Frenemy - We're just a bunch of teenagers

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  Raelynn's P.O.V.

I forced Stiles to go to school once we'd finished feeding Jackson. He tried to argue with me, but he eventually went. Now I'm just sat alone with Jackson, trying to convince him that he's a murderous reptile - I think it's fair to say that he isn't believing me. My feet are against the seat Jackson is sat on, my legs outstretched as I slouch. I still have the same clothes on from yesterday, not having time to go and change. 

"Scales?" Jackson asks, referring to my last piece of information about him. "Like a fish."

"No, more like a reptile," I say, and I see him roll his eyes at me. "Um, and your claws have this liquid that paralyzes people, and you have a tail."

"I have a tail?" he says, and I nod. "Mm. Does it do anything?"

"Nope, not that I know of," I sigh, playing with the wolf necklace around my neck. I'm extremely bored, and babysitting Jackson isn't exactly how I pictured spending my day.

"Can I use it to strangle you?" Jackson growls, trying to lunge at me but being restricted by the handcuffs.

I just shake my head at him and sit up. "Yeah, you still don't believe me. All right, let's see." I think for a moment before saying, "The night of the semi-final game, what did you do right after?"

"I went home," he answers, pronouncing every word clearly. His eyes are cold and hard towards me, but I don't take any notice towards it.

"Are you sure about that?" I say, trying to prompt some memories for him.

"Yes, you idiot," he snaps. "What the hell else would I do?"

"You attacked me, Derek and Stiles at the school, you trapped us in the pool," I list, and his eyes widen slightly. "You also killed a mechanic in front of Stiles, thank you, by the way. I'm sure he was enjoying that. You also killed one of my dad's hunters, oh, and last night you tried to kill Danny." I smile at the end of it, but Jackson just looks at me like I'm insane.

"Why would I wanna kill my best friend?" he asks.

"Well, I don't know," I hiss, narrowing my eyes and crossing my arms over my chest. "I'm not you. But that's what Scott's trying to figure out right now."

"Mm," Jackson nods, and I think he's finally understood. "Well, maybe he should be trying to figure out how he's going to pay for a lawyer when I prosecute your asses all the way to jail!" Nope, definitely not understanding.

I sigh and run my hand through my messy hair, drawing my last card. "All right, well . . . Tell me this. On the night of the full moon, what happened?"

Jackson's head shakes ever so slightly, his eyes glaring even more now. "Nothing." He leans back against the metal wall, his eyes cast down on the floor. "Nothing happened."

I don't say anything else; it doesn't look like he would listen anyway. Making sure Jackson's cell is still in my pocket, I leave the food in the van and get out, leaning against the hood of it while I send a message to Jackson's dad. A noise makes my ears perk up, and I look to the side before someone's arms land on my shoulder.

I flip them over my shoulder, and they land with a thud and a small cry of pain onto the ground. "Oh, my god!"

"Rae!" Allison groans as she sits up, and I hold my hand out to help her. She stands to her feet, picking up her hat and shoving it back on her head.

"Don't creep up on me like that!" I exhale deeply, and she brushes the dead leaves off of her clothes.

"They know," she says, her eyes a little wider than normal. Her hair is in curls like mine, how it is when she leaves it naturally.

"What?" I ask, my voice going higher. Oh no, oh no, oh no.

"They know Jackson's missing," Allison says, confirming my fears.

"No, they can't," I say quickly, holding his phone up. "Stiles and I have been texting his parents since last night. They haven't got a clue."

Allison shakes her head as I finish speaking. "Gerard told me that his parents went to the police. They know."

"Oh-" I flap my arms about a little, confused on what to do. I thrust the phone in my hand at Allison, and she takes it before I dash over to the transport van, opening the driver's door and grabbing the small walkie-talkie looking thing that the officers communicate with. I press a button, and a voice comes through the radio.

"All available units proceed to Beacon Hills Preserve as instructed," the dispatcher orders. "Proceed with caution until Sheriff Stilinski's arrival. Proceed with caution."

I turn around to look at Allison before dropping the radio and pushing her shoulder. "Get in."


"Allison, shut up and get in the damn truck," I command, and she does what she's told. I run around to the driver's side, and when I'm in I take Jackson's phone from her, dial his mom's number and throw the phone out the window so it stays where we just were.

"Where are we going?" she asks me as we drive away.

"Somewhere very far from this," I say, pressing my foot down on the gas to get away as fast as possible.

"If Jackson doesn't remember being the kanima, he's definitely not gonna remember stealing Danny's tablet," Scott says. Me, Stiles, Scott and Allison are stood near the edge of a cliff that overlooks the city of Beacon Hills, talking about Danny's missing tablet and the footage that is on it.

"Why would he steal the thing if he doesn't even know what's on it?" Stiles asks.

"What if someone else took it?" Allison suggests.

"Then somebody else knows what he is," I add, and she nods with a smile.

"Which could mean someone's protecting him," Scott says.

"It's like the bestiary says, 'the kanima seeks a friend', right?"

"Okay, hold on," Stiles says, holding his hands up and shaking his head. "So, somebody watches Jackson make a video of himself turning into the kanima, and then just erases part of it so he wouldn't know? I mean, who would do that?"

"Somebody who wanted to protect him?" Allison asks.

"Uh, there's something else," Scott says, turning to Stiles. "You aid the only thing you found online about the kanima is that it goes after murderers. What if that's actually true?"

"No, it can't be," Stiles shakes his head. "Tried to kill all of us, remember? I don't know about you three, but I haven't murdered anybody lately."

"But," I say, a thought popping into my head, and I look at Scott and Allison, "I don't think that it was actually trying to kill us. Remember when we were at Isaac's the first time, it just went right by us, didn't it?"

Scott nods as Allison says, "That's right, it just ran off."

"And it didn't kill you in the mechanic's garage," I add, turning to face Stiles. I wrap my fingers around his, and he looks down before looking up at me.

"Well, yeah, but it tried to kill me, you and Derek in the pool," he argues.

"Did it?" Scott asks, and we turn to look at him.

"It would've," Stiles says. "It was waiting for us to come out."

"What if it was trying to keep you in?" Scott suggests, and Stiles's mouth opens a little.

"Why do I feel so violated all of a sudden?" he says, and I smirk down at the ground.

"Because there's something else going on," Scott explains. "We don't know what it is. We don't know anything about what's going on with Jackson, or why someone's protecting him."

"'Know the enemy'," Allison murmurs, and all three pairs of eyes flick up to her. "Just something my grandfather said."

"All right, I got it," Stiles says. "Kill Jackson. Problem solved." He holds his arms out proudly, and I shake my head at him while trying to hide my smirk.

"He risked his life for us," I say to him gently.

"Against Peter, you remember that?" Scott says, his voice a little snappier.

"Yes, but what did we just find out?" Stiles argues again. "He got the bite from Derek. It's funny how he just got exactly what he wanted by supposedly risking his life for us, it's funny." I rub small circles in Stiles's back in a strange attempt to calm him down.

"Yeah, it doesn't mean he's not still worth saving," Scott points out, and Stiles sighs.

"It's always something with him, though."

"He doesn't know what he's doing," I say. I don't know why I'm suddenly defending Jackson; he's been an asshole to me all day, ignoring and snapping at me.

"So what?" Stiles shrugs.

"So, I didn't either," Scott says sharply. Stiles makes a small growling noise from the back of his throat, looking down at the floor. Scott turns to Allison. "You remember when I almost killed you and Jackson?" She nods, keeping her eyes away from the boys. "I had someone to stop me. Rae has someone to stop her. He has nobody."

"That's his own fault," Stiles responds, his voice acidic.

"Doesn't matter," Scott says. "If we can save him, we should try." Stiles looks down at me, and I shrug in agreement.

When night falls, Stiles leaves to go and apologize to Lydia for promising to talk to her and then not coming back, effectively ditching her in her car. Scott and Allison have the car, so I'm stuck with either waiting outside, or sitting in the front of the transport van. I choose the latter, not wanting to freeze to death.

I must have dozed off at some point, because I wake up to the sound of metal breaking, and I know immediately it's Jackson. I jump out of the van to see Stiles stood there, staring at the back of the van. I gasp and rush over to the car, banging on the window and cringing slightly when I see Allison's naked back covering Scott's naked torso. They both jump awake when I bang on the window, and Allison covers herself with what looks like her shirt.

"Uh, you guys might wanna come take a look at this," I say, walking back over to Stiles so they can get dressed. They come over in a couple of minutes, and they look to see the back doors open and the handcuffs holding Jackson broken.

"I have to tell my father," Allison says immediately, and my eyes lock onto hers. Scott walks away, and we all watch him. "Scott. He's going to kill someone."

"Okay," Scott breathes. "Tell him. Tell him everything."

"Scott, I gotta tell mine, too," Stiles adds. My heartbeat quickens - if Sheriff knows everything, then that makes things a hell of a lot more complicated.

"This is all my fault," Scott growls.

"It's not," I say, staying beside Stiles. "But Allison and Stiles are right, we have to tell them. We're just a bunch of teenagers. We can't handle this."

"You're right," Scott nods.

Allison turns around to Stiles. "How you gonna get your dad to believe all this?"

"I don't know," Stiles shrugs honestly. He looks terrified, and I know why. With Sheriff knowing, it puts him in more danger than he's already in.

"He'll believe me," Scott says, turning back around and flashing his eyes their amber color.

"Could you buzz us in?" Stiles asks the officer on reception when we get to the Sheriff's department. "I gotta see my dad." The man nods and buzzes us in, allowing us to open the door and walk through. Stiles hesitates, though, and I grab his hand and give it a reassuring squeeze, before Scott nods and we head inside. I expect Stiles to let go of my hand, but he doesn't - he keeps it firmly in his grip, almost for reassurance.

As we round the corner to head into the office, we spot a man leaning against the desk and Jackson sat on the couch, a smug look on his face and a coat wrapped around his naked torso. Our mouths drop open collectively, and Sheriff steps in front of us, looking tired and drained.

"Scott, Stiles, Rae," he says. "Perfect timing. Have you met Jackson's father, Mr. David Whittemore?" He holds his arm out to the man stood behind him, who also holds the smug look like on Jackson's face. "Esquire."

"That means lawyer," Jackson says, as if we didn't understand. Oh, crap. Our mouths still haven't closed, and I'm a little shocked that Jackson managed to get here after turning into the kanima  

The Huntress {Stiles Stilinski}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon