Co-Captain - Broken promises

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  Raelynn's P.O.V.

We've won the game. But that's not what I can focus on right now. I look across to see Sheriff with a sad look in his eyes, and I take his hand and squeeze it, giving him a comforting smile.

"Maybe he didn't want first line," Sheriff sighs.

"No, no he did, he really did," I say quickly, hugging him close. "I don't know why he missed it. I'll talk to him, I promise."

Sheriff smiles and kisses my head. "Thank you, Rae. I'll see you soon. Go celebrate with your friends."

"See you soon," I say, wrapping my arms around myself as he walks off, shaking his head. I sigh and jog after the lacrosse team, hoping that I catch Scott before he goes to get changed. As I open the doors, Dad is escorting Allison away. He gives me a look and walks off, his favorite daughter tucked into his arm. I walk in and see Scott staring after them. "Have you seen Stiles?" I stop directly in front of him, and he shakes his head. "Where the hell is he?"

"Rae, calm down," Scott chuckles. "Look, I know it's crappy that he missed out on first line and all, but you can't be mad at him over this."

I bend my knee several times, making my body shake. "He promised me he'd be here. And I have had so many promises broken to me in my life, Scott, I can't have him do it, too-" Scott pulls me in for a hug and a few tears leak out, but I quickly wipe them away before he sees.

"Look, I'm pissed at him, too, but he's gonna have a good reason for it," Scott nods, holding my face in his hands. "I promise."

"Raelynn," Dad snaps, holding his hand out for me at the doorway. I sigh and run over to him, waving back to Scott.

"Congratulations!" I shout, and Scott waves at me as he walks into the changing rooms. The ride home is completely silent, me and Allison sat in the back. Something seems awkward between us, but I don't know what. As soon as we're home, I head upstairs and flop on my bed, checking my phone. Stiles hasn't seen any of my messages, and I growl in annoyance.

I quickly pull on my pajamas, brush my teeth and climb into bed, switching off my light and closing my eyes, hugging one of my cushions tight to my body.

I'm being vigorously shaken, and I whip round and lash back out at the person who's shaking me. Allison backs off, her hands raised. "What the hell are you doing?" I whisper. I check my clock and groan. "It's so early."

"Rae, I can't find that necklace Kate got me for my birthday," Allison whispers.

"And?" I hiss. I roll back to my original sleeping position. "Not my problem."

"Please help me find it," Allison asks. "It's important to me."

"Yeah, and you know what's important to me?" I ask. "Sleep."

"Rae!" she hisses, dragging me out of bed by my ankle so I fall onto my floor with a loud thud. I groan in pain and rub my chin. "Just help me look in the car."

"Fine!" I snap, throwing my blankets back onto my bed, kind of aggressively. Well, she did just wake me up. We trail slowly downstairs to the garage (I refuse to walk fast) and open her car doors. "So it's in here?" I ask, yawning and stretching.

"I dunno," she shrugs. "Maybe. I just need to find it."

"I'm gonna be so pissed if it's not here," I mutter. When she looks at me, confused, I narrow my eyes. "You disturbed my sleep." As she giggles, the garage door begins to open. Allison gasps and jumps into the car, quietly closing the door and making the seat go all the way down so she can't be seen. I jump away from the car and to the weapons, where I find my bow and begin to examine it. "Hi-"

"It hasn't been an issue since we lived here," Dad grumbles, throwing his weapons down on the table. "Raelynn, why are you up?"

"I - I couldn't remember if I'd put my bow back or not," I lie, and he nods once to show he understands, then he turns back to Kate who is leaning against the workbench.

"All I'm saying is that firing those things so close by is bound to draw some attention," Kate defends. I know she's talking about Dad's flash bombs that he fires.

"These things have saved my life more than once," Dad says, holding up the flash bomb.

"Plus he knows how to be inconspicuous when he needs to be," I add, holding my hand out in the air to suggest to Dad. Dad smirks and Kate chuckles.

"This coming from the girl who's preferred weapon is a bow and arrows," she chuckles. Then she turns to Dad. "You know these extra skills are something you could be teaching your daughter." She's talking about Allison. I look to Dad and see his jaw clench.

"Not yet," he says quietly.

"Ever?" Kate asks.

"Not. Yet," Dad finalizes. He starts to walk off and Kate looks at Allison's car, and leaves the flash bomb on the side. "You two coming?"

"Yeah," Kate and I say, and she takes my hand as she walks past me, dragging me from the garage while Allison is still in her car. I say goodnight to them and head back upstairs, waiting until I hear Allison in her room until I let myself fall asleep.

Shopping. I hate shopping so much. Allison had roped me into going to dress shopping with her and Lydia for the winter formal, yet I wasn't even sure if I was going to go. I still hadn't spoken to Stiles since the game, and he's called me a bunch of times but I need to work up what I'm going to say to him before I can talk to him. I get dressed and head downstairs to see Allison talking to Lydia.

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