The Tell - Get outta here, now!

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A/N: Okay, so in this chapter, Kate is quite a bitch. Sorry about that. But keep in mind that other than Allison, Kate is the only family member to really love Rae for everything she has. Chris just wants Allison safe, and knows Rae will do that. Kate wants them both safe <3Beth

  Raelynn's P.O.V.

After school, Stiles goes to check on Lydia as she's been absent all day. I try my hardest to ignore the stab of jealousy that spreads throughout me as he drives off in the Jeep, but I walk through the parking lot to my car. I haven't seen Allison all day, nor Scott, but I figure that they've skipped together. My cell phone starts ringing in my pocket, so I fish it out and answer.

"Hey sweetie," Kate says. I smile as I climb into my car, throwing my bag into the back. "How's your birthday going?"

"Good, thanks," I answer honestly. I move my hair from my face and look around to see if I can see Allison but she's not here.

"Remember what I asked you this morning?" she asks cautiously.

"About Derek?" I resist telling her that he's my friend and that I don't want anything to do with this plan.

"You still in?"

"Sure," I answer, not wanting to be excluded from my family even more. "Shall I come to the Hale house straight away?"

"Don't forget your bow," Kate adds, and I hang up and sigh, hitting my steering wheel a couple times in frustration.

A sudden knock on the window of my car makes me jump and scream a little, and I climb out to see Jackson stood in front of me. "Hey."

"I didn't mean to scare you," he says quickly.

"Oh, no you didn't," I reply with a small smile. "I do have somewhere to be though, so-"

"Wait," he says, grabbing my arm. "Do - are you, like, nervous, all the time?"

"Yeah." I am nervous all the time, but that's from trying to keep Allison safe and not knowing when something bad is gonna happen. "But that's normal for me."

"Well, it's not for me," he answers, moving closer.

I step back and move to get in the car. "I'd love to help, but I have somewhere to be. Uh, I recommend therapy, it might calm your nerves." I drive off quickly and head the fastest way I know to get home, my tires screeching when I push the brakes. My bow is still in the garage, so I run through the house to grab it and then my arrows, making sure my cell phone is in my pocket before I run out to meet Kate at the Hale house. There's two other hunters with her, one older man and a young one. They run their eyes up and down my body as I reach them. "Hey. What's going on?"

"Why's this chubby girl here?" the old hunter asks. I feel my nostrils flare like they do when I'm mad and I walk over to him, hitting his leg hard with my bow and then twisting one of his arms until he's on his knees. I'm not stick-thin like a lot of girls, I do have a bit of meat on my bones, but being called chubby pisses me off; it reminds me of middle school when I was bullied for being bigger than Allison.

"Call me that again, and I'll break you," I hiss, and he nods.

"Raelynn, let go," Kate says, and I wait a moment before I do. If that had been my father I would have let go instantly, but I know Kate won't get mad if I wait. She claps the man around his head. "This is my niece. Got a problem with her being here, take it up with me."

"Raelynn Argent?" the young hunter asks, and I nod. "You're the legacy."

"The what?" I ask, confused.

"You've killed so many werewolves a lot of hunters call you the legacy," he answers. "Wow."

I shake my head to refocus and look at Kate. "I'll go round back." Kate nods and I run round to the back of the house, finding a way in. I see Derek by the front door, doing pushups on the floor. He's shirtless and looks sweaty, so I make small noises to grab his attention. "Derek!" I hiss, and he stands up, eyeing me carefully. "Get over here!" I grab his arm and drag him into a free room.

"Why do you have a bow and arrows?" he asks, looking at my weapons.

"Kate's here," I reply quickly, cutting to the chase.

"You led her here," he accuses with a growl.

"No!" I snap. "She knew where you lived anyway, it wouldn't have mattered. Look, we both wanna live. So you need to run."

"Run? Why?"

"Just trust me," I beg. "You gotta go."

"I can fight them," he protests.

"Derek, if she realizes that I'm on your side she'll kill you and then kick me out of the family," I hiss.

"I'm not running, Rae," he says, shaking his head. "Running helps no one."

"Too bad your sister 'bit it' before she had her first litter," Kate's voice floats through the house, distant. They're at the front of the house, and I meet Derek's eyes as we look at each other. I silently beg him to not react, to stay calm. I touch his arm and feel him shaking and making small growling noises. "Too bad she howled like a bitch when we cut her in half!" Derek roars and runs out to them, and I curse under my breath and follow him quickly, pretending to have been stalking the house trying to find him. I hear electricity spark and then look down to see Derek rolling around on the floor with Kate walking around him. "This one grew up in all the right places. I don't know whether to kill it or lick it."

"Kate," I breathe, and she looks at me. "What did you do?"

"Tasered him," she answers like it's obvious. I see the other two hunters knocked out on the floor and stifle a snort - great help they were. Kate paces after Derek as he crawls across the floor, hauling himself up on a couch, managing to get enough leverage to lunge at Kate again.

"No!" I shout as Kate jerks the taser into Derek's side, making him collapse to the floor again. My hand flies to my mouth and I back away from the scene slightly, my bow over my shoulder like my arrows.

"900,000 volts," Kate tuts as Derek rests against a wall, breathing heavily. His eyes shoot to me and I look at Kate, shocked. Even I don't do this on hunts - I kill them straight away, unless they fight back and then I have to pin them down. "You never were good with electricity, were you?" I'm confused. They know each other? "Or fire. Which is why I'm gonna let you in on a little secret. And, well, maybe we can help each other out."

Derek's eyes flit to mine, and I shake my head slightly to show my confusion. Kate doesn't think anything of it and carries on talking to him. "Yes, your sister was severed into pieces and used as bait to try and catch you. Unpleasant, and frankly, a little too 'Texas chainsaw massacre' for my taste, but quite true. Now, here's the part that might really kick you in your balls - We didn't kill her." Derek's face shows he doesn't believe her, and I don't really either. If she's doing this to Derek with no proof of him hurting anyone, then what we she do to his sister? "You think I'm lying?"

"Wouldn't be the first time," Derek says through his convulsions.

Kate tuts, and I breathe deeply, scared of what she's going to do next. "Sweetie. Well, why don't you listen to my heart and tell me if I am. Okay?" She leans down so her lips are close to his ear and close enough that he can hear her heartbeat over his heavy breathing. "We - didn't - kill - your - sister." His face turns to recognition when he realizes she's not lying. She backs up, standing beside me and pacing in front of me. Derek looks at me and I shrug while Kate isn't looking. "Found bite marks on your sister's body, Derek. What do you think did that? A mountain lion? Why aren't we helping each other out? You might as well admit what you've been guessing all along, which is - the Alpha killed your sister. And all you have to do is tell us who he is and we'll take care of it for you." Kate stands directly in front of him, so he has to look up a little bit just to look her in the eyes. "Unless - You don't know who he is either." Kate sighs and readjusts her gun. "Wow. Guess who just became totally useless." She aims and I scream.

"NO!" I shout, grabbing her arm so her shot is diverted and Derek rolls out of the way, running out of the house and into the preserve. Kate stands straight and glares at me, grabbing my arm and throwing my out the front door. I roll down the hill, feeling blood on my lip.

"What the hell was that, Raelynn?" Kate shouts. She's louder than when Dad shouts, and much more scary. "You defending them now?"

"No," I whimper, standing back up. My bow and arrows are midway up the hill, coming off as I rolled down.

She shoves my shoulders, sending me down another hill. I wince as I hit my head and my eyesight blurs. "Are you going against your own family? Defending the enemy!" I reach up and feel blood on my hand, mixing with my hair. Warm tears slip down my face, and Kate scoffs. "You're crying over something like this? Pathetic."

I stand up and shout in her face. "You didn't need to abuse me!"

"This isn't abuse, Rae, just tough love!" she shouts back, and I flinch.

"Then I'm glad as hell that I'm not your daughter," I spit, running back up the hill to grab my bow and arrows before running back home. Mom and Dad are at mine and Allison's parent-teacher conference tonight, so they won't be back for a few hours. Allison still isn't home so I run upstairs, throwing my weapons under my bed and grabbing a ring dagger from under it, sliding it into my bedside cabinet. Then I dash across to the bathroom, turning on the shower, locking the door and stripping down, seeing bruises appearing on my sides. I know she's tough but there was no need to be that tough.

As I let the hot water relax my muscles, I watch the blood drip from the wound on my head to mix with the water. Someone that I presume is Kate knocks on the bathroom door after I've showered, but I ignore it. They go away after a while, and I get dressed in my pajamas that I brought in with me. I run back to my room and grab my cell, dialing Stiles' number. It goes straight to voicemail.

"Hey," I say, my voice shaky. Tears fall down my cheeks again. "I don't know whether you're still with Lydia or not, and if your are I'm happy for you I guess. But, uh, when you get this, call me. Today started out great but didn't end so well."

I hang up and grab my school bag, pulling out my present that Stiles got me. I place it as close to my bed as I can without the worry of knocking it over, and I flop back and look at it. Then it clicks; I like Stiles. Like really like him. That's why I felt so jealous when he went to Lydia's because he's in love with her and not me. That just makes everything hurt a little bit more. So I grab the photo of the two of us, hugging it to my chest and letting a few rare tears slip out.

I must have fallen asleep because when I hear a noise outside my window everything is dark. The streetlight is the only light shining in my room, and my arm has a mark in it from where the photo frame has been. I quickly put it back on the bedside cabinet and grab the ring dagger that's in it, standing up and getting into position. My window is open a little, and I see a figure appear behind my curtains, sliding my window up and climbing through. I grab their shoulder and go to stab their arm, but I recognize the smell (yes, I understand that sounds weird but he has a memorable smell).

"Stiles?" I whisper, standing back, letting him stand up. "What the hell! I could have killed you!" I turn on my lamp and blink at the sudden light.

"I got your message and you weren't answering so I panicked," he says quickly. Then his eyebrows furrow and he walks over to me, placing his hand on my cheek and stroking my bottom lip with his thumb. My breathing quickens and he narrows his eyes. "Who did this to you?"

I look in the mirror and see a scab has appeared on my cut lip from when Kate pushed me. "It's nothing."

"Rae," he says, grabbing my arm as I try and walk away. "What's wrong? What was with that message?"

"I'm tired, Stiles," I say with a sigh. He knows I don't mean sleep-tired. "I'm so tired."

"Is there nothing you can do?" he asks.

I shake my head. "Mom, Dad and Allison have gone to New York for the weekend." Tears fall down my cheeks again, and I try to dash them away before he sees but he's seen, and he grabs me in a hug as I let all my frustration and anger out in tears. "Stiles, I am on my own in this."

"No, you're not," he says sternly, taking my face in his hands and staring me straight in the eyes. "I'm not gonna go anywhere, okay. Ever. And neither is Scott, but that's-"

I cut him off by leaning forwards and kissing him quickly, our lips locking and my hands wrapping around his neck. I break away and pull back fast, his eyes wide. "I'm so sorry, I don't know-" But he leans forward and kisses me back, his hands moving into my hair. I wince when he touches the wound from earlier, and when he looks at it he gives me concerned eyes. "It's okay. It doesn't hurt as much now."

He shakes his head as I back up to my bed, sitting down with my back against the wall. The bed dips as he sits beside me, and he takes my hand in his, stroking my knuckles gently. I rest my head on his shoulder and then he lays back so his head is on my pillow and my head is on his chest. Our legs are tangled together, and we're managing to fit into this single bed together. He switches my lamp off and his other arm er eyekeeps me against his side, tracing patterns along my back with his fingertips. And I close my eyes, feeling completely safe for the first time in my life.

"What the hell are you doing?" Kate's voice wakes us both up, and we jump. Stiles lets go of my hand and I move away from him, sitting up. "You. Out. Now."

"No," I say as Stiles stands up. I stand beside him and hold his arm. "No, he can stay."

"Raelynn, I told him to leave so he's leaving." Kate glares at me but I hold my ground.

"And I said no," I snap. "This isn't your house."

She narrows her eyes and grabs Stiles' other arm, leading him out of the house. She slams the door in his face as I protest from behind her. "When I say he leaves, he leaves."

I raise my hand as if I'm going to hit her and then lower it immediately. "Why can I not just have a bit of happiness in my life?"

"You hunt, that's happiness enough."

"No!" I scream. "Dad has Mom, Allison. Hell, he even has me! And I'm not allowed anyone! It's always the same, protect Allison. Maybe I need protecting! I lost out on a childhood protecting her. Stiles is the first person to show love towards me other than because I'm a hunter or a sibling, why can't I just be happy!" I'm crying again, and I run upstairs again, getting dressed, grabbing a couple weapons and throwing them into a duffel bag along with some clothes, grabbing the keys to my Impala and rushing downstairs.

"Where do you think you're going?" Kate asks.

"I'm going away for a few days," I say simply, throwing my stuff into the passenger seat and driving off. She doesn't even try to stop me. I pass Stiles' house on the way out of Beacon Hills, and he's just going into his house, the Jeep parked on the drive. I ignore it and go faster, desperate to get out and just be alone, without having to worry about anyone other than myself for a little while.  

The Huntress {Stiles Stilinski}Where stories live. Discover now