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Bdsm stands for:

Bondage and Discipline (BD)
Dominance and Submission (DS)
Sadism and Masochism (SM)

Doesn't necessarily have to be with two males. Can be with, female and male. Also, male doesn't have to be Dominant, male can be Submissive and female can be Dominant.




The whip lashed out on my bottom, and with each crack I heard I felt an excruciating pain flow throughout my body.

"Count, pet!" A deep voice commanded.

"O-one!" I hissed out in pain.

"Tw-two!" Each whip got harder and harder as he didn't show any mercy.

"Th-thre-three!" I stuttered out.


"Five!" On the last whip I burst into tears, sobbing in my hands.

I felt a hand massage my bottom lovingly, "I'm sorry pet, you know how much I hate punishing you."

I slowly relaxed as my sobs turned into quiet sniffles, "It's fine master."

He grabbed me and tenderly set me in his arms, "You were amazing, pet," he softly whispered in my ear.

I softly smiled "Thank you, master," I whispered leaning into my master's arms.

I slowly turned around in an attempt to kiss him and I spotted white hair before I felt myself being shaken awake.


"Kyle, wake up." I felt someone shaking me awake in which I ignored, wanting to go back to my master's touch.



"Kyle!" I felt a sudden jolt of pain in my right cheek.

"What the hell!" I sat up and turned only to see a rather joyous brother of mine staring at me.

I sighed, "Ugh, Matthew, what do you want?"

"Well, as I was walking down a street I saw a blah blah blah Bdsm club blah blah—



"Did you say Bdsm club?" I said with newfound excitement and energy.

"Yeah, it's called Insanity, I looked inside and boy were there guys that were smoking hot, like sizzling, seriously like fresh bacon given to you by black Jesus—

My brother Matthew, was rather interesting, to put it to you nicely. He was also gay but he was not into the Bdsm lifestyle. One time I tried to show him a couple of things to see if he was interested and he said quote on quote "Nah bro, chains ain't my thing unless my ass is chained to a guys dick."

Yeah, a real charmer, right?

"Ok, ok, Matt slow down."

He halted and stared at me blankly.

"Ok, now, where did you see this club?" I asked genuinely curious.

"It's really close actually like a couple blocks down, oh yeah did you know that there's a new neighbor two houses away, he's a real cutie do you think he's gay or maybe even a top—"

"Matt!" I shouted rubbing my temples.

"Sorry, to get there, you can just search it up and it'll give you directions."

Sighing happy to be released from the torture, "Thank you."

"Anyways, do you think I should ask him out, I mean I did stalk him on Facebook and all but what if he has a surprise girlfriend or boyfriend what do yo—

I cut him off as I threw him out of my room slamming the door shut, I slid down the door releasing a pleased groan.

Ok, now to find that club, this might be my last chance to find that white haired guy that I've been dreaming about for months.

I sat up and walked to the nightstand pulling my phone off from my charger unlocking it, and starting to type.


Clicking search I saw several dots popping up and began to feel overwhelmed.

Wait, Matt said that it was really close so all I have to do is find the closest one, duh.

Zooming in on a dot, I clicked it and it revealed all the information.

Insanity (Bdsm club)
450 ft. away

Ok, let's do this. Or maybe I'll wait until it's dark, nah, I'm sure a peek wouldn't hurt.

I went to change into more comfortable clothes, walking up to my closet.

I grabbed a simple black t-shirt and a pair of white skinny jeans along with some worn out red converse.

I put my phone in my back pocket and walked out of my room.

As I walked by Matt's room I heard constant shouts of "No, stop Lydia! It's supposed to be Sterek!" or "I swear you old hag of an archer I'll cut you up, hoe!"

He's so weird, but I still love him, unfortunately.

Shaking my head, I walk past his room and head towards the front door.

I hold the door handle in my hand before confidently opening it up, I walk outside closing the door behind me.

I'm ready to find my Dom, master here I come.

What did you think? Did you like it? Anyways, who likes Matthew! I do! (Yes, yes, I know he's my own character but I don't care!)

Call Me, Master (Bdsm) (BxB) (Discontinued) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora