Ice Pick - Petty little Omega

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  Raelynn's P.O.V.

"One shot," the voice says. "That's all it takes." Everything is black, and the rest of my senses are heightened beyond extreme. The voice is familiar, but I can't put it to a face, and it's frustrating. I turn, trying in vain to see anything, but all I see is more and more darkness, never ending.

I run at the wall, but I slam into it, nothing happening. "Let me out!"

"One shot." The voice is by my ear. "And I could end everything." I'm suddenly flooded in light, and I look up to see my father stood in front of me, his pistol in his hand. My mouth drops open as I whip around, trying to get away, but I'm stuck, rooted to the floor. "Your life, Stiles's life. Gone."

"You lay one finger on him and I swear to God," I growl, feeling a sudden surge of anger. "You stay the hell away from him!"

Dad chuckles. "You don't give the orders, Raelynn. You follow them. Surely that's one thing I taught you." He suddenly raises the gun, firing. It connects with my side, and I cry out as the pain spreads throughout my hip. I hold the wound, blood seeping through my fingers.

From somewhere deep down, I find the ability to laugh. "One shot - didn't - go very well," I wheeze.

"This one will," he says, raising it to my forehead and pulling the trigger.

"No!" I scream, sitting bolt upright in bed, holding the covers to my chest. I look around, confused. This isn't my room. And then I remember; I now live with the Stilinskis, and I'm in the guest bedroom. I'm sweating and panting, as if the dream had been real. "Stiles," I whisper, jumping out of bed, opening my door silently and sprinting down the hall.

I open his door quietly, and he's laying there, in his single bed, the covers ruffled around him. His mouth is open and he's snoring softly, and I smile as I watch him.

"Rae?" a voice says, and I whip round to see Sheriff stood at the top of the stairs, his work uniform on. "Are you all right?"

I open and close my mouth several times before nodding. "Yeah - I - just a bad dream." I smile and head back to my room, closing the door and getting back into bed, laying back and calming my breathing. Someone suddenly snuggles beside me, and I jump, turning to see Stiles climbing in. "Dude," I breathe, holding my chest.

"Sorry," he chuckles, wrapping me in his arms and drawing me to him. "Did you come in my room just now?"

"Had to make sure you were okay," I mumble. He leans up and kisses my temple, and I smile as I turn to kiss one of his knuckles.


"Bad dream," I say, sighing deeply. He doesn't ask anymore questions, and I drift away into a, thankfully, dreamless sleep.

I'm dressed and waiting to go within ten minutes. Stiles and I overslept, by, like, a lot. He comes racing down the stairs and bundles me out the front door and into the Jeep. We race to school in time for the bell, and Allison laughs at me as I come running up the steps, linking arms with her as we head to class.

"Did you know I was going to wear this today?" she asks, motioning down to her clothes.

I look at mine and close my eyes in frustration. "No, sorry. It looks like I've copied you." She giggles and then I raise my eyebrows and my chin. "Or could it be our twin telepathy."

"Oh, it could very well be," Allison answers, copying my head movements and facial expressions. We burst into laughter as we walk down the corridors towards class, attracting eyes as we go.

Lunch comes swiftly, and I follow Scott to the cafeteria as he tells me about his encounter with Erica. "And she just, like, trapped you?" I ask as we sit down with our food.

Scott nods. "Allison was there-" I interrupt him by nodding behind him, and he looks quickly to see Allison sitting directly behind him, their backs facing one another. He waits a beat, then says, "I know how it looked, but she came up to me."

"I'm not jealous," Allison answers, shaking her head gently.

"You're not?" Scott says, a small smile playing on his lips. I start to eat my food, smirking down at it.

"She's with Derek now, isn't she?" Allison asks quietly. "Like Isaac." There's a pause, where Scott looks down at his food and then up to me, and I shrug. "You can't get caught in the middle of this. Either of you." My ears spike up as she says that. "Don't you feel what's happening. Mine and Rae's grandfather coming here, Derek turning Erica and Isaac, it's - it's like battle lines are being drawn."

"I know," Scott whispers.

"There's always crossfire," Allison adds. My mind chooses then to flash back to when Scott, Stiles and I were in Gerard's office and he practically disowned me as his granddaughter.

"What am I supposed to do? I can't just stand by. I can't pretend to be normal," Scott says quickly.

Allison makes a small laughing noise. "I don't want you to be normal. I want you to be alive." She then stands, taking her food with her.

Scott sighs as I push my fork around my plate, dragging food along with it. Stiles comes running down, gives me a smile and then points to a table behind us.

"Guys, do you see that?" he says, jabbing his finger towards the table.

I take his hand and lower it, nodding. "Yes, Stiles. It's an empty table.

"Yeah, but whose empty table?" he probes, and mine and Scott's eyes widen.

"Boyd," Scott says.

We're walking down the corridors discussing what we're going to do. "Scott and I'll go to the ice rink, see if he's there," I say. Stiles gives me a look, and I sigh. "If Derek, Isaac and Erica are there, Scott'll need backup. And if he's not at home, you call me Stiles. Got it? What?"

"Maybe we should let him," Stiles says cautiously. "Boyd, you know? Scott, you said Derek's giving them a choice, right?"

"We can't," Scott says immediately, pulling on Stiles's arm to make him move.

"You gotta admit Erica looks pretty good," Stiles says, and I nod slightly in agreement. In contrast to the shy, unsociable person she was before, she's definitely changed. "You know, the word 'sensational' comes to mind."

I glare at him, licking my top teeth and crossing my arms over my chest. "Yeah. How good is she gonna look with a wolfsbane bullet in her head?"

"All right, all right," he says, sensing my rising temper. "All I'm saying is maybe this one isn't totally your responsibility." I look to Scott, who sighs.

"They all are," he says. "And you know this thing's gonna get out of control. That makes me responsible."

"Me, too," I say. "We can't just stand by and let Derek turn innocent people into werewolves where they could be killed."

"All right, I'm with you," Stiles says. He raises his eyebrows slightly, taking my hand and interlocking our fingers. "And I also gotta say this new-found heroism is making me very attracted to you."

I smirk. "Really? New-found?"

"Okay, this extra heroism," he says, and I laugh. "No, seriously. Do you wanna just try making out for a sec? Just to see how it feels?" I snort, pulling his mouth down to mine and kissing him, hard. When I pull back, we're both breathless. "Yep, let's go." I nod and smirk at the floor as we follow Scott.

"Boyd!" I call as I step onto the ice. Surprisingly, it's not too slippy, and I manage to keep myself upright as I head over to the big cleaning machine Boyd is operating. Scott comes onto the ice, too, a few feet behind me. "I don't know if you know me. I'm Rae, Stiles's girlfriend, Scott's best friend?"

Scott walks forward as Boyd ignores us again. "We just wanna talk, Boyd. Did Derek tell you everything? And I don't just mean going out of control on the full moons. I mean everything."

"He told me about the hunters," Boyd answers, not stopping the machine but glancing at us.

"And that's not enough for you to say no?" I ask, shocked. "Boyd, my family are hunters. I know what they do, and believe me, if you get caught, you'd wish they had killed you out in the field."

Scott gives me a look, and I stop. "Whatever you want there's other ways to get it."

"I just wanna not eat lunch alone every day," Boyd says, and my heart pangs for him.

"If you're looking for friends, you can do a lot better than Derek," I say. It's meant to be a compliment towards Boyd, but the person behind us doesn't think so.

"That really hurts, Rae," Derek's voice says, echoing across the rink. Scott and I turn as one, facing Derek, noticing he's got Erica and Isaac with him. "I mean, if you're going to review me, at least take a consensus. Erica, how's your life been for you since we met?"

Erica twirls a strand of hair around her fingers, her head tilted to one side. "Hm. In a word - transformative." She growls, her fangs showing, and I flinch slightly. I'm used to guns, bows and arrows, not fangs and claws. I don't even know how to use mine properly yet. The full moon consisted of me fighting it for as long as I could before then taking it out on a poor tree, which has now been reduced to splinters.

Scott takes my hand as reassurance, and Erica's eyebrow raises.

"Isaac?" Derek asks.

"Well, I'm a little bummed about being a fugitive, but other than that, I'm great," Isaac shrugs in his I-don't-really-give-a-damn attitude.

"Okay hold on," Scott says immediately. "This isn't exactly a fair fight."

Derek makes a small triumphant face. "Then go home, Scott." He turns his head ever so slightly to the side, and Erica and Isaac head towards us.

Scott suddenly goes to one knee and punches the ice, making me jump again. His claws are out and hair has grown on either side of his face, his eyes glowing amber and his fangs showing. "I meant fair for them."

"Scott," I whisper quickly. "I haven't fought with my claws before."

"Just think that you have to hunt them," he says. I look down and flick my hands, and my claws come out on my third attempt. My gums protest as my fangs push through, and I know my eyes are flashing blue. Instinct takes control of me as Erica swipes, and I duck, grabbing her arm as she tries it again.

I throw her against the cleaning machine that Boyd is still sat on, keeping out of the way, and she grunts as she makes contact with it. Scott throws Isaac across the rink and into the barriers on the side, and he lands on his front. Erica gets up and attacks me from behind, pouncing on my back. I easily throw her off, remembering the times Kate would train me in the woods. She had a big dog that she let me name, and I called him Chopper. He used to jump on my back as Kate would use him to train me to fight things off from behind, and I do the same with Erica as I did with Chopper, I am just a lot rougher with Erica.

Isaac comes striding back across towards Scott, and he grabs Scott's chest as Erica grabs his shoulder, slamming him into the cleaning machine. Boyd's eyes widen as I look up at him, and I give him a look that tells him this is not what he wants. Scott is thrown to the floor and slides away, but uses his claws to stop himself. I punch Erica, sending her back onto the floor, but she uses her legs to swipe mine out from under me.

"Son of a bitch," I cuss as I land, rolling out of her way as she sends a punch to where my face would have been. Scott grabs Isaac by the waist, lifting him into the air and slamming him onto the ice on his back. I do the same with Erica, and she groans as she lands.

"Don't you get it?" Scott growls, looking down at the two nearly unconscious werewolves on the floor. "He's not doing this for you. He's just adding to his own power, okay? It's all about him. He makes you feel like he's giving you some kind of gift when all he's done is turn you into a bunch of guard dogs!"

I slide first Isaac and then Erica across the rink so that they stop by Derek's feet. He looks down at them for a moment, before he steps over them slowly, coming towards me and Scott.

"It's true," Derek nods. "It is about power." As he walks, he flicks one set of claws and then another, and his eyes shine a bright Alpha red.

"Scott, no," I say as Scott stands his ground. "We can't beat him, not just us. Scott-" But Derek swipes, cutting me across first my leg and then my stomach, sending me to the floor. I groan in pain, feeling my body shift back to human. Boyd looks down at me, concern filling his deep brown eyes, and I throw my head back in anger at how weak I am.

Scott spits blood out onto the floor as Derek turns away, and I seize my chance. I leap, but he's too fast, and Derek's claws come into contact with my face, scratching me along the temple and cheek. I feel the warm drip of blood down the side of my face, and I land on the cool ice as Boyd climbs down off of the machine to help me up.

"Don't," I say, taking his hands gently and pleading to him, staring him straight in the eyes. "You don't wanna be like them."

"You're right," he answers sadly. "I wanna be like you." He lifts his sweater to reveal a bite mark on his hip, and I set my mouth in a hard line.

Erica laughs as she leaves, and I hear her hiss 'Petty little Omega'. But I'm not an Omega. I have Scott, and the others. I am not an Omega.

"Would you just hold still?" Stiles asks as he dabs the cotton bud across my face. He still has my leg and my side to do, and we need to get it done before Sheriff comes home. Hopefully it'll all heal before then. "Rae-"

"I'm sorry," I laugh, and his eyes soften. "It stings."

"If you don't sit still, I can't clean it," he says.

I pull away, hissing through my teeth as the antiseptic wipes sting again. "Why can't we just let it heal?"

"Because clearly this will take a lot longer to heal than other wounds," he says, dabbing once, twice, three times before he smiles. "There." He kisses me quickly, almost like a reward, and then puts the wipes in the bin. "Don't know why it's not healing, though."

"Can I kill Erica?" I ask, propping myself up on my elbows after he pushes me down to clean my side. He lifts my shirt, then his eyes dart to mine.

"Why?" he asks, and I raise my eyebrows at him.

"Why?" I ask, and he nods. "Okay, let's count. One, she hits you round the head with something from your Jeep. Two, she touched the Jeep. Three, she tried to kill me. Four, I don't like how she flaunts around you like you belong to her."

"Is there a fifth reason?" Stiles says carefully.

I sigh. "Not right now. But wait until tomorrow, there will be." He laughs and cleans the next two cuts quickly, kissing me quickly each time he finishes.

"There, all done," he says, putting away the antiseptic stuff and the cotton buds.

"Thank you," I murmur. He climbs onto my bed, pulling me into his lap so I'm sat with my side against him and he leans against the headboard, keeping me tucked into his arms.

"Can I kill Derek?" Stiles asks, and I snort.

"Reasons," I say.

"One, he tried to kill you," he begins, motioning towards my slowly healing wounds. "Two, he killed Peter to gain the Alpha power even though Scott could have been cured. Three, his uncle is Peter who almost killed you. Four, I just generally do not like the guy."

I pause a moment, waiting to see if he's finished, before I pull my head back to look up at him. "Done?"

"Give me until tomorrow," he says, quoting what I said, and I laugh as we sit there, enjoying the small feeling of peace we get. I must drift off, because I feel his soft lips kiss my forehead as he gently removes himself from under me, to then lay beside me and hold me close.  

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