Formality - Perfect daughter

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  Raelynn's P.O.V.

I'm driving away from the dungeons, away from the Preserve. Somehow they brought my car with them, too, so I'm driving it as fast as I can from the dungeons. My mind replays what's just happened:

My hand is covering my mouth as I walk behind Allison into the chamber. It's like a perfect room to torture a werewolf. Attached to Derek's stomach are wires that which are connected to what I know is a torture device that is used specifically for electricity. Kate turns on the device, and the electricity flows through the wires and into Derek. He screams, his eyes flashing blue and his canines out, claws and hair, too. I cover my ears and turn round so I don't have to see it.

"What are you doing to him?" Allison asks quietly. "Is that gonna kill him?"

"Oh, come on, kiddo," Kate sighs. "Don't get all ethical on me now." I turn back around and look at Derek, but he's breathing heavily and a sheen of sweat has appeared on his skin.

"What is he?" Allison says.

"Rae?" Kate says, folding her arms and looking at me. Allison turns round, confused.

I sigh and run my hands through my hair. "Shape-shifter. Lycan. Werewolf." Allison's mouth drops open as she realizes that I know.

"To me he's just another dumb animal," Kate finishes, striding over to Derek. She puts her fingers on Derek's lips and pry his mouth open so we can see his teeth. "Come here." Allison walks over but keeps her distance, while I know I have to stand directly beside Derek. "See these right here?" She points to Derek's canines. "These are canines, also known as fangs. Made for the tearing and rending of flesh. Not something you'd find on those cute little leaf-eating herbivores, is it?"

"This is a joke to you?" Allison asks, shocked.

"Sweetheart, there are werewolves running around in the world," Kate says matter-of-factly. "Everything's a joke to me. How else do you think I stay sane?"

"So - it was him at the high school and all the other animal attacks?" Allison concludes. Kate raises an eyebrow at me, and I know I have to answer again.

I lick my lips and sigh. "There's actually three of them - another younger one like him called a Beta, and then there's the Alpha. Alpha's the pack leader; bigger, stronger, nastier."

Allison shakes her head and grabs my arm, pulling me away from Derek and a little away from Kate, and stops me so I'm stood right in front of her. "You know about this?" I nod, looking down at the floor. "How do you know about this?"

"Dad told me everything a while ago," I answer.

"Why didn't you tell me?" she says, chuckling nervously. "We tell each other everything."

"This is something I couldn't tell you," I admit. She scoffs and I talk before she can. "Look, this - all this, you don't want to know about this."

"Well, now I do," she snaps. I close my eyes briefly and open them again. "Why couldn't you tell me?"

"To protect you," I say.

"Not a good enough reason," she says, her leg shaking.

"Alli, come on-" I stop when she raises her eyebrows, waiting for an answer. "Dad gave me orders not to."

"What are you, his little soldier?" she hisses. I hear Kate moving over; Allison is touching a rough subject. She doesn't like it when people perceive me as just a protection for Allison. "How long have you known?"

"Allison-" I try gently, but she interrupts me.

"How long, Rae!?" she shouts.

"Since I could walk!" I shout back. I take a breath and look at her. "Since I could walk."

"Is this where you've been going, those times when you've just upped and left for a couple of days?"

"Yes," I say, making exaggerate arm movements. "I went away on hunts when Dad told me to. I came back, for you, when he told me to. I'm not supposed to have friends so I can look after you. You know how much that sucks? Being in the shadow of your 'little twin sister' your entire life? Oh wait, you don't, because you're the perfect daughter!" I point at her face and then step back. Kate's hand is on my shoulder and she's steering me away.

"Rae, you need to calm down," she says gently. "It's not Allison's fault-"

"But everything's mine, right?" I hiss. "Just let me go home."

Kate dangles a pair of keys in front of my face and smiles. "I had them bring your car here so you could leave."

"When were they gonna tell me?" Allison asks, her eyes shining slightly as she looks up at me.

"They still haven't decided if they're gonna tell you," I reply.


"Let's just say if you react badly when you find out - not good," Kate says.

"What do you mean, 'not good'?"

"They don't think you can handle it," Kate explains. "They look at you and they see this frightened little girl who's gonna run crying in the corner when she finds out the truth. Me - what I see - Natural talent. Allison, you wanted to feel more powerful. Now's your chance."

"What am I supposed to do now?" Allison looks at me, and I know she wants me to answer.

I shrug. "Go to school, do your homework. Go to the formal on Friday night. Be a normal teenage girl who doesn't know anything."

"Trust me to get everything ready for the next part," Kate says.

"What's the next part?" I ask.

"You two are gonna help me catch the second Beta," Kate says, her eyes gleaming with pride and happiness, maybe a bit of excitement, too.

The flashback stops when red and blue lights flash in my car, and I hear a siren wail once, telling me to pull over. I sigh and fight against the lump in my throat that appears when I'm stressed and angry. I stop the engine and wait for the police officer to come and talk to me. Thankfully, it's Sheriff who ducks to look through my car window, which I've rolled down for him.

"Rae?" he asks, and I hear the surprise in his voice. I look up at him and lick my dry lips in anticipation. "You all right?"

I nod but keep nodding slightly even when I talk. "Yeah. Sorry I was going so fast - I - I didn't-" A few tears streak unbidden down my cheek, and I wipe them away angrily. "I didn't realize-"

Sheriff sighs and opens my car door, bending down so his knees are bent in front of me. "Okay, all right, uh - listen, you weren't going that fast." I laugh and wipe my nose as he gently takes my hand in his. "Just, uh, 75 in a 25 construction zone."

I close my eyes and hit my head against the headrest. "Dammit." More tears escape, and I wipe them away, too. I unbuckle my seat belt and climb out of the car, desperate for air. Sheriff leans against my Impala with me. "Sorry, I'm not crying to get out of the ticket."

"Oh, I know you're not crying to get out of the ticket," Sheriff chuckles, and I laugh along with him. "It's okay."

"No, write me a ticket," I urge him. He looks at me, confused. "I need you to write me one, okay. I - Just because I'm dating Stiles doesn't mean-"

"Woah, Rae, you dating my son has nothing to do with this," Sheriff says sternly.

I sigh in relief. "Thank God. For once I'm a normal teenager."

"What?" I look up at Sheriff but he's shaking his head. "Okay, but I don't see how that's gonna make you feel a lot better." I start to panic when I see him move to write me one. "Rae, we could just forget about this."

"That would be wonderful," I chuckle, and he smiles, pulling me in a hug. I'm still not really used to their affection, so I just rest my hands on his shoulders. "Thank you."

"Your welcome," he says, rubbing my back before holding my car door open for me. "Just go careful, okay?"

I nod and smile as I drive away, cursing at myself for being such an idiot. I get home and race up to my room, not talking to anyone. I quickly get into my pajamas and clean my teeth, brushing my hair out and getting into bed, closing my eyes and falling asleep. Well, I try to until something hits my window. I dash to it and see Scott creeping past it on the roof. I throw my window open and grab Scott's belt, pulling him back so he nearly falls.

"What the hell are you doing?" I hiss.

"Looking after Allison," he whispers. "She could be in danger."

"That's my job, doofus," I say, climbing out onto the roof. He gives me an odd look and I raise an eyebrow. "Keep going, dumbass." He chuckles and crawls silently past Allison's window to sit on the roof diagonal to her window and so we can see her laying in her bed. We sit in silence for a long time, both of us yawning and battling against our eyelids to not fall asleep. Eventually, Scott's eyelids win and he slowly falls forwards and off of the roof, landing with a thud on the floor. I snort and laugh, except I fall, too. I grasp for the guttering but I miss it and I land on top of Scott.

My alarm clock blares angrily in my ear, and I growl and slam it onto snooze. I can't be bothered to find new clothes, so I just wear what I wore yesterday. I get ready to leave, making sure I'm gone before anyone else has time to speak to me. I can't face Allison just yet; what I said to her last night was harsh but the truth. Scott is sat on the front steps when I park the Impala beside the Jeep.

I sit beside him and squint as the sun shines in my face. "Hey." Scott grimaces when I put my hand on his shoulder, and I chuckle. "Your shoulder hurting?"

"It'll heal," he says. "At least you had a soft landing." I snort as we stand up, swinging our bags onto our shoulders. "How am I as a human cushion, then?"

"You're very good," I laugh as we head down to the locker rooms. We head into the boys' locker room, and several boys wiggle their eyebrows suggestively. I smirk and turn to them. "Keep it in your pants, boys!" The flush, embarrassed, and I wink at them as I pass. Dicks.

"Woah, Argent, didn't expect you to come in here," Coach chuckles as we reach him.

"Why not?" I ask.

Coach shakes his head. "Never mind. McCall, Argent, you can't go to the dance." He turns away and starts walking into his office, so me and Scott follow him quickly.

"What do you mean, we can't go to the formal?" Scott asks.

"McCall, you're failing my class and two others," Coach sighs. "They told me to cut you from the team. I told them I'd sooner cut off my last remaining testicle than cut my best player." I grimace until Coach points to me. "As for you, Argent, I dunno what their reason was. Might be because you did miss a couple days, and you came in looking like you just had a fight. Oh, and you're failing four classes."

"Fo - Four classes?" I ask, the shock evident in my voice. "How the hell? I've gotten B+ on every test I've had."

"Then I don't know, Argent, stop asking me questions," Coach says. I shut my mouth and look up at Scott.

"So the compromise is I can't go to the dance?" Scott asks.

"Yeah," Coach chuckles, like it's obvious.

"Then I quit the team," Scott says simply.

I look up at him and shake my head. "Scott, no this is one dance. This is for the rest of your school life."

"Listen to Argent," Coach says. "But no, you don't. And if you show up at the dance, and I see you there, I'm gonna drag the both of you out by your teeth." I blink at him, and he waves us away. We walk over to Stiles, who's just putting on his shirt. I sneak a peak and smirk.

Jackson comes up as I'm talking to Stiles, and Scott says something to him. "You want me to take her to the formal."

"I don't want you to, I need you to," Scott says. I know he means Allison. I stand beside him and Stiles.

"Screw you," Jackson says. I narrow my eyes at him. "You know what, screw you two too. In face, screw each other."

"Hey, you know he saved your life, right?" Stiles snaps.

"Plus we already screwed each other," I say, waving my thumb between me and Stiles. "Besides, you don't deserve my sister as a date to the formal."

"He left me for dead," Jackson says, answering Stiles and giving me a weird look.

"I got shot for you," Scott defends.

"Oh yeah?" Jackson smirks. "Show me the bullet wound."

Scott sighs. "You know it healed."

"Convenient," Jackson says quietly, winking slightly as he speaks. I roll my eyes and cross my arms over my chest.

"Just do it for Allison, okay?" Scott attempts. "She's in serious danger. I'm talking around-the-clock danger. She needs someone to keep an eye on her at the dance."

"Have her dad do it, okay?" Jackson says. "He's the one actually equipped to handle this."

"How are we supposed to do that and keep him from finding out about Scott?" I snap.

"Not my problem," Jackson shrugs. I ball my hands into fists and make to punch Jackson, but I get pushed behind Scott and Stiles before I can hurt him.

"You're her friend too," Scott says, and I know this is his final attempt. "You are. All that time that you spent with her to get to me you can't tell me that you didn't get to know her and like her. It's Allison. It's impossible not to like her." I nod in agreement; seems to be the case in my family. "You can't tell me that you don't care if she gets hurt."

"What if I get hurt?" he asks.

"Then it's worth it," I say.

"Not to me," Jackson says. He pushes past us, making me crash into the lockers.

I turn to the boys. "One day, I'm gonna hurt him, and it's gonna feel real good."

Stiles takes my hand to calm me down, and then looks at Scott. "Well, I shouldn't say I told you so 'cause it's not strong enough. How about I'm always right, and you should listen to whatever I have to say and never disagree ever, ever, for the sake of your wolflihood?"

"That's good," I say, and Stiles smiles at me.

"I'm not done," Scott says, his voice laced with anger.

"You're not done, okay," I say, stepping back and out of his way.

He follows Jackson and taps his shoulder. "One more thing." Scott roars, and Jackson's face pales immediately.

We're watching Jackson arrange the formal with Allison just down the hall from us, and I smirk when he looks nervously at Scott.

"Hey, don't worry," Stiles says to me and Scott. "I'll still be there."

"Oh, we're still going," I say, and Scott nods.

"Is that such a good idea?" Stiles asks. "Do you even have a date?"

"Rae can be my date," Scott says. "As friends, obviously." I shrug and Stiles nods.

"Do you have a suit?" Stiles asks. "Do you have a dress, Rae?"

"Not yet," Scott answers.

"Lydia is buying me one today," I add, and Stiles smiles at me.

"Do you have a ticket to the formal? A ride there?" Stiles isn't giving up.

"No. And no," Scott and I answer at the same time. Stiles sighs and rubs his hand over his hair.

"So you're gonna ride your bike to a dance that you're not even allowed to go to without a date, a suit, or a way in with werewolves and werewolf hunters all out to kick your little werewolf ass," Stiles sums up. I giggle and cover my mouth as Scott looks at me.

"Yeah," we both shrug.

"You gonna help us?" Scott asks.

"Hell, yeah," Stiles says, grabbing my hand and clapping Scott on the back of his neck and making us walk forward.

My cell phone vibrates in my pocket and I dig it out. "Oh, crap. I gotta go dress shopping at Macy's with Lydia and Allison. Follow us if you wanna keep her safe." I run towards the parking lot, and see Lydia and Allison sat in Allison's car. I jump in the back and smile. "Sorry, I had to wrap something up with Scott and Stiles."

"It's okay," Lydia smiles, as Allison reverses out of her parking space and heads towards Macy's. I turn around and see the Jeep a couple cars behind us, and I smile inwardly. We head up the escalators, me and Lydia talking animatedly but Allison just stood there.

"Alli, what's wrong?" I ask. Although I know; her whole world has just changed.

"Nothing's wrong," she sighs. "I just - I have a lot on my mind."

"You could smile, at least," Lydia scolds. I chuckle and Lydia smiles. "Ever heard of the saying, 'Never frown. Someone could be falling in love with your smile'? Smile, Allison. I'm buying you and your sister a dress."

"Which I am very, very grateful for," I add, and Lydia nods with a smile. As the escalator comes to the right floor where we can shop for the dresses, I see Stiles stood leaning on the counter, smelling the perfumes and choking when he smells too much. I laugh and turn around so I can face Allison and Lydia, who are smiling. "Well, there's my date. So, I'll see you guys later?"

"Bye," Lydia says in a sing-song voice.

I walk over to Stiles and lean against the counter as he carries on coughing. "Take it that smells a little strong?"

He laughs through his coughs and kisses my lips gently once he's done coughing. "Yep, just a little."

"Come on," I say, linking arms with him. "You get to help me choose a dress." Stiles makes a fake smile, but once we start going round he looks much happier.

"Well, I like this one," he says, holding up a dress I found earlier on in the search. "I'm thinking this one."

"You sure?" I ask, and he nods. "Then I trust you." I kiss his lips quickly and then listen as a woman announces that a car is being towed. "That's Allison's car. Was that Scott?" As I look over, I see Peter walking away from the rack of clothes Allison was just looking at. "Holy crap." I grab Stiles and push his lips to mine, kissing him hard. He makes a surprised noise, but doesn't resist. I turn us so Peter can't see who we are and then let go of Stiles once he's gone.

"What was that for?" he asks, moving some of my hair out of my face.

"Oh, uh - I - I was just-" I'm stopped when he kisses me again, and I sigh. "I need to find Lydia and then go back to Scott's with him to get ready for the dance that we'll be creeping into. Please don't do anything stupid." I make to walk off and then turn back. "And please save your first dance for me." He laughs as I hurry off to find Lydia so she can pay for the dress and then I can go get ready.

The Huntress {Stiles Stilinski}Where stories live. Discover now