Formality - First dance

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  Raelynn's P.O.V.

Scott and I are dashing around his room, my dress flowing around me as I grab my makeup bag. Melissa is sat on Scott's bed, my hairbrush behind her. She did my hair as Scott was showering, and I hand her my makeup bag as she starts to put it on. 

Once she's finished, she kisses my forehead. "There. Beautiful," she says, gently stroking my cheek.

I blush through the makeup and hug her. "Thanks, Melissa."

"Rae, honey, how come your mom couldn't do this?" Melissa asks.

I shrug as I pack my makeup away and twirl in my dress for her. "It's not that she couldn't. It's that she didn't want to." Scott comes out of the bathroom, his suit on, and and Melissa and I smile. "Wow. You scrub up nicely, McCall."

Melissa picks up the suit jacket that Scott had laid out on his bed. "This is really nice. How did you afford a - oh -" She trails off as she sees the duct tape keeping it together.

"Yeah," I say, scratching the back of my neck. "We, uh, we had to improvise."

"It's not gonna work, is it?" Scott sighs.

"No, no, it's fine, it's fine," Melissa assures. "No one'll notice. No one legally blind." I snort.

"I heard that," Scott says, and I laugh again.

"Okay, well, you just come in here and we can try it," she says. "Come on, come on." She shrugs Scott into his suit and she nods. "I actually think this is gonna work."

"Really?" Scott asks.

I nod and then twirl my finger. "Turn. And - no." Scott looks back at me and I point at his behind, where a large gaping hole shows his boxers. "Nice underwear, sport."

"What?" Scott leans so his head is over his shoulder and he can see the hole.

Melissa nods. "Yeah."

"I - I don't have time for this!" Scott says, frustrated. "I can't buy new ones, Mom! What am I gonna do?"

"Okay, don't panic, all right?" Melissa says calmly. "Take them off." She clicks her fingers. "Pants off now. Don't worry about Rae, she doesn't mind." Scott shimmies out of his pants and hands them to his mom, sitting down beside her. I sit on the other side of her and fold my hands in my lap. "So is she coming here, because you know I need the car tonight."

"No," Scott sighs. "I'm going stag."

"You're going alone?"

"Hey, I'll be there, too," I chime up, and they both chuckle. As I watch them, I can't help but feel jealous towards Scott and Stiles. They have parents that love them unconditionally and parents that would do anything for them.

"I'm sorry, I'm just a little, you know, surprised that you don't have anyone else to ask other than Allison," Melissa says as she starts sewing the hole in Scott's pants.

"There are no other girls besides Allison," Scott says gently, aware that I'm sat less than five feet from him.

"You really feel that way?" Melissa asks, stopping her sewing and looking up at her son.

"Can you just please keep sewing?" Scott begs, embarrassed.

"No, no, no, no," Melissa says, shaking her head. "You have time for just one question. Do you really feel that way?"

"I can't help it," Scott sighs. "I mean, every time I look at her, I get this - this hollow feeling in my chest, and it's like - it's like someone literally took a shovel and dug a hole in me, and it's the worst feeling I've ever had in my life, and I didn't know anyone could actually feel this bad."

"I know. Everyone knows eventually. It does go away."

"I don't want it to," Scott admits.

I lean forward so he can see me, and Melissa moves back on the bed to make it easier. "Have you told her how you feel?"

"She knows," he shrugs.

Melissa narrows her eyes. "She knows? Listen, dumbass, I'm gonna let you in on a secret most guys don't even have a clue about, all right? You ready?" Scott nods and I raise my eyebrow at him. "Women love words."


"You need to tell her how you feel," Melissa sighs as she sews. "Say it again. Say it differently. Learn how to say it better. Learn how to sing it. You know, just write it in a poem and a letter attached to flowers, carve it in a tree, in a sidewalk with cement - tattoo on your arm."

"Really?" Scott asks, looking up hopefully.

"No," she says sternly. "Not really. Just - just tell her the truth. Tell her anything and everything you want."


"Here you go," Melissa says, handing Scott his pants. He slides them on and I give him the thumbs up. "All right, go on, have a good time. Please come home safe."

"We will," I chuckle as we head downstairs. "Thank you for everything, Melissa." She waves at the door as we get into my Impala. Scott's driving it because I can't drive in heels. As we drive, I turn to Scott. "Do you really feel that way about my sister?"

"Yes, I do," Scott nods. "Why?"

"Because you should know, if you break her heart, I will tear you limb from limb," I say, smiling brightly at him as we get nearer the school.

He looks nervously at me and then laughs. "Yeah, I kinda guessed you would." We both laugh as we get nearer the school, and then I get more nervous as we get nearer. "Hey Rae, you okay?"

"Uh - no," I say honestly. He parks my car in the shadows so if Coach comes out he doesn't see it. "I've never been to a school dance before."

"Really?" He looks at me, confused.

"My job has always been to protect Allison, and I never needed to go to a dance to prove that," I shrug. He leans over and takes my hand, smiling.

"Well, whatever happens, I'm here the entire night," he says gently. "So is Stiles." I nod and then we get out of the car. I stumble in my heels and curse at them, but they make me nearly the same height as Scott.

"Do we still have to climb on the roof to get in?" I ask, looking up to the top of the school. I look over and see Scott pulling down a ladder that leads to the roof. I roll my eyes and go over. "Perfect." I make to go up and then stop. "You first."

"Why me?"

"Because I'm wearing a dress," I say, shoving his shoulder. He makes a disgusted face and scurries up the ladder. It takes me a little longer because of my heels but we're soon on the roof. "This way. I think there's a skylight somewhere." We creep along the roof, and I twist on my ankle several times but Scott catches me before I fall.

Finally, we make it to the gym where the dance is being held. I spot Stiles sat a table with Lydia, both of them looking bored out of their mind. I smile at Scott and he rushes off to find Allison as I head over to Stiles. When he sees me, he smiles broadly and stands up, catching me in a hug and kissing me quickly.

"You look beautiful," Stiles says as I laugh and wipe my lipstick from his lips.

"Wow," Lydia says as she smiles at me. I grin down at her. "You really do look beautiful."

"Thanks, Lydia," I say, twirling for her like I did with Melissa. "Thank you for buying the dress."

"May I have this dance?" Stiles asks as a slow romantic song plays. I look at him nervously, and he smiles gently. "It would be my honor to be your first dance."

"You could tell, huh?"

"I know you," he says quietly, kissing me gently before twirling me onto the dance floor. We sway slowly for the entire song, but then my feet start to hurt. "Come on, sit down." I sit opposite Lydia as Stiles sits beside me, and I kick off my shoes and rub my feet gently.

Pretty soon, Lydia starts looking around nervously, almost desperately. "You okay?" I ask.

"I just - need to take a little break," she says.

"You mean you need to go find Jackson," I say with a smirk, and she nods. "It's okay. I'll go with you."

"You sure?" Stiles asks.

I nod, slipping my shoes back on. "I'm not letting her walk about all alone."

"All right, I'll look in here," Stiles says, standing up and kissing the top of my head. Lydia and I walk outside, looking around the parking lot for Jackson.

"Maybe he's on the lacrosse field?" Lydia suggests.

"Lyd, why would he be out there?" I sigh.

"Then stay here, I'll go check," she says, walking off. I groan and chase after her onto the field. "Didn't wanna stay put?"

"I really think we should go back," I say. Suddenly, the flood lights switch on, scorching us in light. I shield my eyes to look at the figure approaching us. "Jackson?"

Lydia turns to see who I'm staring at. "Jackson? Is that you?"

I realize then that it's not Jackson; it's the Alpha. "Lydia, run!" I grab the dagger from under my dress and lunge forwards, but he grabs me and bites my hip. I fall to the floor in pain as he scratches and bites at other parts of my body. I see Lydia turn and try to run, but he grabs her, too.

"Rae!" I hear someone scream, and it sounds like Stiles. He slides across the grass on his knees as he reaches me. "No, God no."

"Lydia," I moan, coughing from the pain. He looks around and sees Lydia passed out on the floor with the Alpha towering over her. He scrambles over and stops the Alpha, which gives me times to grab my dagger. I raise it into the air and plunge it down through to my heart, crying out as I feel the warm blood trickle over my chest.

"RAE!" Stiles is back hovering over me, applying pressure to my wound. "What the hell have you done?"

I cough/laugh as I taste blood in my mouth. I manage to raise my hand to his cheek and I feel his tears. "I - I love you, you know that."

"Of course I know that," he whispers. I smile up at him as he turns to Peter, angry.

"What the hell have you done!" he shouts.

"Tell me how to find Derek Hale, and they can both live," Peter says, dragging his claw along Lydia's unconscious body.

"I - I don't know where Derek is," Stiles whimpers. "How would I know that?"

"Because you're the clever one, aren't you?" Peter says snidely. "And because deception has a particularly acrid scent, Stiles. Tell me the truth - or I will rip the two of them apart."

"Look, look, I don't know, okay? I sw - I swear to God I have no idea!"

"Tell me!" Peter roars. His roar terrifies me, and I shake, but everywhere hurts. I whimper in pain as more blood spills from the stab wound in my chest. Peter puts his claws onto Stiles's throat, and things start to go blurry.

"Okay, okay, look. I think he knew-"

"Knew what?"

"Derek, I think he knew he was gonna get caught."

"By the Argents?"



"When they were shot, he and Scott - I think he took Scott's phone."

"Why?" Peter's confused, I think.

"They all have GPS now," Stiles explains. "So if he still has it and if it's still on - you can find him."

"All right, let's go," Peter says, forcing Stiles to his feet. He kneels down beside me and Stiles shouts.

"No, look, just kill me, I don't care anymore," Stiles begs.

I shake my head. "No, Stiles, no-" Peter's claws go to Stiles's throat again.

"You get one phone call," Peter hisses. "One. That's it."

Stiles kneels beside me, grasping my hand tightly. I can't find the strength to hold it back, but I manage a tiny squeeze. Stiles is dialing a number in his speed dial, and holds his cell to his ear. "Dad. It's me. Something real bad has happened to Rae."  

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