrong or we've got to figure out a way to protect her."

"Well, I really don't think he's gonna do anything here, not at school," Scott says.

"What about after school?" I point out. Scott sighs and Allison ducks her head as Stiles watches me, reaching for my hand, which I take immediately and squeeze. "What if we can prove that Derek's wrong?"

"By three o'clock?" Allison asks.

"There could be something in the bestiary," I suggest.

"Oh, you mean the 900 page book written in archaic Latin that none of us can read?" Stiles says, and I look to him as he says it, my lips parting. "Good luck with that." I let go of his hand slowly, and he seems to realize what he's said when he looks at his hand and then up at me, his mouth opening several times as if to say something but nothing coming out.

"Actually, I think I know someone who might be able to translate it," Allison says.

"Uh, I can talk to Derek, maybe convince him to give us a chance to prove that it's not her," Scott says. "But if anything happens, you guys let me handle it, okay?"

"What does that mean?" Allison asks.

"It means you can't heal like I do," Scott says, and they're staring into each other's eyes as Stiles and I look on. I feel like I'm intruding on a personal thing. "I just don't want you to get hurt."

She rolls her eyes and stands up, turning around and opening her bag to pull out a small crossbow, letting it fall open and snap into place. I flinch as it does, and she looks at Scott as she holds it by her shoulder, her finger resting on the trigger. "I can protect myself."

"Hey, is that mine?" I ask, and she smiles as she shakes her head. The boys look around awkwardly, and I raise an eyebrow. "What?"

"Did something else happen?" she asks.

Scott doesn't answer her straight away; he looks around, looking anywhere but her eyes. "I just don't want you getting hurt. Seriously, if anything goes wrong, you call me, okay? I - I don't care if your dad finds out. Call, text, scream, yell, whatever. I'll hear you and I'll find you as fast as I can. We have until 3:00." She nods.

Scott turns, heading to the door and making to open it, but he spins suddenly and catches the arrow that was heading straight for his back, looking down at it in his fist with confusion. I'm confused, too, until I look up to see Stiles holding the crossbow in his hands, guilt written all over his face.

"Ah, sorry," he says, handing the crossbow back to Allison when she holds out her hand for it. "Sorry. Sensitive trigger on that." I laugh as Scott and Allison make to leave the office, but I grab Stiles's arm before he can leave.

"Wait," I say, lacing our fingers together. He looks down at our hands and then back at me with a small smile. "Sorry. For earlier."

"Yeah, I shouldn't have snapped," he says, leaning forwards and kissing my forehead. Before he's had a real chance to pull away, I reach up and trap his mouth with mine. Our lips move together, as one, our tongues battling for dominance. He wraps his arm around my waist, effectively lifting me. I wrap my legs around his middle and giggle into his lips.

"You're stronger than you look," I whisper against his lips.

"Looks can be deceiving," he smirks, and I shake my head with laughter as he places me onto the table, my legs still wrapped around his middle. Without thinking, I grip his jacket and push, making if fall off of his shoulders and onto the floor. "Is this place the best idea?"

"Stiles, right now, I don't give a damn," I hiss, gripping his shirt and lifting before he can say another word, and I know he won't fight me on this, especially as his hands are pushing my flannel shirt off of my shoulders, gripping the hem of my shirt.  

The Huntress {Stiles Stilinski}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें