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Kyle's P.o.v

I stood still, shocked by my words. I inwardly cringed, great just great, of course I'm stupid enough to call the person that saved me Master; not that I wanted to be saved anyway, but a plus is that he's totally Master material, although I know nothing about him, he's a fucking God.

"Oh, um, I-I'm sorry, I'm just so used to saying that.", I said slightly stumbling on my words as I sheepishly rub the back of my head in embarrassment.

Suddenly, I heard what sounded like a low growl, which I just chalked up as my imagination acting up.

"So, you've said that to someone else too." Cole said, a slight strain in his voice.

"Yup! Obviously to my boyfriend!" I said excitingly, remembering Derek.

"Yo-you have a boyfriend?" Cole asked, one of his eyes twitching strangely.

I got silent as I remembered what Derek had done, he didn't care about me at all, he only cared about Matthew, he was no longer my boyfriend, I don't even think he ever was.

My silence made Cole suspicious, and although I'm sure he wanted to ask more questions, he just told me to sit me down on his red couch, which was surprisingly soft.

A smile appeared on my face, I was happy Cole didn't ask questions, I don't even think I could've answered them anyway.

Cole smiled, and grabbed a multi-colored blanket with a variety of patterns, placing it on me, before he kissed my forehead lovingly..

I blushed severely, wondering why he did that, I'm sure it was a habit or something. Yet, for some reason, the thought of Cole doing that to anyone else made burning, hot jealousy fill me.

I shrugged it off, why would I be jealous of Cole doing that to someone else, he's just a stranger that I know the name of, although he did save me. Geez, I'm saying that as if that was nothing, he saved my life, I should really be more thankful of it, even if I didn't want my life to be saved.

I didn't notice but Cole had left, I wondered where he left to but pushed the thought away, shrugging my shoulders.

I sighed, adjusting my body so I could stare up to the ceiling, which had a peculiar painting of a pair of honey brown eyes, nothing else.

I shivered, that's just creepy, why did I follow a stranger to their house again?

Cole came back, walking in shirtless for some reason, a pair of mugs in his hands, as he stretched his hand above my head, in a gesture to take the mug.

Oh right, that's why. One, he's a fucking God. Two, he's obviously kind and sweet. Three, I feel some strange connection to him, like a strong pull towards him.

"Here ya go!", Cole said, his face in a closed-eyes-smile.

"Uh, thank you Cole."

I hesitantly took the mug from his awaiting hand, taking a small sip. I felt shock run through me at how good this tasted, it held a sweet but bitter taste to it, and even though I still didn't know what it exactly the liquid was, I eagerly took big gulps of it.

I finished it in a couple of seconds, and I stared up at Cole, a wide predator like grin on his face.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it, mate!"

I was slightly scared at his grin, and his enthusiasm, but I smiled back.

"Yeah, it was really g—"

I couldn't finish my sentence before darkness caved into my vision, falling with a loud 'thump!', as I passed out.


Cole's P.o.v

I grinned, petting my mates' head, he has such soft hair.

I swiftly put my arms under him, picking him up, as I carried him towards my secret room. I stared down, unfortunately since Kyle was passed out I couldn't see his breath taking eyes, but now I could take in his flawless face.

As I reached my secret room, in a split second I let one of my hands free and turned the doorknob, before quickly placing it back under Kyle, catching him in time. After all, I didn't want to harm my mate, what's mine shouldn't be harmed.

I lightly pushed my body weight against the midnight black door, hearing it slowly squeak open, irritating me and my poor ears.

Ugh, stupid enhanced werewolf hearing, hurting my brain.

I sighed entering through the dark room, closing the door behind me as I heard the familiar click of the door shutting.

Although werewolves couldn't see every single detail in the dark, our kind can in fact see in the dark, but only the shapes of objects and minor details of them.

Even without my werewolf abilities I would be able to tell where everything was, I mean it was my bedroom, I should have already memorized where every single object is.

I trotted towards my bed, and slowly placed my mate on it, carefully maneuvering my body around his, I tied his hands to the pole of my bedpost with some spare rope that was on my nightstand, being careful not to cut off his circulation.

I remembered exactly when I placed it, not a second later when I had left to pour some hot chocolate for Kyle and me, I had barely gotten the idea to tie Kyle's hands, just incase he woke up during the night and tried to escape, and quickly went to get some rope making sure to place it on my nightstand. I'm surprised Kyle didn't come look for me I took quite a long time.

It's a good thing I stole some Hypnotic pills from my sister, they were very useful for my mate. Although, I was careful enough to only put one pill in his hot chocolate, I still didn't know the full extent of the side effects from taking sleeping pills.

I stalked over my mates' body, and placed a soft kiss on his lips, moaning in pleasure as I felt his baby soft lips against mine, although it would be better if he would kiss back, but it makes sense that he didn't, I mean with him being passed out and all.

"Goodnight, my love.", I softly whispered in his ear before pulling an extra blanket out of my closet and laying down on the floor, since I don't think he would like a stranger, even if I was his mate, sleeping next to him. I placed the blanket on me, falling to sleep with a soft smile set on my face.

I literally took 20 minutes searching up a drug that makes you pass out, but I had no success so I chose sleeping pills, and now I'm deleting my history since someone would be super freaked if they saw that I searched up 'drugs that make you pass out'. Ciao!~

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