Shape Shifted - Just focus

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A/N: Smut at some point in this chapter. It's fine to skip over it if you don't want to read it!

  Raelynn's P.O.V.

I stand between the two boys who are sat on the chairs in Gerard's office in front of his desk. I play with my hands as he reads through our files, and Stiles gives me a small reassuring look, but I can't get them to stop shaking. It might be because the full moon is tomorrow night and it will be my first time turning.

"Scott McCall," Gerard says as he reads, dragging Scott's name out. "Academically not the most accomplished, but I see you have become quite the star athlete. Mr. Stilinski." Stiles gives a small nod and a half smile. "Oh, perfect grades, but little to no extracurriculars. Maybe you should try lacrosse."

"Oh, actually, I'm already-" Stiles tries, but Gerard cuts him off with a sigh as he looks at me.

"Raelynn Argent," he says, and I shift uncomfortably from foot to foot. "Now I can just look at you and know what an utterly disappointing read your file will be, so I won't bother." I look around, trying to not let him get to me, and see Stiles's mouth pressed into a hard line, his jaw clenched. "Hold on. McCall. You're the Scott that was dating my granddaughter."

"We were dating, but not anymore," Scott stumbles. "Not dating, not seeing any of each other or doing anything with each other - at all."

Gerard rests his elbow on the arm of the chair, his fingers covering his mouth slightly. "Relax, Scott, you look like you're about to crack a cyanide pill with your teeth."

Scott pauses, thinking. "Just a hard breakup."

"Oh, that's too bad," Gerard sighs. "You seem like a pretty nice kid to me. Now listen. Yes, I am the principal, and I was formerly Raelynn's grandfather, but I really don't want you to think of me as the enemy." Formally my grandfather?

I have to contain a snort. "Heh, is that so?" Stiles says.

"However, this being my first day, I do need to support my teachers," he says. "So unfortunately, one of you is going to have to take the fall and stay behind for detention."

Both Gerard and Scott glance to Stiles, keeping their eyes on him until he looks up and realizes. "I'll do it," I blurt out. Stiles whips round, shaking his head. "What, it was me who threw the paper originally."

"Then that's settled," Gerard says, swiftly dismissing us.

Stiles grabs my arm when we get out into the corridor. "Why the hell did you do that?"

I sigh. "It was my idea, I threw the paper, I get the detention."

"Rae, he's your grandfather who sold you out to your family and, may I just say, called you his former granddaughter in there?" Stiles argues.

"Guys, I'd love to stay and chat, but Isaac's being picked up," Scott says, taking off and leaving me and Stiles alone, probably to argue.

"Stiles, look," I say, clasping his bicep gently. "I don't care what he thinks, or what he says, or what he calls me. It's only a detention. And it's with Harris, so I'll find some way to get out of it."

"How the hell are you going to do that?" he sighs, and I wiggle my eyebrows as he looks on with a pained look in his eyes.

An hour and a half later, I rush out into the parking lot, booklets slipping from my arms. I run over to the Jeep, hitting the door with my knee so Stiles will open it. I dump the work in the back of the car as I climb in, and I kiss Stiles hard.

"Hey," I smile, and he returns it with another kiss. I make a noise as I pull away from him. "Thanks for waiting. You really didn't have to."

"I don't get how he let you out of detention so early," Stiles chuckles as he starts to drive away.

"Oh, I told him that I had a Chemistry tutor that was really helping me learn, and I said he can expect to see my grades go up, but they'll drop if he doesn't let me go," I shrug. "No big deal."

"And what happens when your grades don't actually go up?" Stiles points out.

"Damn," I growl, and then I turn to him. "You could tutor me."

"Me?" he chuckles, but then pauses to think. "Yeah - yeah, I don't see why not."

"Great," I say, scooting over and kissing his cheek.

The house is empty when we get in because Sheriff is working tonight, so Stiles and I have the place to ourselves. My room is the spare bedroom next door to Stiles's room, which Sheriff made up for me today. Stiles starts to cook some pizza for dinner while I head upstairs and change into one of his old shirts and my sweatpants, laying down on the bed on my stomach as I arrange my work around me.

Stiles filled me in on the way back; Scott has gone with Derek to look around the Lahey house while trying to think of a way to get Isaac out of the police holding cells. Stiles comes up with two glasses of soda and a plate of pizza, putting the pizza on the floor beside the soda so we aren't having to move any of my work. "Okay, so - shall we start? I mean, while we aren't actually under the threat of being killed."

I laugh and nod, moving my textbook and flipping through my notes. After a couple minutes, he stands up and heads to his drawers, pulling out another shirt. I notice his one he's wearing now has a few stains on it, and he takes it off to replace it with the clean one. I think it must be something to do with being a werewolf because recently every small thing Stiles has done that is even slightly arousing has made me more frustrated than normal.

He comes to sit beside me as I sit up normally, bouncing my knee up and down in boredom. He gently puts his hand on it to stop it from bouncing, but his touch resonates throughout my body, sending tingles all up my thigh. Without realizing, he bites his lip as he looks down at my work, and I'm done. Gripping his shirt, I pull him towards me, our lips crashing together, our teeth clashing briefly.

Stiles pulls away, breathless. "Wait, wait. Is this the best idea?"

I stop, licking my bottom lip. "Yeah, no. We - we should study, I mean-"

He cuts me off by kissing me again, swiping all my work from the bed, turning so I'm laying beneath him. "I was going to say that isn't this cutting it a bit close to the full moon?"

"Stiles, shut up and kiss me," I pant, bringing my mouth back up to his. Before I even know what I'm doing, my hands are gripping his shirt and pulling. There's a rip, and we break apart as Stiles's shirt falls to the bed in two pieces. "Oops?"

We laugh, kissing each other again. I let my hands explore his now free skin greedily, my nails digging at his back as his lips travel down to my throat. He grips the hem of my shirt, tugging, and it comes off over my head. His lips travel down, and my hands ball into fists in his hair as his lips skim my stomach. The buttons on my jeans pop, and he snakes them down my legs, discarding them on the floor. I sit up, gripping the hem of his jeans, and pull his body back down onto mine. We laugh as I roll him over so I'm hovering over him, and my lips trace his jawline and down his neck, nipping him in certain areas.

I pop the buttons on his jeans, copying what he just did to me, discarding them on the floor once I'm done. Pretty soon there's nothing but skin separating us, and we begin to pant together as his hips move, and I gasp every now and then. My fingernails scrape their way up his back, and he groans as I do so, which makes me do it a little harder. We're lost in heat and passion, and it feels good to forget about everything but us.

"You make one heck of a tutor," I tease as we lie in his small single bed, side by side, the covers drawn up to my chest and his at his waist.

"Well, I shouldn't be that good of a tutor," he winks, and I laugh.

"I should hope not," I smirk. I feel a sudden pain in my hands, and look down to see they're red, like they're irritated. But when I look up, I notice bruises on Stiles's neck. "Oh my God." I pull him closer, inspecting the hickeys I left. "Stiles-" But I stop when I look at his back. Red claw marks are marking his skin, one or two areas drawing a little blood. "Why didn't you tell me I was hurting you?"

"Because you weren't," he says gently, taking my hand and staring me in the eye. "Look, I don't know about you, but I was way too caught up in the moment to even care that you were doing this. And it doesn't hurt."

"Liar," I snicker, and he rolls his eyes as I kiss him. When I pull back, I feel my eyes glowing blue and my teeth are hurting. "Stiles. I need you to go." I stand, dragging the thin sheet with me and leaving Stiles with the thick one. I start to get dressed, and Stiles follows.

"Go where?" he laughs. "This is my house."

"It's happening," I groan, whimpering slightly as my fangs push their way down from my gums. "Stiles, please." I throw the sheet back onto the bed when I'm dressed, and I start to pace. "I don't want to hurt you."

"And you're not going to," he says quickly, grabbing the duffel bag with chains in it from under his bed. "How do you feel about chains?"

"Stiles," I hiss. "Look, I appreciate everything, but what are you gonna tie me to?" His eyes glance to the radiator, and I look back, shaking my head. "No. No way. Scott broke through that with handcuffs."

He rattles the chains. "But these are chains."

I pause, looking back and forth, trying to ignore the growing pain in my hands and gums. "Fine. But I want you out. No way am I gonna hurt you." He shackles me up to the radiator, flinching when I cry out in pain. Everything suddenly changes; hair spurts on the sides of my face, my fingernails become claws and my eyes glow blue. "Stiles!"

"Okay, oh God," he says, stepping away from me as I try and pull the chains off. I just want to run. Or hide. I can't decide which. But I want these chains off. "Rae, come on, think. Think of something that calms you down." I growl angrily, and he starts to pace. "Allison is Scott's anchor. Think of something that calms you down." I stare at him, my eyes following him. I don't think he realizes that he's my anchor.

My hair is dripping with sweat as I fight the shift. "I - I can't."

"Rae, just focus," he says, kneeling beside me. He touches my arm, and it's his touch and his words that immediately calm me down. I feel everything stop. I look up through my hair to see him staring back at me with a wondrous expression on his face, and he kneels in front of me, taking my head in his hands. "You did it."

"I did it," I echo, and he nods, pulling me into him. The chains clink together as I wrap my arms around him, holding him tightly. "I did it." My cell phone starts to ring on his beside table, and he grabs it for me before answering it.

"Hello?" he asks.

"Stiles?" Allison answers. I can hear her voice through the phone. "What are you doing with Rae's phone?"

"Uh, she's slightly - tangled up at the moment," he says, sending my a wink as I unhook the chains from my arms.

"What have you done to my sister?" she snaps. "Stiles-"

I motion for Stiles to give me the phone, and he does. "Alli, hey, calm down."

"Rae, you okay?" she asks frantically.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I laugh, resting my forehead on Stiles's shoulder as he kneels again. "I think I just controlled my first shift."

Allison makes a small happy sound. "That's amazing! Uh, I hate to break this up, but we have a problem."

"What's happened?" I ask, suddenly alert.

"Well, we need to do something right now," she says. "Dad and Gerard were asking me all these questions about Lydia and how she was bitten by Peter, and then they sent this guy out."

"Wait, what guy?" I ask, putting her on speaker so Stiles can hear her, too.

"He was dressed as a Sheriff's deputy," she says.

"They're sending him to the station for Isaac," I say, looking up into Stiles's brown eyes.

"He was also carrying this box with something on it, like um, like a carving or something," Allison adds.

"What was it?" Stiles asks.

"Hold on, hold on. It's in one of these books. I'm taking a picture." I look at the picture she sends through, and mine and Stiles's mouths drop open. Did you get it?"

"Yeah, wolfsbane," Stiles answers.

"What does that mean?" she asks.

"It means they're gonna kill him," I say, closing my eyes briefly. "Alli, we're gonna come get you. We have to slow down this deputy." She agrees, and I start rushing around, pulling my hair back into a ponytail and rushing downstairs, grabbing my jacket and shoving it on. "Come on, we gotta go."

Stiles pauses as he grabs his car keys, throwing me mine. "You go and get Allison. I'll head down to the station."

"What, no?" I say, stepping forward.

"Rae, we really don't have time for you to be protective over me right now," he says quickly, motioning down to my hands. They're claws again, and I look back at him, terrified. "Clearly controlling it just this once won't stop it from happening for real when the moon is at it's peak."

"Dammit," I hiss, walking around in a circle. I grab him and kiss him, hard. "You go to the station. I'll get my sister and slow this deputy down."

Allison draws her bow, the two other arrows positioned perfectly in the deputy's car tires, popping them. She releases, and the bow flies straight and true into his thigh. He collapses against the car, groaning in pain, as Allison smirks and falls back into the shadows with me.

"Hey, did you slow him down?" Stiles asks as he answers his cell.

"You could say that," I shrug, and Allison chuckles.

"All right, I'm heading down to the station right now," he says.

"Where's Scott?" Allison asks.


"Does he have a plan?"

"Yeah, but not a very good one," Stiles sighs. "And unfortunately we don't really have time to come up with anything better."

"Okay, I'll see you later," I say, following Allison across the street back to my Impala. "I love you."

"I love you, too," he answers, and I hang up so I can drive to the Lahey residence.

Allison heads down to the basement to help Scott while I wait upstairs with Derek. He's heading off to the police station with Stiles as soon as Scott is sure on the plan. He gives me weird looks, so I cross my arms over my chest.

"Stop," I say, looking directly at him.

"Why aren't you changing?" he asks, and I raise my eyebrows. "You know what I mean."

I shrug. "I did. I guess I controlled it."

"How?" he asks. Stiles comes running in, nearly falling over the couch, and I can't help my face-splitting grin. Derek's eyes glance between the two of us, and he shakes his head. "Move." He grabs Stiles's collar and drags him off, and I wave to Stiles as they go.

Allison comes back up the basement door a little while later, panting, the flashlight in her hand. I'm pacing and biting my fingernails, trying to keep myself distracted from the full moon. "Hey," she says, walking over. "You okay?"

"I could shift," I admit, and she nods. "I could kill you."

"But you won't," she sighs, linking arms with me and resting her head on my shoulder. "You've always been there for me, so now it's my turn to be there for you." I smile and rest my head on top of hers, giving her arm a small squeeze.

Her flashlight flickers and then goes out, and she lets go of me to pace slightly, before slamming the flashlight on the kitchen counter. She holds the sides of the counter, breathing heavily. I watch her, when we both hear a hissing noise coming from somewhere. Our eyes meet and I walk slowly over to stand beside her, looking around desperately in the shadows.

I cover her mouth with my hand to muffle her heavy breathing, and both of our eyes are wide. We turn to see someone with yellow eyes slit like a snake's stood in the doorway, hissing. We can't see anymore of him, but that's enough. Allison screams loud, and I make a few small noises, too. Allison reaches behind her and grasps a butcher knife, staring at the thing as we both breathe heavily.

My claws have come out, and I hold them by my sides, not 100% sure how to use them yet. The thing sinks to it's hands and feet, watching our every move.

"Come on," Allison mutters, and I stare at her like she's insane. "Come on!" She screams it, challenging the thing. I look back at it, growling, my eyes glowing blue. She raises the butcher knife and I raise my claws, but, thankfully, neither of us have to use them as Scott comes crashing through the locked basement door, landing on all fours in front of us.

The thing hisses again, before crawling up the walls and onto the ceiling. It snarls at us, and Allison and I step back into one another, panting heavily. It disappears, crashing through a window in the living room to escape. Scott stands on all fours, his face shifted, staring after it.

Allison stands behind him, probably feeling some sort of safety from doing that. "What the hell was that?"

"I don't know," Scott says, turning around and hugging Allison. She puts the butcher knife on the counter beside the flashlight. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," she says. "Just a little . . . spooked?" Scott nods, and I scoff.

"Oh, no, don't worry about me," I snap. "Just a new werewolf who is trying to hold off the shift for as long as she can because she's terrified she's going to kill someone." The two of them laugh, but stop when the realize I'm not joking, and they hurry me outside to a place that I can safely shift.  

The Huntress {Stiles Stilinski}Where stories live. Discover now