Night School - I want to keep you safe

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  Stiles' P.O.V.

"Lock it!" Scott shouts. We're holding the doors to the school shut, making it impossible for us to be able to keep the Alpha out.

"Do I look like I have a key?" I snap. I look behind me and see Rae clutching her leg, her jacket slipping off of her shoulders. Her face is screwed up as she moves, but when she catches my eye I shake my head at her, and she stays still.

"Grab something," Scott replies, looking round while keeping hold of the door.

"What?" I ask.

"Anything!" I suddenly remember the bolt cutters that I'd dropped outside, and I peek my head up to look through the glass in the door. "No," Scott warns.

"Yes," I reply, and I throw the door open and run out. I grab the bolt cutters but hear Scott shouting at me, and Rae creeps up behind him, shouting at me, too. I turn and see the Alpha rounding from behind my Jeep, so I take of running, slamming the doors and jamming the bolt cutters into the door mechanism. Rae breathes a sigh of relief, and I wrap my arm around her waist as we back up.

"Where is it?" Rae asks as she limps back. "That won't hold it, will it?"

"Probably not," I shrug. The Alpha suddenly howls and we all turn and take off running into the school, away from the noise. Rae has to hop and lean on me a bit more, but she's still quite fast. We run into a classroom and Rae collapses into one of the chairs, relieving the pressure from her leg. "The desk," I say to Scott, and we start pushing it against the door until I realize that that isn't going to keep the Alpha out. "Stop, stop. The door's not gonna keep it out."

"I know," Scott sighs, rubbing his face in his hands.

"It's your boss," Rae says, slightly out of breath.


"Deaton, the alpha?" Rae continues. "Your boss."


"Yes, murdering psycho werewolf."

"That can't be."

"Oh, come on," I say, standing beside Rae. "He disappears, and that thing shows up ten seconds later to toss Derek 20 feet through the air? That's not convenient timing?"

"It's not him." Scott is adamant.

"He killed Derek," Rae argues.

"No, Derek's not dead." Scott shakes his head and I sigh. "He can't be dead."

"Blood spurted out of his mouth, okay?" I say. "That doesn't exactly qualify as a minor injury. He's dead, and we're next."

"Okay, just -" Scott stutters, and Rae sits up straight. "What do we do?"

"We get to the Jeep, we get out of here," Rae counts off the process of the plan on her fingers, "you seriously think about quitting your job, good?"

"So how do we get out of here?" Scott asks.

Rae stands up and walks a bit better to the windows. "Voila." She tries to open one, but it doesn't open, so Scott tries. It doesn't open either way.

"No, they don't open," I say, running my hand over my hair. "The school's climate-controlled."

"Then we break it," Rae shrugs, picking up a chair to throw at the windows.

"Which will make a lot of noise," I say hurriedly, rushing forwards to take the chair from her.

"Then, uh, then we run really fast," Scott says, nodding his head as he speaks, maybe to reassure himself. "Really fast." He looks out of the window and his eyebrows furrow together. "Stiles, what's wrong with the hood of your Jeep?"

"What do you mean?" I ask as I finally get the chair off of Rae. "Nothing's wrong."

"It's bent." Scott stays by the window, and I peer out but it's too dark for me to see anything.

"What, like, dented?" I ask.

"No, I mean bent."

"What the hell-" But the window smashes as something comes flying through. Rae drops to the ground, dragging me and Scott down with her, and we cover our eyes. We're sat with our backs against the wall so we're beneath the windows. "That's my battery." I notice the piece of machinery in front of us, the thing that smashed the windows.

I go to stand up but Scott grabs my arm. "Don't," he warns.

"We have to move," I say, and Rae shakes her head.

"He could be right outside," she hisses.

"He is right outside," I hiss back.

"Just let me take a look," Scott says, getting onto his knees and peering his head over the gap to see if the alpha is still there. "No."

"Move now?" I ask Rae, and she nods.

"Move now." I help her up and she smiles as I do. "This way," she says.

"No, no, no, no," I say, grabbing both of their arms to stop them. "Somewhere without windows."

"Every single room in this building has windows!" Scott exclaims.

"Or somewhere with less windows."

"The locker room," Rae concludes, and I nod as we rush down to the locker rooms.

"Okay," Scott says as we head down to the locker rooms, going down the stairs. "Call your dad."

"And tell him what?" I ask, stopping. Rae sighs as she listens on.

"I don't know," Scott shrugs. "Anything. Gas leak, a fire, whatever. If that thing sees the parking lot filled with cop cars, it'll take off."

"What if it doesn't?" I argue. "What if it goes completely Terminator and kills every cop in sight, including my dad?"

"They have guns."

"Yeah, and Derek had to be shot with a wolfsbane-laced bullet to even slow him down, you remember that?"

"Then we - we have to just find a way out and run for it," Scott says.

"There's nothing near the school for at least a mile," Rae sighs.

"What about Derek's car?" Scott says.

"That could work," Rae answers, looking at me and then back at Scott. "We go outside, get the keys off his body, and then we take his car."

"And him."

"Yeah, fine. Whatever." We carry on down the stairs until we're outside the door of the locker rooms, when Scott stops suddenly. I stop Rae from walking and she turns round to narrow her eyes. "What?"

"I think I heard something," Scott says, looking like he's straining his hearing.

"Like what?" I ask.

"Quiet." He listens for a moment more before he shoves us into the locker rooms. "Hide!" I quickly dash into the open lockers, shoving myself inside. Rae jumps in one opposite me, closing her door quickly. "No, guys, no, no!"

I manage to slow my breathing enough that it isn't obvious that I'm in the locker, and I hope Scott and Rae are doing the same. I also hope that my scent mixes in with the sweat and cologne in this locker room so the alpha can't smell me out.

Raelynn's P.O.V.

We're hiding in lockers, which is Stiles's genius idea. Note the sarcasm. My leg is throbbing and I really need to rest it, but that's out of the question when we're being chased by a serial-killing-psycho werewolf. The alpha stops in front of my locker, and through the slots I can see the silhouette. I hold my breath, begging my heart to slow down, but it won't. The locker is too tight for me to reach down to grab one of my ring daggers, and even if I could reach it, it wouldn't do much good on that beast.

The locker door opens and a man is stood there. When he sees me he jumps a mile and gasps. "Son of a bitch!" he says loudly.

"Quiet," I hiss, but Stiles's locker door opens and Scott comes around from the corner he was hiding behind.

"Quiet my ass, what the hell are you trying to do, kill me?" The janitor glares at me and then drags me from the locker, and does the same with Stiles. He motions for Scott to follow him, and he does, and then he throws us out of the locker room. "All three of 'ya, get out."

"Will you just listen for half a second, okay?" I attempt, but he interrupts.

"Not okay. Get the hell out of here right now."

"God, just one second to explain!"

"Just shut up and go."

He slams the door to the lockers and as we're about to turn away the janitor is grabbed by the alpha and thrown into the door, blood splattering against the glass. I gasp and back up, pushing Scott as he attempts to go back and help the janitor. My limp is still there but I'm choosing to ignore the pain. We run through the hallways, knowing that the alpha is in the locker rooms beneath us, and make for the back exit of the school, the one that leads out towards the parking lot.

I throw the doors open but groan when I come into contact with the dumpsters that have been put in the way. "What the hell?"

"It's a dumpster," Scott says, stepping back.

"He pushed it in front of the door to block us in," Stiles says, starting to push the dumpster, but it refuses to move. "Come on, help me." So I do, but it doesn't budge.

"Stop!" Scott shouts, pulling mine and Stiles's shoulders.

"I'm not dying here," Stiles says loudly. "I'm not dying at school."

"We're not going to die," Scott reassures, but it sounds like he's reassuring himself, too.

"God, what is he doing? What does he want?" I ask, running my hand through my hair.

"Me," Scott answers simply. "Derek says it's stronger with a pack."

"Oh, great," Stiles says. "A psychotic werewolf who's into teamwork. That's - that's beautiful." We start walking down the hallways again, but I stop them both when I see the alpha on the roof of the school, staring directly at us. Stiles curses with me and Scott pushes us.

"Go!" he shouts, so we do. The alpha jumps through the window, smashing the glass around us. We all scream curses and we run, but it's right behind us. I can practically hear it's paws pounding on the floor. We turn into the stairwell and fly down the steps to the first floor. We end up in a basement full of old lockers, and Scott motions for me and Stiles to run but we shake our heads. "Go."

"No," I snap. "We have to do something."

"Like what?" Scott asks.

"I don't know," I answer, out of breath. "Kill it, hurt it, inflict mental anguish on it. Something." I grab Stiles's keys from his pocket after he gasps, and I hold them in my hand. "That room is lockable. I'll throw the keys in there and we can trap it. Use the desk."

"Why my keys?" Stiles asks, and I shrug.

"You're the only one with keys." I throw them into the room as the boys position themselves behind the desk to push it between the wall and the door. I hear the alpha landing on the floor and I motion for the boys to push, and they do. I come in the way of them pushing any further, but the alpha does not like being locked in one bit. I breathe a sigh of relief but become panicked when Stiles climbs on top of the desk. "What the hell are you doing?"

"I just wanna get a look at it-" But as he says that the desk shakes and he jumps straight off of it. I allow a laugh as we carry on running out of the basement and back up the the floors of the school.

As we're going, Scott stops again. "Wait, do you hear that?"

"Hear what?" I ask.

"It sounds like a phone ringing."


"I know that ring. It's Allison's phone." He looks at me, fear on his face.

I dig out my phone from my pocket and dial Allison's number, praying to God that she's at home crying because Scott didn't show up to their date. She answers on the second ring, and she sounds confused. "Alli?"

"Rae?" she asks.

"Where are you?"

"I'm at the school, looking for Scott," she answers, sounding frustrated. "Are you with him now?"

"Yeah, where are you right now?" I ask desperately as we start walking towards the lobby.

"The swimming pools."

"Get to the lobby," I command. "Go, now."

"Okay, okay, I'm coming." She hangs up and I hope she's rushing to the lobby.

"Scott, get to Allison. I need to help Rae a second," Stiles says, grabbing my hand to stop me.

Scott doesn't turn back but he nods and runs in the direction of the lobby. I turn to Stiles and try to get out of his grip, but his hold is tight.

"Stiles, let go," I say.

"Rae, promise me something," he asks, and I look into his eyes, waiting. "Promise me you won't try and kill the alpha single handedly."

"If that's what it takes," I reply, turning to go but he stops me. "Stiles-" I'm cut off when he shoves me into one of the classrooms, his body pinning me against the wall. He lets go of my arm and places his hands on my cheeks. "I need to keep people safe."

"Not all the time," he says. "Sometimes you need to keep yourself safe, too. Maybe other people want to keep you safe." When I scoff he makes me look into his eyes. "I want to keep you safe."

I smile and lean forwards, kissing his lips gently. He responds instantly, locking our lips together and kissing back. My hands travel to his hair, my nails scratching lightly over the back of his neck. When we pull back, his lips are slightly swollen and I know mine are, too. Our foreheads rest on one another as I bite my lip. "I know you do." He smiles and I chuckle. "We should go to the lobby before Scott thinks we've been killed."

"Yeah, that's a good idea." Stiles runs beside me, our hands joined together. I don't care if Allison sees me with Stiles; besides, I've told her that we kissed and slept in the same bed already.

"Why did you come here?" Scott asks Allison.

"Alli, what are you doing here?" I ask as me and Stiles stop beside Scott, our hands still joined.

She eyes our hands and then holds up her phone. "Scott asked me to."

"I asked you to?" he asks, and she nods.

"Why do I get the feeling that you didn't send this message?"

"Because I didn't."

Allison looks at me and I look at her phone. "Did you drive here?" I ask.

"Jackson did," Allison answers.

"Jackson's here, too?" Stiles asks, and she nods.

"And Lydia, what's going on? Who sent this text?" As we're thinking of who it could be, Allison's phone starts ringing and Jackson's I.D. comes up on the screen. "Where are you?"

"Finally," Lydia says, announcing herself dramatically as usual when she enters the lobby. "Can we go now?"

Suddenly, the ceiling comes crashing down as the alpha drops down. Lydia and Allison scream as Jackson does a guy scream, and Scott yells at us all to run. I ignore my limp as my hand grows sweaty in Stiles's grasp, but he keeps pulling me along. I can hear the alpha but I don't know where he is. Jackson leads us into the cafeteria, and me and Stiles stand away from the group, catching our breath, while they barricade the door with tables and chairs.

"Scott, wait, not here," Stiles says, trying to get his attention, but Scott ignores him and carries on piling things up against the door. Allison and Lydia are asking questions, wanting to know what's going on, while Scott is just asking for help. "Guys - Can we just wait a second?" I turn around to see why Stiles is asking everyone to stop, and I see the windows lining the walls. Oh, crap. "You guys, listen to me, w - Can we wait a second? Guys? Stiles talking. Can we hang on one second please?"

"HEY!" I shout, making everyone shout. I smile and turn to Stiles. "There you are."

"Thanks," he says with a small smile before turning serious again. "Okay, nice work. Really beautiful job, everyone. Now - what should we do about the 20 foot wall of windows?" Everyone sighs in fear and I run my hand through my hair.

"Can somebody please explain to me what's going on, because I'm freaking out here. And I would like to know why," Allison says, doing the same action as me - running her hand through her hair. "Rae?"

"Somebody killed the janitor," I answer. That's true - someone did kill the janitor.

"What?" Lydia asks.

"Yeah, the janitor's dead."

"What is she talking about?" Allison says. "Is this a joke?"

"What, who killed him?" Jackson asks. He watches me, waiting for an answer, but I don't have one.

"No, no, no, no. This was supposed to be over," Lydia says quietly. "The mountain lion killed-"

"No, don't you get it?" Jackson snaps, making me flinch. "There wasn't a mountain lion."

"Who was it?" Allison asks. "What does he want? What's happening? Scott!"

"I - I don't know," Scott stammers. I glance up at Stiles and he's shaking his head. "I just - If - if we go out there, he's gonna kill us."

"Us?" Lydia squeals. "He's gonna kill us?"

"Who? Who is it?" Allison demands.

"It's Derek," Scott sighs. His hands are resting on one of the tables, his back facing the group. Me and Stiles are stood beside him, and our mouths drop open when he says that. "It's Derek Hale." Oh, jeez, well done Scott. If Derek isn't dead, you just created the most wanted criminal in Beacon Hills. This is gonna be a long night.  

The Huntress {Stiles Stilinski}Where stories live. Discover now