Omega - Call me Gerard

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  Raelynn's P.O.V.

"She ate the liver?" Scott asks, a grim look on his face as I come bounding up to them, my hair blowing in my face.

I make a disgusted face. "Who ate what?"

"Lydia ate a liver," Scott says.

"No, I didn't say she ate it," Stiles says. "I just said it was missing. And you know what? Even if she did, so what? It's the most nutritious part of the body." He points his finger at me. "And I thought we agreed no school. We can't have you flipping out at everything like Scott did." Scott's face turns stony and I laugh.

"Oh, please, did you really think I'd spend my first real day as a werewolf locked in a house with a family of werewolf hunters?" I snort. Stiles raises his eyebrows and I smile.

"I never ate anyone's liver," Scott points out.

"Yeah, right, 'cause when it comes to werewolves, you're a real model of self-control," Stiles jokes. We walk up the first flight of stairs when Stiles' hand shoots out. "Actually, wait. Hold on. You're the test case for this, so we should be going over what happened to you."

"What do you mean?" Scott asks. I grip the strap of my bag tighter.

"I mean like what was going through your mind when you were turning, you know?" Stiles explains. "What were you drawn to?"

"Allison," Scott says after thinking quickly.

"Okay, nothing else?" Stiles sighs. "Seriously?"

"Nothing else mattered," Scott sighs.

"I mean, that's like how I'm drawn to you," I say, putting my hand on Stiles's shoulder. He makes a weird noise, like he's trying to talk, but fails at it. I laugh and kiss his cheeks as we hear a roar of a car and Jackson pulls into a space in the parking lot.

The boys have lacrosse practice first, and I have History, so I go to class and actually manage to pay attention. Stiles, Scott and I have Chemistry together, so that's where we see each other next. I sit beside Stiles at our bench, Scott in front of us.

Stiles leans forward on his elbows so he can talk to Scott. "All right, it's causing me severe mental anguish to say this, but he's right." His pencil points to Jackson, who is sat a little away from us.

"I know," Scott sighs.

"What if the next body part she steals is from someone who's still alive?" Stiles whispers.

"This is a pop quiz, Mr. Stilinski," Mr. Harris says from the front of the class. "If I hear your voice again, I may be tempted to give you detention for the rest of your high school career."

"Can you do that?" Stiles asks without thinking. The whole class is smiling down at their papers, and I find myself doing the same, except I'm looking at Stiles.

"There it is again," Harris says. "Your voice. Triggering the only impulse I've ever had to strike a student repeatedly and violently. I'll see you at 3:00 for detention. You too, Miss Argent?"

"No, sir," I say, stopping smiling immediately and looking up at him. Jackson suddenly stands and rushes out of the classroom, and I notice that following him are small drops of black liquid. The class carries on as normal, and I find out I need to study more for Chem. Scott leaves us after class to go find Allison, and Stiles walks off to his locker.

Today is the day of Kate's funeral, and Dad is picking me and Allison up from school soon so we can go. But I'm not ready. I'm partially not ready to say goodbye to my aunt, and I'm partially not ready to go to a funeral for someone who killed Derek's entire family. I open my locker to pull out my dress, sighing, when I notice someone watching me.

"Nice dress," a guy says next to me. I turn and glance at him, noticing his camera.

"Nice camera," I reply, folding my dress over in my arms.

Two girls not even trying to be discreet opposite us start whispering. "Not her sister, her aunt," one says. "The one who murdered all those people."

"You mean the crazy bitch who killed all those people?" the other girl says.

"Yeah, the fire, all those animal attacks - it was her aunt," the first one replies.

"Are you kidding?" the second asks. "I sit next to her in English."

"Find a new seat," the first one laughs, and the second joins in.

I feel a lump rise in my throat, and I slam my locker closed and walk off quickly down the hallway. Suddenly, someone's arm reaches out and grabs me, dragging me into the janitor's closet. They lock the door and turn the light on, but I know who it is from the scent. Stiles pulls me into his arms, a smile on his face, but he pulls back when he feels my tears.

"Hey, what is it?" he asks. "I was pretty proud that I grabbed the right girl, that could have gone really wrong."

I chuckle through my tears, but I also shake my head. "I - I - I can't go to the funeral. Everyone will be watching me, there's gonna be cameras, I-"

"Hey, Rae, you'll be fine," Stiles says, putting his hands on both my cheeks and kissing my forehead. "Look, everything's gonna be okay. Just think - no more Peter, no psycho killings, we'll find Lydia, it'll all be good."

"That's not - not the point, Stiles," I sigh, resting my head on his shoulder and letting everything out that I'd been trying to keep in. "You don't hear what people are saying. She may have been a psycho murderous bitch, but she was still the one person in my dysfunctional family to actually show that she loved me."

He wraps his arms round me, holding me close. "You can cry at funerals, Rae. It's okay."

"I can't cry for her," I whimper. I sniff, pulling back. He wipes my eyes and kisses me quickly on the lips. "Not after what she's done."

"Well, you know, it's like a goodbye that you never got to give her," he smiles. I smile back and lean up to kiss him. "I love you."

"I love you, too." I smile again and then open the door, and he follows me out. No one gives us a second glance; we're not people who are noticed. He clasps his hand in mine as I head for the bathroom to get changed.

"I'll wait here," he says as I head in. My black dress is simple, with small sleeves coming just past my shoulders. Mom gave me small black heels, too, and I slip those on and put my other clothes into my bag and heading back out. Stiles walks me to the parking lot, where Allison meets me. He kisses me once more as she waits. "I gotta go for detention. But I'll see you later."

"Bye," I whisper, keeping hold of his hand until the last possible second. I turn and link arms with Allison as we walk to the car. "Does Dad know anything about me? Mom?"

"No, I haven't said a word," Allison smiles. I open the back door and she climbs in first, and then me. I'm sat behind Mom, who turns and smiles at the both of us.

"You ready?" she asks gently. Allison and I nod before Dad drives off, and I sit there, playing with my ring as we drive. After a short while, Alli reaches over and grasps my hand, and I squeeze it back, and we just sit there, holding each other.

The mass swarm of cameramen and reporters flood over to us as we park the car. I see Sheriff Stilinski with several other officers fight their way towards us, and he smiles warmly down at me as I get out of the car. He gives me a quick hug, which I return, before I follow my family. Mom and Dad both wrap an arm around Allison's waist, completely shielding her from the crowd, but I'm left to fend for myself. All I can hear is clicking and shouting, and because everything is heightened, it's too loud. I stop and sway slightly, trying to take in all of the sounds at once, but the swarm of people push me forward. I almost fall, but Sheriff catches me and helps me to the front of the crowd where the officers have set up barriers.

"Raelynn," Dad snaps as he turns round to look at me being led over by Sheriff. I thank Sheriff and run over to my family, where Allison reaches out to take my hand and pull me next to her, beside Mom. "I knew this was a bad idea."

"Well, it wasn't my idea," Mom retorts.

"I tried telling him," Dad sighs. "But he insisted on making a point of it."

"If he insisted then he can deal with this when he gets here," Mom says quietly, turning round to make sure we weren't being followed. Allison sits down but I stay stood up between my parents.

"Who gets here?" I ask.

"Just sit down, sweetheart," Mom says gently, taking a seat beside me as I sit next to Allison, Dad on the other side of Allison.

Allison is staring at the closed casket as an old man walks over to Dad and hugs him, kinda awkwardly. I place my hand in hers, and squeeze it. She smiles at me, and then we both look up when the man that just greeted Dad stands in front of us.

"Do you remember me, girls?" the man asks us. We both nod our heads slightly, our hands not leaving the others. "Considering I haven't seen either of you since you were three, I don't suppose I can assume you'd call me grandpa. So if it's comfortable, call me Gerard for the time being. But I'd prefer grandpa." He sits down where Dad was sitting just a minute ago, and the service starts to get underway.

A few hours later, it's dark outside. Everyone has gathered at our house, as a sort of wake for Kate. I don't want to be there, and it looks like Allison doesn't either. She's managed to slide off to her room, but Gerard has had his eyes on me like a hawk. Finally, he and Dad leave to go somewhere, and Stiles texts me. I slip back into the clothes I was wearing at school and rush off to find them.

I drop down beside Scott as they look at an ambulance completely covered with blood on the inside. "Hey. What did I miss?"

"Oh, nothing," Stiles shrugs. "Except that Lydia may have done this, you know, being a new werewolf and all."

"But - I'm a new werewolf, and I haven't killed anyone yet," I point out.

"I haven't killed anyone," Scott adds.

Stiles sighs. "Both of you have someone to think about when your bloodlust is high. Lydia doesn't really. So who knows if she's killed anyone else."

"Hey, I can sniff her out, too," I say, maybe a little too cheerily.

"Yeah, like a bloodhound," Stiles teases, and I growl slightly before Scott and I take off running.

"It's coming from this way," I say, sniffing the air and pointing in one direction.

"No, this way," Scott answers. We glance at each other before nodding once and taking off in our separate directions.

I run down a hill and towards a small creek, slipping and almost falling, but I grab a tree and swing myself round. "Dammit!" I curse, wiping the mud from my hands. I look up to see a pale white figure walking slowly towards me, their face confused. "Lydi - Lydia!" I rush forward and stop when I realize she really is completely naked. "Jesus. Lydia, are you okay?"

"Do I look okay?" she snaps. "I am freezing cold."

I quickly take off my coat and wrap it around her, sliding her cold arms into the sleeves and zipping up the zipper. "There. Now, at least no one can see you - uh, well, naked."

"Can I go home?" she asks, taking my hand.

"Yeah, let's go," I say. "The Sheriff is over here, he'll take you home." We walk a bit slower than normal, maybe because she's not wearing any shoes, but we finally get to the Sheriff, who puts her in the car to take her home. Stiles kisses me and I smile at him as he gets into the front seat next to his dad.

When I get through the door, Mom is just serving up dinner. Dad and Gerard are back, and Allison has come down from her room. "There you are," Mom says as I walk in.

"Sorry," I chuckle nervously. "Manic night." I look at Allison and mouth 'Lydia', and she grins broadly. "So, what have we got?"

"Your mother made a tremendous lamb, Raelynn," Gerard says.

While we eat, we manage, somehow, to keep the conversation off of werewolves. I don't know what it is, but something about Gerard gives me a weird feeling. It could just be the way he glances at me every now and then, or maybe it's my heightened senses. Allison suddenly drops her fork onto her plate, and because I'm sat right beside her, it echoes through my ears.

I hiss through my teeth and cover my ear, and I then realize that everyone is looking at me. "I'm fine. Just an earache."

Gerard's eyes narrow ever so slightly, before he stands up and takes his plate. "Raelynn, would you help me clear the table?"

"Oh, sure," I say, gathering the plates up.

"No, Gerard, Raelynn can do that," Dad says, waving his hand at me. "You're the guest."

"Nonsense, Christopher," Gerard chuckles. Jeez, all these formal names. "Victoria cooked me a lovely meal, and I would like one of my grandaughters to help me clear the table."

"I don't mind, Dad," I say honestly. It's not like I haven't been doing it for my entire life. Gerard and I start loading the dishes into the dishwasher, when he makes a strange noise. I turn to see him admiring my crossbow that Allison left in the kitchen. "Oh, that's mine. My weapon of choice."

"It's a wise choice," Gerard says appreciatively. "My Kate preferred guns and ammo, but I liked the old-fashioned weapons."
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I smile. "Kate was a good person. I loved her, and she loved me, too. That's all I-" But I'm cut off when Gerard stabs my hand with a butcher knife. It cuts straight through to the other side, and I scream in pain as he leaves it in there. Mom, Dad and Allison come running, and Allison's hand fling up to her mouth when she sees me. Blood is dripping down my arm, and my breathing has increased.

"Gerard!" Dad shouts. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

"This," Gerard says, "is a perfect example of a werewolf." My eyes widen and I glance to Allison, who's hands come away from her mouth. "I've been watching her all evening. The way she flinches when something clatters against something else, the way she could smell what dessert it was from another room."

Dad looks at me, and he comes over and pulls the knife swiftly out of my hand. I scream again, and Mom comes over to hold me up as the blood pools on the floor. But, sure enough, my wound starts to heal, and everyone's eyes turn to hatred. All except Allison. Dad grabs my shoulders and launches me across the kitchen and into the stairs, my back clicking in protest.

"Rae!" Allison screams. I groan and sit up, scrambling away up the stairs as Dad yells.

"Get out of my house!" he yells aggressively.

"Dad, stop!" Allison shouts, pulling at him.

I race upstairs, bolting into the bathroom and grabbing my toothbrush and shower things, before running into my room and sliding down my door, my head in my hands. I can't stop the tears that are flowing, and I grab my suitcase from under my bed and start piling all my clothes and books into the two suitcases. I put all my school things into my backpack, as well as some personal possessions, like the photo of me and Stiles and a few pictures of me and Allison, before I race downstairs and grab my car keys.

Dad pushes me down the porch, so I stumble onto the lawn. Then, he raises his gun when I turn back around, Allison and Mom begging for him to stop. He aims at me, but purposefully shoots at the grass next to me, making me jump and hurry away. I lodge my two suitcases and backpack into the back of my car, before getting in and driving away. With one hand on the steering wheel, I push my hand furiously through my hair as I cry harder than I ever have before. All the emotions that I've built up for so long come flooding out in this endless amount of tears, which suddenly makes it hard to breathe.

I know other places I could have gone, places far away from Beacon Hills, but I know I can't leave. Not when I have Stiles, Scott and Allison all still here. Not to mention Lydia. So, I find myself pulling up at Stiles's house, parking the Impala, grabbing my bags and getting out, walking up to the front door.

I knock, and Stiles opens it, in his pajamas. His face turns into a smile when he first sees that it's me, but then it drops when he sees that I'm sobbing my heart out. I shrug and drop my bags, lurching forward. He grabs me, and we sink to our knees as he holds me. "They found out, they know, he shot at me-"

"Rae, come on breathe," Stiles says.

"I - I can't - I can't breathe," I sob.

"Stiles!" Sheriff shouts, rushing down the stairs and coming towards us. "What the hell is going on?"

As soon as I realize that I'm having a panic attack, I stop breathing. Then it stops. And I can breathe again. I look up to the Sheriff, who realizes it's me, and drops to his knees, too. "If it's not too much trouble, can I stay here tonight?"

"Of course you can," Sheriff answers, kissing the top of my head and helping me to my feet. Stiles grabs my things and we head upstairs. Stiles puts the suitcases and bag into his room, and I perch on the end of his bed in a kind of dream. Sheriff leaves us so I can explain to Stiles what happened, and then Stiles explains to the Sheriff what happened, just without some certain details. Sheriff kneels in front of me, taking my hand. "Rae. Tomorrow, we're gonna go to the school, and get me put onto your school records as guardian."

"You don't have to do that, Sheriff," I sniff quietly.

"Yes, I do, Rae," he answers. "There's no way in hell I'm letting them have you back in their house after what they've just done to you. You can stay with us for as long as you need, okay?"

"I don't wanna be any trouble," I say, standing quickly. Sheriff stands, too, and Stiles puts his hand on my back as I sway from being light-headed.

"Rae, you would be more trouble if I had to worry about you being out there somewhere else," he chuckles, holding me close. I hug him back before he leaves, and I turn to Stiles.

"Can I please go to sleep, now?" I ask, and he nods, pulling me towards him so we fall back onto his bed gently, my head on his chest and our fingers intertwined.   

The Huntress {Stiles Stilinski}Where stories live. Discover now