Wolf's Bane - How could you not tell me?

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  Raelynn's P.O.V.

I'm led on Stiles's chest, our hands knotted together by the side of him. His other hand is slowly stroking my back, and I'm slowly drifting off to sleep. I suddenly think about Scott, unhook my hand and roll off the bed like a ninja. Stiles chuckles and looks to me as I pull out my cell phone and dial Scott's number.

"What are you doing?" Stiles hisses.

"Calling Scott," I reply. "He needs to know." Scott answers on the fourth ring, but that's given Stiles plenty of time to dash up and grab my cell, ending the call. "Stiles!"

"He doesn't need to know," he says gently. "Rae, come on. This is our moment."

"Our moment was fifteen minutes ago," I say with a smirk. Stiles snorts and twirls one of my curls in his fingers. "But okay, if you want it to be our moment, it can be."

He smiles and draws me into him, and I wrap my arms around him, pressing our bodies closer. "Was - that was your first time, right?"

I flush and step back, sitting back down on the bed. "Yeah. I hope it was yours, too."

"It was," he replies, looking down at the sheets and then pulling the bedsheet off of the mattress. He runs downstairs and gets clean ones from under his bed, slipping them on. "Do - Uh, do you wanna stay tonight?"

I grin and nod. "Yes, I would love to."

"Great," he says, nodding slightly. I start playing with a loose thread on his shirt as he pulls another one out of the closet, slipping it over his head. I pout when he turns around, his bare chest no longer showing, but he just laughs and shoves my shoulder. My phone starts vibrating on the floor so I dash to pick it up before Stiles can get to me.

"Scott?" I ask.

"Rae, you with Stiles?" Scott asks quickly.

"Yeah," I say, dragging the word out as I shrug at Stiles; he's flopped back on his bed, so I lay beside him. A single bed for two is quite difficult, but I usually end up starfishing so Stiles will most likely end up on the floor. "Why?"

"Both of you, get outside, now," Scott orders.

"Whoah, dude, what's going on?"

"Look, Derek's alive and now thanks to me and my big mouth he's the most wanted criminal in Beacon Hills!" Scott says quickly. "Your aunt Kate is following Derek's car and Derek is running from the police on foot. He just saved Harris from the Alpha in the school."

"Wait, what?" I ask, putting Scott on speaker so Stiles can hear too. "Scott, what the hell are you doing in Derek's car?"

"Creating a diversion," he replies, "so that Kate will follow me and not the real Derek, possibly killing him."

"So why do we need to be outside?" Stiles asks.

"'Cos I'm out here," he says, "and I need to go get Derek before the police catch him."

"Okay, we're coming." I put the phone on the bed and pull on the tights and dress I was wearing yesterday as they're the only clothes I have with me, and slip on my shoes before we rush downstairs. Scott is sat in Derek's slick black car, the engine running. We dash into it, and Scott speeds off just as I shut the door. "Scott, man, calm down!"

"Look, I kinda like my life, apart from being apart from Allison," Scott complains slightly, "and I don't want to be killed by your lunatic aunt!"

"Kate's still following?" I ask, swiveling round to see Kate's car following us, hot on our tail.

"Faster?" Scott asks as he diverts and heads the way he knows Derek is running; through the warehouse district.

"Much faster," I confirm, turning back round to urge Scott on.

"Scott, I don't think you're grasping the concept of the car chase here," Stiles says. Being sat in the back seats mean me and Stiles can see Kate's car perfectly.

"If I go faster, I'll kill us," Scott growls.

"Well, if you don't go faster, they're gonna kill us!" Stiles says loudly.

Kate's headlights are suddenly no longer shining into the back of Derek's Camaro, and when I turn round she's not there. "She's gone," I say. Stiles turns on the police scanner, which tells us that Derek is heading further into the ironworks. "There!" I point, making Scott swerve slightly. "There he is. Stop, let him in!"

A blinding light appears, and I cover Scott's eyes while Stiles curses and grabs the wheel. "What the hell, Rae?" Scott says loudly.

"You'd have been blinded temporarily if you looked at that light," I say, "so you should be thanking me." I see my dad shooting at Derek, but he manages to dodge the bullets and get into the Camaro. Scott whizzes off as soon as Derek is in.

"What part of laying low don't you understand?" Scott scolds.

"Damn it, I had him!" Derek growls.

"Who, the Alpha?" Stiles and I ask at the same time. Derek suddenly sniffs the air and whips round to face us.

"What?" I ask, moving my head back slightly in fear.

"You two smell different," Derek says cautiously.

Scott smells the air, and I glance nervously at Stiles. I know he's flushing but no one can see it in the darkness of the car. "Hmm, something is different."

Derek's piercing green eyes stare at me a little longer until I crack. "Okay!" I sigh. "So . . . We had sex."

"What?" Scott asks, swerving the car slightly.

"Eyes on the road, genius!"

"I'm your best friend, for both of you, and I didn't know about this because . . . ?" Scott asks, and I shoot a glare at Stiles.

"Well, I did try and call you but someone stopped me," I say. "Besides, is it now public to talk about our sex life?"

"The Alpha was right in front of me, and the friggin' police showed up," Derek says, changing the subject. I giggle evilly because I know he's uncomfortable.

"Whoah, hey, they're just doing their jobs-" Stiles defends.

"Yeah, thanks to someone who decided to make me the most wanted fugitive in the entire state," Derek growls, looking at Scott with a death glare.

"Can we seriously get past that?" Scott asks nervously. "I made a dumbass mistake. I get it."

"All right," I say, leaning forward and moving Stiles over with my hip. "How did you find him?" Derek just rolls his eyes like he shouldn't trust us with anything, so I give up, sitting back and leaning against Stiles. I'm really tired, I've had quite an eventful night and I just want to sleep. Stiles wraps his arm around my shoulder and kisses the top of my head.

"Can you try to trust us for at least half a second?" Scott snaps.

"Yeah, all three of us," Stiles says, leaning forward. I gasp as he does it so quickly and steady myself. I see Derek glare at him so he decides to sit back with me, letting me get comfy again.

"Look," Derek starts, "the last time I talked to my sister, she was close to figuring something out. She found two things. The first was a guy named Harris."

"Our chemistry teacher?" I ask from the back.

"Why him?" Scott adds.

"I don't know yet," Derek says.

"What's the second?"

"Some kind of symbol." Derek pulls out a sketch of it and I sit up, taking it from him. "What? Rae, you know what this is?"

"It's the Argent pendant that Kate gave to Allison for her birthday," I sigh, running my hand through my hair. The mood in the car takes a serious drop as we realize what we need to do. "Scott, could you drop me home please?"

"Sure," Scott says, turning to drive to my house.

Stiles gives me a confused look. "I thought you were staying at mine tonight?" He speaks quietly but I chuckle.

"I will, soon. I promise. I just don't have any clean clothes or underwear, and I need to shower before school tomorrow," I say, ruffling my hand in his hair. He gives me a cheeky smile and I kiss him. "Maybe the weekend?"

"Course," he says with a grin. Scott pulls up in my drive and I open the door to get out. "Oh, wait, Rae." I turn back to him and he's stammering. "Woul - would yo - you like to go to the winter formal with me?"

I grin and lean down, kissing him hard. When I pull away we're both smiling. "Of course I will. I'll see you tomorrow." I run up to my front door, waving as Scott and Stiles drive off with Derek looking gloomy in the passenger seat. I open my front door quietly and Mom comes rushing out. "Whoah, hi. Nice reception."

"Where the hell have you been?" Mom asks.

"With Stiles," I say, pointing my thumb at the door to indicate that he just dropped me home. "Why? Has something happened?"

"You weren't answering my calls," she says. She's in her tight green dress with the black belt going around the middle. It hugs her curves and I'm silently jealous of how good it looks on her.

I check my cell and realize it's off. "The battery died. Look, I'm sorry. But you have never showed this much concern before."

"I was just - concerned." Mom relaxes and places a hand on my shoulder. She leads me into the living room, and the fire in the fireplace warms up my legs as I sit beside it. "I thought, maybe, you'd gone with your father to chase the Alpha."

"No," I say, shaking my head. "Mom, no way. After that night in the school, I never wanna lay eyes on that thing ever again." Mom smiles and hugs me, and I awkwardly pat her back.

"I know I've been a bad mother to you, Rae," she says quietly, "but do you think we could start over?"

"You're not gonna put me in diapers and pretend I'm a baby again, are you?"

She laughs and moves my curls out of my eyes. "No. I think that would be stretching it slightly."

The front door suddenly bursts open and Dad storms through, rage clear on his face. "Dammit!"

"Dad?" I ask, standing up with Mom and following. He goes to the kitchen and pours himself a glass of whiskey, so I steal it from him before he can drink it. "What happened?"

"Kate and I had him," Dad sighs.

"The Alpha?" Mom asks.

"Yes, we had him. And we had the Beta that would lead us to him." I know Dad means Derek. "Then some stupid f-"

"Chris!" Mom snaps.

"Idiot," Dad corrects himself, and I smirk, "decides to save that beast's life!" Oh, that was me. "One more shot and he'd have been dead."

"Rae, honey, could you let us talk please?" Mom asks sweetly, a smile on her face.

"Yeah, sure," I say, leaning up to kiss her goodnight and head upstairs. When I reach the landing, Allison is leaning against my bedroom door, her arms crossed and fingers tapping over her upper arm. "What did I do now?"

"Where have you been, young lady?" she asks coldly.

"I'm older than you, dick," I laugh, shoving her out of the way so I can get into my room. She giggles and follows me in, closing the door. "What do you want?"

"I heard you and Mom talking when you got in," she says. I freeze; did she hear the part about werewolves? "And I just don't get why you wouldn't tell me. How could you not tell me?"

"Tell you . . . "

"That you and Stiles, you know-"

"Oh, Alli!" I gasp, turning in a circle and covering my hands with my ears. "No, come on!"

"What?" she asks. "Spill the beans. Was he cute?"

"Very," I grin, thinking about a couple hours ago.


"Cute and sweet are the same thing."

"Did he - did you actually-"

"Yes," I sigh, and she squeals. "Okay, ssh. I kinda love him, so I don't want Mom or Dad going to behead him, okay?"

"You love him?" she asks, looking up at me as I pick up my pajamas (which is now the shirt I was wearing at Stiles's and my plaid pants).

"Of course I do," I reply.

"This is too cute," she says happily. "Okay, I'll leave you be."

"Thank you," I sigh. I walk out of my room and head to the bathroom. I strip out of my clothes as I turn the shower on. I climb in and let the hot water relax me and it lets me think about tonight. God, it was only tonight. But I love him. So much more than I thought could be humanly possible. I wash my hair and body quickly and then climb out, slipping into my pajamas as the thought of Stiles's lips on my skin comes back to me, and I smile to myself as I walk out, damp hair up in a ponytail.

When I close my bedroom door and turn out my lights, I flop down on my bed and sigh to myself, turning my head to see the picture of me and Stiles on my bedside table. The street lamps illuminate it so the frame has an orange glow around it, but I can see the picture perfectly. I close my eyes, our picture etched into my mind.

"Rae!" Allison's shouting wakes me up, and I jolt awake to see her shaking me hard. "Come on, it's 7:30."

I curse and throw my covers back to reveal my pajamas. Allison smiles when she sees them, but I'm in too much of a rush to care. I throw on my clothes and do my hair before running downstairs. I grab an apple from the fruit bowl and hold it in my mouth as I rush around, finding lunch money and then dashing back upstairs. I fill my bag up with my books and leave my apple on top of my bag as I clean my teeth before I rush back and grab my bag and 'breakfast' before I hurtle downstairs, snagging my car keys from the hook.

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