Lunatic - So we'll lock you up

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  Raelynn's P.O.V.

Since I told Stiles that I love him, I haven't heard back from him. I feel so stupid, pacing my room, my cell on my bed, waiting endlessly for a call to check up on me. I've tried calling him, but it's always off. I guess now there's not as much as a threat, he knows I'm okay. School was shut Thursday and Friday, and I haven't gotten dressed since; I've showered, obviously, but I haven't done any laundry. Which is pretty stupid considering school reopens tomorrow.

A knock at my door makes me turn; Kate is stood with her hands in the back pocket of her jeans, her wavy blond hair drifting over her shoulders and those piercing green eyes watching me. "Can I come in?" I roll my eyes and hold my arm out as an indication that she can. "Still not talking to me, huh?" I shake my head and cross my arms over my chest. She sighs and closes my door, leaning against my doorframe. "Come on, Rae, this is the longest you've gone without speaking to me."

I scoff. "No, the longest I've gone without speaking to you is so long I thought you were dead!"

She smiles. "And she speaks." I shake my head and press my lips together, turning to my window. I may have a small as you like room, but I have a bay window and it's big. I sit down in it, keeping as much distance between me and Kate as possible. "Look, I don't get why you're mad. All I was doing was my job."

I flip round, my ponytail flying with it. "You were breaking the code!" I hiss. Allison is only next door, and although the door is closed, the walls aren't the thickest things in the world. "The code is there to protect us and them, to an extent."

"I've noticed you've been a bit protective of them lately, Raelynn," Kate says, stepping away from the wall and towards me. My eyes flick to the door and I think of how fast I have to run to get to it. Even if I do make it to the door, Kate is a lot faster than me. "Something I should know?"

"I -" I stutter, trying to think of an excuse, "I was making sure that we kept the Argent name up to it's standards."

"Oh, sweetie," Kate chuckles, reaching forwards to tuck a stray curl behind my ear, "it's your name you should be worried about."

"My name?" I ask, confused.

"You're the Legacy, Rae," Kate says, a proud look in her eyes. "And werewolves fear the Legacy. You've taken down more werewolves than most of us have in our lifetimes, and you're seventeen." I narrow my eyes slowly, thinking she's lying. "When the Legacy stops hunting, people talk."

I swipe her hand away. "Let them talk. I'd rather be the center of gossip than a murderer!"

My door swings open and I see Dad stood there. "Kate!" he snaps. "Out."

"I was trying to tell her what she's leaving behind," Kate holds her hands up. Dad slips in, closing my door. Kate grins. "Thank you, someone who agrees."

I throw my hands up in the air and turn back to my window, one hand on my forehead, and then back to them. "What is this, a family gathering?"

"Rae, people have been talking," Dad says. "Now that the whole Alpha thing is over-"

"It's not over until he's dead," I scowl. "And I won't be leaving Beacon Hills until he is." I walk out of my room and slam the door, before I shake my head and walk back in. "This is my room, you guys walk out."

"Look, Rae, I'm sorry," Kate says. My eyes widen and I glance at Dad, who shrugs. "I should have abided by the code while you were hunting with me. I know it's important to you. Friends?" She holds out her hand for me to shake, and I do. I know she threw me down a hill and threw Stiles out, but I'd rather be Kate's friend than her enemy. She can be quite a nasty bitch when she wants to be.

"Friends," I agree with a smile. She pulls me in for a hug and I return it; I guess throwing Stiles out wasn't so bad, but throwing me down a hill was. But then Dad has sacrificed my entire childhood so I can be his defense for his precious Allison. Kate walks out and I turn to Dad. "Am I really a Legacy?"

He smiles and nods, standing and walking over to me, placing his hands on my shoulders. "And I couldn't be more proud."

"But I've taken more lives than the years I've even been alive," I say quietly. That's bad. Really bad.

"All of these lives were tortured, forced out of will to change during the full moon," Dad explains. "I did teach this to you. Please don't tell me you're forgetting."

"No, no," I say, shaking my head.

"Good. Now, what's the night tonight?"

"Is it family night?" I groan silently. We haven't done one of those in years, but since Allison lied and told them that they had to pretend it was family night to get out of Lydia's party (which she ended up going to anyway), Mom has decided it might be a good idea.

Dad chuckles. "No. It's the full moon." My eyes widen and I quickly check my calendar, making a face. "You forgot. You need to be more careful, Rae. Especially tonight."

"I will, Dad, I promise," I say with a nod. "I should probably start getting ready for bed, you know, school reopens tomorrow."

"Oh, right, right," he says with a smile, kissing my forehead. My mouth drops open when he does that; he has never kissed my head before. "Night."

I smile and wait for him to close the door and his footsteps to die away before I grab my cell and dial Stiles's number. He picks up, finally. "Hey, I've been trying to get hold of you."

"Yeah, sorry," he sighs. "Uh, this isn't the best time, I'm meeting Scott pretty soon."

"Oh," I say, smiling even though he can't see me. "That's okay. Well, I'll see you tomorrow I guess."

"No, no, wait," he says quickly. I can hear the door of his Jeep open. "I can put you on speaker."

"Thanks," I answer, climbing onto my bed and curling my knees up to my chin. "So, Kate just talked to me."

"You mean sociopaths bitch, that Kate?" Stiles asks. I laugh and he takes that as a yes. "What did she wanna talk about?"

"Me being protective of Derek on that one hunt we went on."

"The one where she nearly killed the shady guy Scott is calling a tutor?"

"Yes, that one," I say. I can hear the rumble of his engine as he drives. "She also told me I was being 'gossiped' about in the hunter community." He's silent for a little while, and my heart rate increases. "Stiles?"

"Sorry, just grabbing Scott," he says as Scott jumps in the car.

"Hey," Scott says.

"Hi," I answer, and I know he jumped. "Boo."

"Ha ha, very funny Rae," Scott laughs.

"Guys, Kate told me I was a Legacy," I say.

"A Legacy?" the say together.

"Yeah. She said I'd killed more werewolves in my time as a hunter than most of the other hunters have in the time they've been hunting. That means I've killed more lives than the years I've been alive."

"Okay," Stiles says, "but you've stopped hunting now."

"But for how long?" I ask, standing up and pacing slowly again. "I mean, it's only a matter of time until Allison finds out, and I know as soon as Allison finds out we're gonna have to move again."

"You're what?" the boys chorus.

"You can't leave," Stiles says quickly.

"Sorry to spoil your night, guys," I apologize. "I gotta go, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Will you be wearing a dress to celebrate having to go back to learning?" Stiles teases.

I snort. "In your dreams, cowboy."

"Laters, Shorty." I make to reply but he hangs up, and I put my phone on my desk, smiling.

My shower is ridiculously long, so long that my fingers start to go pruny and someone is knocking on the door. When I open it, Allison is stood there. "Hi."

"God, took you long enough," she grumbles, pushing me out of the way. I clutch my towel to stop it from falling down my body, and my hair drips along the floor.

I click my tongue and turn to face her. "Okay, I get that you're pissed about what happened with Scott, and I get it, but don't go taking it out on me like you have been for the entire friggin' weekend!"

"I'm sorry," she breathes exaggeratedly. "I'm sorry your life is completely fine! I'm sorry you have a boyfriend who doesn't lie to you and trap you in a classroom just to walk off and not save you-"

"Hey, my life is not completely perfect," I snap. She widens her eyes and takes deep breaths as I continue. "My life has never been smooth sailing. I have never had any real friends because we move about so much, and I've never actually been given any personal nick-nacks that you have. So I'm sorry that my life doesn't have a crappy breakup in it, but show a bit of respect!" I breathe with her and nod. "Goodnight." I rush across to my room and throw my pajamas on, allowing my hair to dry naturally. I brush it out and climb into bed, switching off my lights and closing my eyes, praying for a dreamless sleep.

"Wow, you look like crap," Allison giggles as I walk into the kitchen the next morning.

"Coffee," I grumble, grabbing a mug and pouring myself a cup. After I've swallowed a relatively big amount, I turn to my sister, my hair high like a bird's nest. "Thank you, for pointing out the obvious."

She bows. "You're welcome. Oh, Dad said he'll drive us to school today."

As I grab a couple of her berries I pout. "But I haven't driven Darlin' in so long!"

"First, why did you name your car 'Darlin' of all things, and second," she says, popping a berry in her mouth, "it's no use. I already tried to get him to let you take us." I groan and walk up the stairs, very slowly, my mug of coffee nearly gone. Allison passes me and then shakes her head the top. "Oh, Lion, good luck finding clean clothes."

I swear and rush downstairs, ditching my mug on the side and running to the laundry room. A big pile of my clothes are sat on top of the washing machine, untouched. I kick the machine and run my hands through my hair, running upstairs. I check the clothes in my closet but a lot of them are fancy clothes. Eventually I manage to pull together an that doesn't actually smell weird, I do my hair and a tiny bit of makeup before running back downstairs.

"You took your time," Dad says. Kate is stood beside him, but Mom isn't. "Let's go, or we'll be late."

Me and Allison clamber into the back, the drive considerably silent on the way to the school. I guess we don't really have anything to talk about between the four of us. Dad stops the car in front of the school, but when me and Allison try to open the back doors, we find they're locked. We glance at each other quickly with a look of annoyance.

"Dad," Allison says, pulling on the handle, "if you're going to insist on driving us to school, you at least have to let us out of the car."

"Otherwise I'll call you in for kidnapping," I tease, and Kate chuckles.

"Kate," Dad says, "what's your opinion on home schooling?"

"Well, you know, I'm more of a learning-by-dong kind of girl," Kate answers with a shrug and a look back to me, and I know what she means. I suppress a smile and shake my head, still trying the handle.

"What's your opinion on overprotective dads who keep ruining their daughter's lives?" I ask, glaring at the back of Dad's head slightly. He tenses and Kate looks at me with a pointed look, but she still reaches across over Dad and unlocks the child locks. "Thank you."

"You're welcome," Kate says.

As I climb out, I'm suddenly aware as to what I'm wearing. I pull the dress down slightly and wrap my jacket tighter around myself, keeping my bag on my shoulder. Allison sighs and takes my arm, dragging me up the steps.

"I can't believe you wore that," she says as we walk in.

"Yeah, me neither," I whisper. She spots Lydia and heads off, and I see Stiles by his locker with Scott. I quickly walk over and attempt to hide behind Stiles, but he moves. "Hi."

"Wow, Rae," his eyes sweep up and down my body, a cute smile spreading across my face, "when I asked you if you were gonna wear a dress, I wasn't being serious."

I laugh and shove his shoulder. "I forgot to do my laundry and this was the only thing in my closet that wasn't reserved for special occasions or smell weird." Stiles makes a face and I make one in return, and Scott shakes his head.

"I gotta go study before Harris's test," Scott says, walking off.

I furrow my eyebrows and turn to Stiles. "Isn't the test next?"

"Yep," Stiles sighs.

"And isn't that your dad?" I ask, pointing to Sheriff Stilinski who just came out of the Principal's office.

"Yep," he says, sighing again. We rush over to him as he's speaking to a couple of people, but he excuses himself to come speak to us.

He points to us both, his finger sweeping between us. "Don't you two have a test to get to?"

"What's going on?" I ask, looking at the other people.

"Did you find Derek yet?" Stiles asks quickly.

"I'm workin' on it," Sheriff says, and I nod. "You go take your test. Both of you."

"All right, Dad, listen to me," Stiles says.


"This is really important. You have to be careful tonight, okay? Especially tonight."

"Stiles, I'm always careful."

"You've never dealt with this kind of thing before, sir," I say quickly. "At least not like this."

"I know, which is why I brought in people who have. State detective. Go take your test."

Me and Stiles nod and run to the lecture hall, making it just as the last person is walking in. We melt into the class and take our seats beside one another, Scott sat in front of Stiles. We all take out our pencils and erasers for the test, and I tap mine against my desk.

"You have 45 minutes to complete the test," Harris explains. "25% of your grade can be earned right now simply by writing your name on the cover of the blue book." I can hear everyone quickly writing their names down, desperate for the test to just start. "However, as happens every year, one of you will inexplicably fail to put your name on the cover, and I'll be left yet again questioning my decision to ever become a teacher." I glance at Stiles, who shrugs. "So let's get the disappointment over with. Begin."

The noise of paper turning fills the room, and I notice Scott tense up and one hand clench into a fist. Stiles is writing down the first answer already, but I'm keeping my attention on Scott. His head is twitching slightly, and it goes on for a couple minutes before he stands up and hurries out.

"Mr. McCall?" Harris asks. I glance at Allison, and she's looking at me, confused. I stand and follow him. "Miss Argent! Mr. Stilinski!" Me and Stiles race down the corridors until we see Scott's bag on the floor.

"Stiles," I say, grabbing his phone from his pocket, "call Scott's phone."


"Just call him," I say sternly. Stiles dials Scott's number and I hear it going off nearby, and we follow the noise to the boys' locker rooms. "Okay, you go in."

"Scott?" Stiles calls as he walks in.

"Stiles, I can't -" Scott tries to say.

"Oh, screw it." I groan and rush in after Stiles, clutching Scott's bag to my chest. "Scott!" He's sat under a shower, which is running water down his face. "Are you turning?"

"No, no, I can't breathe," Scott gasps.

Stiles grasps his bag and digs around for something, eventually pulling out an inhaler. "Here, use this." When Scott gives him a funny look, Stiles scowls. "Come on, do it."

Scott inhales in the inhaler and looks up at us, confused. "I was having an asthma attack?"

"No, you were having a panic attack," I conclude.

"But thinking you were having an asthma attack actually stopped the panic attack," Stiles chuckles. "Irony."

"How did you know that?" Scott asks.

"I used to get them after my mom died," Stiles shrugs. "Not fun, huh?"

Scott shakes his head and furrows his eyebrows like he's in pain. "I looked at her, and it was like someone hit me in the ribs with a hammer."

"It's called heartbreak," I say with a soft smile. "About 2 billion songs written about it."

"I can't stop thinking about her."

"Well," Stiles says, dragging the word out, "you could think about this: Her dad's a werewolf hunter, and you're a werewolf, so it was bound to become an issue. That wasn't helpful. Dude, I mean, yeah, you got dumped, and it's supposed to suck."

"No, that's not it," Scott argues. "It was like I could feel everything in the room, everyone else's emotions."

"It's got to be the full moon," I conclude. "So we'll lock you up in your room later just like we planned. That way the Alpha, who is your boss, can't get to you, either."

"I think we need to do more than lock me in my room," Scott sighs.

"What, you mean because if you get out, you'd be caught by hunters?" Stiles asks.

"No," Scott says, shaking his head. "Because if I get out - I think I might kill someone." I glance nervously up at Stiles who runs a hand over his hair in frustration.

Stiles and Scott are in lacrosse practice, and I have a free period pretty much all day now, so I'm doing my History homework in the cafeteria. I spot Jackson and Allison sat a couple tables away from me, diagonally, and I make sure they can't see me. Suddenly, in a flurry of strawberry blond curls, Lydia is sat across from me. My eyes widen as she folds her hands on the table, and I glance down at them and then back at her.

"I need a favor," she says slowly, as if I have to be spoken to like that because I'm from a different country.

"Lydia, I don't do favors," I answer, returning to my book.

"Rae, please," Lydia says, almost begging. "I need your help."

I sigh and put my pen down, looking up at her. "What is it?"

"Ever since Wednesday night when we were locked here at the school, Jackson has been slightly . . . distant," she says, glancing over at her boyfriend and my sister before returning her gaze to me. "I just wanna know if he's -"

"Cheating?" I finish, and she nods. "Look, Allison still likes Scott. A lot. There's no way she'd do that, especially not so soon. Jackson, on the other hand . . . Look Lydia, he could just be doing it so you give him more attention, or because he wants to make Scott jealous."

"Jackson isn't like that-"

"Then why come to me, Lydia?" I ask. "If all you're going to do is argue the points I give you?"

She stands with a whip of her long locks, and she saunters away from my table. I shake my head and carry on with the work I was set. When the bell goes, I know that Stiles and Scott will be out of their lesson, so I head to my locker to put my books away.

"Hey, Rae?" Scott says from beside me. I turn and jump a little, not expecting him to be so close to me. "Can we talk for a second?"

"Sure," I say, following him into Coach's office. My eyebrows furrow when he stops by the desk, and I've got my back to the door. "What's going on? Is this about Wednesday?"

"Just - I needed to ask you something," he says. "Do you, uh - do you know if Allison still likes me?"

I give him a soft smile and rub his arm gently. "Of course she does."


"She'll always like you, Scott," I answer honestly. "Maybe lying to her face wasn't the best of ideas, though." Scott makes a strange face, like he's not completely here. "Look, I think she made the right choice, but it's killing her."

"How?" he asks softly. It sounds like he's trying to make his voice seductive.

"Well, I know you made the right choice, protecting us by locking us in the classroom," I say, "but she thought you were leaving her."

"Are you grateful for what I did?" he asks, slowly coming closer to me.

"I think I am," I say. "I mean, we did get out alive." His mouth is suddenly on mine, trying to deepen the kiss. I grip his chest and push him off. "What the hell?"

He looks dazed but sickeningly happy with himself. "Oh come on, you can't say you didn't enjoy that."

"You're insane," I say, tears spilling to my cheeks. I run out of the office and up the corridor, pushing past people who stare after me. A pair of arms trap me and I struggle to get out until I recognize them. "Stiles?"

"Rae," he breathes, "what the hell happened?"

The sobs come hard now, and I guess it's all the fear, the anger, and the panic that has been built up inside me for almost a week that's now coming out. "Sc - Sco - Scott-"

"Rae!" Allison shouts. "Stiles, what happened?"

"Something about Scott," he murmurs.

"Scott ki - kissed me," I breathe, wiping my tears away. Stiles's jaw sets and he looks down to me, brushing my hair out of my face. "Please don't do anything stupid, Stiles."

"I won't," he says sternly. "Go home, okay, and get the stuff."

I nod and rush out. Allison and I go home at the same time today, so Kate is coming to pick us up. I wave her over when I see the car and jump in, trying my best to conceal everything from the prying eyes of my family. I don't hesitate when I get in; my room is the only place I want to be. I shove all the stuff in a bag and zip it up, ready for when Stiles comes to pick me up tonight.

Allison and Kate's laughter filter through the walls, and I quickly check under my bed for all my weapons, but I notice my crossbow is missing. "Kate!" I say loudly, rushing into Allison's room. "Have you seen my-" But Allison has my crossbow aimed at her teddy bear, Mr Bear. "Crossbow."

"This is yours?" Allison asks.

"Rae had a knack for bows and arrows," Kate covers up smoothly. I smile and walk out, making sure to instruct her to put it back once she'd finished with it.

Stiles's horn honks outside my house, and I run downstairs, grabbing my keys, and out onto the porch with the bag of stuff we need. I throw it in the back as I get in, and without thinking, I grab him and pull his lips to mine. They crash together, and his hands suddenly fly down either side of me as he falls. My arms wind round his neck and push him closer to me. When we sit up, our lips are swollen and we're both flushed.

"Well, that was interesting," he says, his voice thick.

My smile gets bigger. "It really was." I give him a smirk and he laughs, driving off to Scott's.  

The Huntress {Stiles Stilinski}Where stories live. Discover now