Heart Monitor - She's your anchor

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  Raelynn's P.O.V.

"Let's settle down," booms Coach as class starts. I peer over to Allison, who's sat behind Scott, and her mouth drops open when she sees my black eye. It was swollen a couple days ago, so thankfully that's gone down, but it's still pretty bruised, along with my busted lip and my injured arm. I give her a smile and a 'I'll-tell-you-later' face. She nods and faces the front. "Let's start with a quick summary of last night's reading." Greenberg, a weird kid that sits beside me, raises his hand and Coach rolls his eyes. "Greenberg, put your hand down, everybody knows you did the reading." I chuckle until his eyes land on Scott. He definitely didn't do the reading. "How about, uh - McCall."

"What?" Scott asks, quickly glancing at me. I shrug and let him carry on; I didn't do the reading either. Too busy being beaten up by a werewolf.

"The reading," Coach says, crossing his arms.

"Last night's reading?" Scott's trying to play dumb, but when he's around Coach (who thinks he's a thick as a plank of wood) he doesn't even need to try.

"How about, uh, the reading of the Gettysburg Address?" Coach says sarcastically. Me and Stiles chuckle but Scott just stares at him. "That's sarcasm. You familiar with the term 'sarcasm', Mr McCall?"

"Very," he answers, turning around to look at me and Stiles. We both shrug and the class laughs, but it's like a small murmur.

"Did you do the reading or not?" Coach asks simply.

"I - uh, I think I forgot," Scott mumbles. Stiles gave me the heart monitoring phone to keep an eye on, so I quickly check on it under the desk.

"Nice work, McCall," Coach replies, pacing back and forth from Scott's desk. "It's not like you're not averaging a 'D' in this class. Come on buddy, you know I can't keep you on the team if you have a 'D'. How about you summarize, uh, the previous night's reading? How about the night before that? How about you summarize anything you've ever read in your entire life?"

I quickly check the heart monitor as Scott stutters, "I - I, uh-" His heart rate is picking up with every sentence Coach says, and too soon it's getting dangerously high.

"No?" Coach carries on, and I pray silently for him to stop, but of course he doesn't. "A blog? How about, uh, the back of a cereal box? How about the adults only warning from your favorite website you visit every night? Anything?" Scott's heart rate is still increasing, and I can sense Stiles peering over my shoulder to have a quick look at it, too. "Thank you, McCall, thank you. Thank you, McCall! Thank you for extinguishing any last flicker of hope I have for your generation. You just blew it for everybody. Thanks. Next practice you can start with suicide runs. Unless that's too much reading."

I nearly rise out of my seat until I realize that the heart monitor is high enough for Scott to shift, so I keep my eyes on him just in case he does. But, suddenly, his heart rate is slowing down. I furrow my eyebrows and show Stiles the phone, and he looks around until he spots Allison's hand intwined with Scott's, his arm behind him and hers hanging from his desk. She smiles as he gives her hand a squeeze.

"Argent!" Coach snaps, and I jump in my seat and turn round to face him. "No phones in class."

I shove the phone back into my pocket and concentrate on the lesson, thinking how Allison was the one to bring Scott's heart rate down even though Derek said that she's the reason he was never in control.

"It's her," Stiles says as we're walking down the halls.

"What do you mean?" Scott asks, confused again.

"It's Allison," I say, and Scott looks down at me. "Remember what you told us about the night of the full moon? You were thinking about her, right? About protecting her." Even though that's my job.

"Remember the night of the first lacrosse game," Stiles adds. "You said you could hear her voice out on the field."

"Yeah, I did," Scott nods.

"That's what brought you back so you could score," I say. It's like me and Stiles are alternating our points. We partnered up in Economics and that's all we spoke about for the entire lesson. "And then after the game in the locker room, you didn't kill her. If you had killed her I would have ripped your throat out. Literally."

"Okay," Stiles says, stopping me from speaking. "You savage." I shrug and he chuckles. "Anyway, it's not like how you were trying to kill me and Rae. "She brings you back is what I'm saying."

"No, no, no," Scott says with a slight shake of his head. "but it's not always true, because literally every time I'm kissing her or - or touching her-"

"Ew, dude, this is my sister," I say with a small grimace. Stiles rolls my eyes and I poke my tongue out at him.

"No that's not the same," Stiles says. "When you're doing that, you're just another hormonal teenager thinking about sex, you know?" I flush as I realize what he's saying; we're all hormonal teenagers, to be fair. "You're thinking about sex right now, aren't you?"

"Yeah," Scott admits. I grimace again and shove his shoulder, and he chuckles. "Sorry."

"Ew, no, 'cos that's with my sister," I say, emphasizing the fact again that it's my sister.

"That's fine," Stiles says quickly. "Look, back in the classroom when she was holding your hand, that was different, okay? I don't think she makes you weak. I - I think she actually gives you control. She's kind of like an anchor." I nod in appreciation of his metaphor and he smirks proudly at how he'd just thought of it.

"You mean because I love her," Scott says. My eyes widen and meet his.

"Exactly," Stiles says, unaware of how important what Scott just said was.

"Did I just say that?"

"You did just say that," I gasp with a smile.

"I love her."

"That's great," Stiles says. "Now, moving on-"

"Hey, he's having an epapheny," I say, hitting Stiles' chest.

He holds the spot I hit him and smiles. "It's epiphany."

"Oh, you and your smart words," I scoff, and Stiles laughs.

"No, guys, really," Scott says. "I think I'm totally in love with her."

"And that's beautiful," Stiles repeats. I roll my eyes and grin at Scott, who looks like an excited puppy, big brown eyes wide and a wide smile, too. "Now, before you go off and write a sonnet, can we figure this out please? Because obviously you can't be around her all the time."

"Yeah, yeah. Sorry. So what do I do?"

"I don't know. Yet."

"Oh, you're getting an idea, aren't you?" I say. Stiles nods and I smile. "Is this idea gonna get him in trouble?"


"Is this idea gonna cause Scott physical pain?"

"Yeah, definitely. Come on." He leads me and Scott into the parking lot to where a gorgeous cherry red truck is parked. I know it belongs to some older students because I've seen them getting out of it and nearly hitting my car. Assholes.

"What are we doing?" Scott asks. Stiles positions me at one end of the car and Scott at the other, and then hands Scott a set of keys. My eyebrows furrow as I try and figure out what Stiles has in mind, but I can't figure it out.

"You'll see," Stiles replies. Once he's positioned us right and Scott has the keys, he steps back a little. "Okay. Stand right there. Perfect. Hold up your keys like so." He raises Scott's arm so the sharpest part of his key is pointing out. "Now, whatever happens, just think about Allison. Try to find her voice like you did at the game. Got it?"


"Just - keep holding the key right there." Stiles walks back over to where I'm stood and drags his key along the side of the truck in the process. My mouth drops open as Stiles hides his keys in his pockets so it looks like Scott did the keying. He makes a hand gesture at Scott, who's mouth is open like mine. "Hey, hey, hey, dude! What do you think you're doing to that truck, bro?"

"What the hell?" one of the older guys shouts.

The three of them stride over to Scott and punch him straight in the face. I gasp and look away into Stiles' chest, who makes small little noises as Scott is being hit. He doesn't seem to be taking it well as his heart rate is going up, plus he's not fighting back so he's curled up in the fetal position on the cold pavement.

"Come on, stay calm," I whisper. "Stay calm." The guys start kicking him and I bite my lip. "Oh, that's not okay. Come on, Scott."

"Stop!" comes a voice. The person who spoke bounds round the corner, making the older students scatter. I'm shocked to see that it's Harris who came and stopped the people beating up Scott. Then when Scott is back with me and Stiles and we're about to walk off, Harris stops us. "What do you idiots think you're doing?" And boom, like that we have detention at the end of the day.

I need to find Allison to tell her that I'll be late home, and I find her sat in the cafeteria curled up with a book. "Alli?"

"Rae!" She jumps up and embraces me in a tight hug. Oh, I've missed these hugs. She squeezes me maybe a bit too tight, and I wince because of my ribs, but soon everything's good. "What the hell happened to you?"

"Nothing important," I reply, and she scowls.

"Nothing important?" she echoes. "Look at you!"

"I know it looks bad, but I'm okay," I answer honestly. "I need to talk to you about something."

"Shoot," she says as she bookmarks her page and pays her full attention to me.

I bite my lip and I know I'm flushing. "I kissed Stiles the other night." Allison squeals a little and I shush her. Luckily the cafeteria is quite loud because a lot of people have a free period now. "Sssh, God, Alli." I laugh and she takes my hand, linking our fingers like the way we used to when we had important news.

"I knew something had changed between you two!" she says happily. She's grinning from ear to ear. "I'm so happy for you, Rae."

I grin back. "Thing is, we haven't been acting like a couple, he hasn't tried to kiss me since and we haven't spoken about it."

"Wait, Kate told me," she nods. "She threw him out in the morning. I can't believe you slept together."

I swear to God I'm going to kill my aunt. "We didn't sleep together! I do have some dignity! I wouldn't do that on the first night, and neither would he. Alli, I need advice."

"About what?" Allison takes a bite of her apple, her eyes big like they are when she's paying attention.

"Well, I need to know," I reply. "Did I make a mistake? I know he loves Lydia and everything but-"

"If he loves Lydia then he loves you more," she answers.

My eyebrows furrow. "Why?"

"If you love two people, always choose the second one, because if you truly loved the first, you wouldn't have fallen for the second."

"Did you make that up?"

"Nah, read it somewhere," she giggles. I smile at her, a proper genuine smile.

"But he doesn't love me," I shake my head.

"How do you know?" she answers. "Rae, listen. I feel like Scott and me could be something real, you know. But I've only felt that once before and I got my heart broken." I remember that; if we hadn't of moved I would have ripped the guy to shreds and fed him to the lions at the zoo. "But Scott's mending it for me. And he's mending it fast. And I like it. I see the way Stiles looks at you. Don't even try to deny it, he looks at you differently to how he looks at Lydia."

"I don't see it," I shrug.

Allison huffs. "You're impossible. Look, Stiles looks at Lydia with something, I can't tell what. But he looks at you with longing, admiration, and, if I'm not mistaken, a little bit of love."

I smile and then look at the clock. "Oh, crap, I have detention now. Thanks for the advice."

"Always here," she smiles and I walk off, twisting my hands together. Maybe he really did like me, and he feels as awkward as I do about Kate throwing him out of the house. I rush to Harris' classroom and make it just as Scott and Stiles are walking in. I'm forced to sit at a separate desk to them, and I tap my pen against my notepad in boredom, eyes on the clock.

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