Lunatic - You kissed her!

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A/N: Little bit of smut at the end, just a pre-warning <3Beth

  Raelynn's P.O.V.

Stiles pulls his keys out of his pocket as we reach Scott's house, and he rifles through the keys until he finds the right one and slots it into Scott's front door. My eyes widen as the door opens and Stiles pulls me through into the house.

"Scott?" Melissa's voice sounds from downstairs, and I look around for her.

"Stiles," Stiles answers, and I conceal my giggle.

"Key!" Melissa gasps, pointing at the door which hadn't been forced open or broken, and then at the key in Stiles's hand.

"Yeah," Stiles shrugs. "I had one made, so-"

"Just like a stalker," I tease, and he smiles down at me.

"That doesn't surprise me," Melissa admits. "It scares me, but it doesn't surprise me. What is that?" She points to the bag I'm holding and a quick lie forms in my mind.

"Uh, school project," I answer, and she seems satisfied with that.

"Stiles, he's okay, right?"

"Who?" Stiles asks. "Scott? Yeah. Totally."

"He just doesn't talk to me that much anymore, not like he used to," Melissa says, sadness evident in her voice. My heart throbs for her. I know what it's like to not be spoken to for ages.

"He's had a bit of a rough week," I say with a soft smile.

"Yeah, yeah, I get it," she mumbles. "Yeah, um - Okay, uh, be careful tonight."

"You, too."

"Full moon."

"What?" me and Stiles say together.

"There's a full moon tonight," Melissa says, pointing to the ceiling but I know she means the sky. "You should see how the E.R. gets. Brings out all the nut jobs."

"Oh," Stiles and I breathe.

"You know, um, it's actually where they came up with the word 'lunatic'," Melissa says. Me and Stiles smile and nod as she leaves, and I look at Stiles.

"You had a key made?" I ask, shocked and scared.

"Yeah, I got one for your place, too," he says.


"It's my way of knowing that I can get in quickly to keep you safe," he says, and I sigh, lifting the bag onto my shoulder. "And it's not being a stalker."

"I've told you, I don't need protecting," I smile, leaning up to kiss him gently on the lips. "Now let's go chain down this werewolf before he tries any more daring moves." We head upstairs to Scott's room, and as we walk in I see a figure sat in Scott's chair.

Stiles jumps and exhales deeply, while I stop reaching for my ring daggers. "Oh, my God! Dude. You scared the hell out of me. Your mom said you weren't home yet."

"I came in through the window," Scott answers. His voice is very odd and sounds almost like he's trying to not let us think he's about to kill us.

"Okay," I say, "let's get this set up. I want you to see what we bought."

"I'm fine," Scott says. "I'm just gonna lock the door and go to bed early tonight."

"You sure about that?" I ask cautiously.

"You've got this kind of serial killer look going on in your eyes, and I'm hoping it's the full moon taking effect, 'cause it's really starting to freak me out," Stiles says.

"I'm fine," Scott says again. "You should go now."

"All right, we'll leave," I say, stepping away from the bag. "Well, look, would you just at least look in the bag and see what I bought? You know, maybe you use it, maybe you don't. Sound good?"

Scott stands slowly and bends his knees to look in the bag. In my hand I have a pair of handcuffs hidden behind my back, and he looks back up at me when he sees what's in the bag. He pulls out a handful of chains and scoffs. "You think I'm gonna let you put these on and chain me up like a dog?"

"Actually," I say, moving swiftly so I grab his wrist and dive to the radiator, "no." I clip the handcuffs around the leg of the radiator and Scott's wrist, keeping him tied there. I step behind Stiles after I've chained Scott up.

"What the hell are you doing?" Scott growls. I look away, unable to think he could kill anyone. I keep telling myself that it's just the full moon, and I know it is, but I don't think Stiles does.

"Protecting you from yourself," Stiles says, "and giving you some payback - For making our with Rae." He grabs my arm and forces me out of Scott's room, but we can still hear the growls coming from inside. Stiles takes me downstairs and into the kitchen, grabbing a bowl and finding a marker pen, writing 'Scott' on it and then filling the bowl with water.

"Stiles?" I ask gently. "You okay?"

He slams the bowl down, causing me to jump and water to spill over the floor. Stiles rests his hands on the kitchen islands, breathing heavily, while I clear up the water. I rest my hand on his shoulder when I'm done and he suddenly swoops down on me, capturing my lips in a kiss. I kiss back, desperate to know what's wrong. "Tell me one thing, Rae," he whispers, our foreheads pressed together. "Did you kiss him back?"

"What?" I gasp, moving my head back so I can stare into his eyes. "Stiles, I love you. No one else."

He visibly relaxes and pulls me close, and I wrap my arms around him. "I thought, maybe-"

"Nope," I say with a giggle. Scott roars upstairs, and I roll my eyes. "I'll go give him the water."

Stiles takes my hand as I lift the water bowl up. "I don't want you alone in there with him."

"I can look after myself," I wink, and I see him take a breath as I smile and head upstairs. He follows me upstairs anyway, and I walk into Scott's room, placing the bowl on the ground. "I brought you some water."

Scott takes one look at the bowl and throws it back at me, causing the water to splash all over me. "I'm gonna kill you!" My mouth drops open and I look down at my clothes, anger boiling inside of me. Stiles pushes me outside the room and I lean against the wall, hands on my knees, and then pulling at my clothes.

"You kissed her, Scott, okay?" Stiles shouts. "You kissed Rae. That's, like, the one girl that I ev - and, you know, the past three hours, I've been thinking, it's probably just the full moon, you know, he doesn't even know what he's doing, and tomorrow, he'll be totally back to normal. He probably won't even remember what a complete dumbass he's been. A son of a bitch, a freaking unbelievable piece of crap friend."

"She kissed me," Scott says quietly. I gasp and sink down the wall so I'm sat on the floor, my head against the wall. My head is shaking, and I hope to God Stiles realizes he's lying.

"What?" Stiles asks.

"I didn't kiss her. She kissed me. She would have done a lot more, too. You should have seen the way she had her hands all over me. She would have done anything I wanted. Anything!"

Stiles comes rushing out of Scott's room, glances at me, and then starts downstairs. I rush after him and grab his arm just before he punches the wall. "You told me you didn't kiss him!"

"You're believing him?" I shout. "Stiles, this is ridiculous. Why the hell would I kiss Scott? I wouldn't only lose you by doing that, I'd lose Allison, too."

Stiles exhales deeply and looks at me apologetically. "I'm sorry. He - he just knows where to wind me up."

A groan from the pipes makes me look to the ceiling, and then a look at the stairs. "We should go back up," I say. "If he carries on pulling at the handcuffs he's gonna take the radiator clean off." Stiles laughs slightly and we head back upstairs, sitting beside each other outside his bedroom, our hands intertwined.

"Stiles," Scott says gently. "Please let me out. It's the full moon, I swear. You know I wouldn't do any of this on purpose. Please, Stiles, let me out. It's starting to hurt."

"Ignore him," I whisper, and Stiles nods.

"It's not like the first time. It's the full moon. It's Allison breaking up with me. I know - I know that it's not just taking a break, she broke up with me. And it's killing me. I feel completely hopeless, just please, let me out," Scott begs.

I look at Stiles and he looks like he's about to cry, so I squeeze his hand slightly and he runs his hand over his hair. "I can't," he replies.

"No!" Scott yells. I wince at how aggressive his voice sounds. "No! No!"

The full moon starts to shine in Scott's room, and his yells become less aggressive and more painful. I know he's shifting, and Stiles puts his head in his hands, squeezing my hand tighter and tighter. Suddenly, Scott's yells stop and the house becomes silent.

"Scott?" I ask, not moving from my spot with my back facing his doorway. "Are you okay?" I get slowly to my feet and walk into Scott's room, only to find that his handcuffs are broken and he's no longer in his room. "Uh, Stiles. We may wanna go, like now."

"Why?" Stiles asks, standing up and coming into Scott's room. He stops when he sees the handcuffs around the radiator, just missing the thing they were keeping chained in the house. I look up at him as he starts walking backwards out of the room. "Get your coat. And the bag. We need to find him."

I gather up the things I brought in the bag, throwing the handcuffs in, too, and racing downstairs. Stiles has his coat on and mine in his hands, and he holds it up for me to slide my arms into before we rush out. I make Stiles lock the door in case someone tries to break in, and then we're racing along the roads in the Jeep.

"Keep an eye out for him," Stiles says as we drive along, his headlights on full blast so we can see what's coming from a little way away.

"I am," I say, my eyes searching the preserve beside me. "I don't get it, who's he going after?"

"My guess," Stiles says, "is Allison. You heard him, it's killing him being away from her and he wants to get back with her more than anything."

I turn to face Stiles. "You should know, if he hurts her, I will hurt him twice as bad."

"I guessed that," Stiles smirks. As we're driving, I see blue and red flashing lights ahead of us. "What the-" Stiles stops when he sees the paramedics rolling a dead body into the ambulance. Stiles immediately switches off the Jeep and dashes out to the body. I follow him, pulling him back when he tries to take the black cover from the body. "Dad? Dad? Has anyone seen my - has anyone seen my dad?"

"Stiles, I'm sure he's fine," I reassure him, my hands on his arm. "Look, if you're right, Scott went after Allison, not your dad."

"Rae, where is he?" Stiles whispers, spinning round on the spot.

"Stiles." Sheriff's voice sounds behind us, and we both turn. "What are you doing here?" Stiles rushes forwards and grabs his dad in a huge hug. Sheriff looks confused but hugs Stiles back, giving me a look of concern. I smile gently and back away to the Jeep, waiting for Stiles to be ready to leave.

Stiles comes back over after talking to his dad quickly, and hugs me. "Thanks God."

"I told you he'd be fine," I chuckle. "What do you wanna do now?"

"You think Scott will be okay?"

I hold up my cell phone to show him a message I got from Derek, telling me that Scott is with him. "He's okay."

"When did you get Derek's number?" he asks, raising his eyebrows.

"When my aunt shot him," I smirk. "I told him that if she shot him again, which she'll probably try to do, he'll be able to get hold of me much quicker." I smirk again and Stiles laughs. "So, what do you wanna do?"

"Well," he says, dragging the word out, "I've not taken you on a real date."

"Oh, I thought you did," I reply, and I fight to keep the smile back from his confused look. "I mean, the whole getting trapped in school over-night was pretty exciting."

"So you like to do death defying experiences, and experiences that we only just get out of alive?"

"Pretty much," I laugh, and he leans forward and kisses me.

"How about a movie?" he asks, but then shakes his head. "No, no, I got it. Take out and video games at my place."

"Best date ever!" I say, kissing him once more before climbing into the Jeep.

When we get back to Stiles's house, we head up to his room. I dump my shoes and leather jacket beside his bed, and then we head downstairs to order take out. My tights are slippery on the floor, so after we've ordered our dinner, Stiles takes my waist and whisks us round. What he doesn't know is that I'm also a good dancer, so I end up taking the lead and dancing us around the kitchen.

"Well, nice to see you two are having fun," Sheriff says from the doorway. Stiles and I jump apart and I rub my hands nervously along my thighs.

"Dad, I thought you were on nights tonight?" Stiles says.

"I am, I just forgot my dinner," Sheriff says, winking at me as he walks in. I flush from head to toe and back out of his way, slipping backwards into Stiles. Sheriff laughs and takes my hand, helping me up. "Nice to see you can take control over my confident son, Rae."

"Thank you, sir," I giggle, and Stiles rolls his eyes and hands his dad his dinner.

"See you later," Sheriff says, waving us as he walks out.

I cover my face in my hands and turn to Stiles. "That was a little awkward."

"He likes you," Stiles says. "I think the only other friend he likes is Scott."

"So I'm just a friend?"

"No, you're more than a friend."

"Good," I say, snaking my arms around his neck and kissing him while laughing. The doorbell rings and I open it, taking the take out from the delivery guy and back into the kitchen where Stiles is getting the plates ready. "All you gotta do is smell the food and you're hungry."

Stiles nods in agreement and plates up our food. We got separate dishes because I don't like his favorite dish, which is crispy duck. I got chicken chow mein, which is my all time favorite. He heads upstairs, so I follow him, and we grab his controllers as he switches his X-Box on. We play and eat at the same time, and I normally have no trouble beating Allison because she's not too good at these games, but Stiles is amazing. I shamefully admit to being beaten five times out of eight.

Once the food is gone and we've grown tired of the games, Stiles turns to me. "Now what?"

I shrug, unsure, when he kisses me. I suddenly feel the need to deepen the kiss, and I pull him back onto his bed. He's putting his weight onto his elbows, one of his legs between the both of mine, and our bodies closer than they ever have been. When we break away, he's breathless. "Are you sure? I mean, I don't wanna-"

"Rae, if I didn't want to, I wouldn't have stayed led like this," he says, brushing his thumb against my bottom lip, making me shudder.

"Okay, good," I say quickly, slamming my lips back onto his. My hands grip his shirt and I take it off, ever so slowly, from his body. His hand moves around to the zip on the back of my dress and he pulls, making the material fall from my body. We shove our clothes to the side and onto the floor, and then my hands grip his pants. He nods, both of us breathless, and I quickly pull them off. His hands grip my tights and pull, but obviously tights are awkward, and they get stuck halfway down my legs so he has to stand on the floor and pull. I laugh so hard that I start snorting, and Stiles laughs when they're finally off.

He climbs back up the bed and kisses my stomach, making me gasp. His lips brush along my jaw and then are back on my lips, his tongue sweeping my bottom lip, asking for permission which I grant. Everything I'm feeling is so new, and when he gently nips my bottom lip an unexpected moan comes from my throat and my stomach clenches. I pull once more, as does he, and then finally there's nothing separating us except our skin. He puts more weight onto his elbows and moves, and I scratch my nails up his back and wince.

"Did I hurt you?" he asks, looking down at me with concern.

"Just a little," I breathe, but I nod, telling him to carry on. It doesn't take long before the feeling doesn't hurt anymore, and both our breathing has changed; it's heavier, faster. I suddenly realize how much I love him, and without meaning to, my hips start to move in rhythm to his.  

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