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Matthew's P.o.v

My heart leaped against my ribcage like an axe banging and chopping at the wood.

The trees surrounding me were but a blur, the wind blowing in the air were just mere high tone sounds to me.

I couldn't quite grasp why I was running until I was struck by the reason.


My brother, the only person that was with me through everything from the very beginning.

He was gone.

Who knows for how long, days, months, years even. I've lost track of time.

I have been in these woods for what seemed like an eternity, my legs felt like jello, and I knew if I stopped running I would crash and fall like a kid's sugar rush suddenly wearing off.

My mind seemed like the only thing keeping me going, keeping me sane.

While it also brought back unwanted memories, of me and Kyle.

Memories of my mom and my dad.

People who've left us, hilarious that I was thinking about them right?

Longing to be held in their arms again, desiring to be told the words 'I love you' like they were my addiction.

Trying my best to ignore those revolting memories, of love as my naive young mind once thought.

I suddenly stopped, one of my oldest memories kept attacking me and I needed to stop.

I dropped to the ground in agony.

My heavy pants are the only thing to be heard and seen in the cold December day.

Swirls of my breath whirling around in the cold, fresh air before quickly dissipating.

I lay on the ground, the hard dirt and rocks poking and prodding at my body. Oddly reminding me of something.

Oh, right.

That putrid memory that I used to think was called love, used to think it was beautiful, used to think that I should treasure it forever.

I sighed, as my mind couldn't help but make me relive the moment. Taking me unwillingly towards the deepest, darkest corners of my mind, one normally reminisced memory coming alive.


"Mom," I shouted, a smile firmly set on my face, "Look what me and Kyle did!"

I turned, glancing at our creation, making my smile spread wider, as if being held in my mother's arms for the first time.

I swiftly turned back around, excited to see my mothers proud filled eyes.

Yet all I saw was coldness.

A shiver crawled up my spine as I looked at my mother's stone cold brown eyes, no emotion swirling around in the used-to-be honey brown orbs.

"That's great honey," She whispered towards me, her eyes quickly ghosting back towards her paperwork.

A deep frown tainted my face, my once joy filled eyes now filled with sadness from my mother's neglect.

I sighed, and turned back towards Kyle who just shook his head and carefully put away our drawing of my mother in a wooden drawer.

Which was filled with everything we tried to show her, to no avail, as the pile of a variety of drawings, dolls, and personal creations slowly piled on.

Tears brimmed my eyes before I let out a loud sob, grabbing the attention of my mother.

Her icy cold eyes stared at me, like she was examining my very existence, before she softly groaned and stood up, her feet softly padding against our dirty carpet, which hadn't been washed in years.

She walked towards me as I tried to slip away, like prey trying to escape from a predator.

I tried my very hardest to decrease the volume of my sobs, but the harder I tried, the louder they sounded.

Finally, I gave up, and fell in a pile of books she never read to us although she always promised to, and let the sobs rack my body as I shook myself back and forth, in an rather creepy rhythm.

Suddenly I felt a pair of arms wrap around my small 5-year-old frame, and she whispered sweet nothings into my ear effectively calming me down.

As the silence overtook us I felt my appreciation slip in. She obviously didn't have time to deal with us yet she still did, she loved me, loved me enough to comfort me.

And that's okay.

I felt a small smile crack on my face I took my head out of the crook of her neck, spotting Kyle looking at me with concern and a hint of care in his big doe brown eyes.

I smiled wider and softly mouthed a 'I'm fine now' towards him, earning me a look of relief and brown eyes adopting a new emotion, love in its purest form.


A laugh rang out through the woods, echoing off the trees as if they were walls, it was mine.

I mean who knew that 5 years later she would leave me, like my father did years earlier, and leaving me with my grandma.

Although I loved my grandma and grandpa with all of my soul sometimes I wished my mother and father were there.

But now they're both gone, and the only family I have left is Kyle.

In an instant I felt new found energy enter my system, and I swiftly stood up, before giving myself a wild grin.

I sprinted off, like a gazelle spotting their predator and fear overtaking them.

My only remaining family was out there, and I was gonna find him, if that's the last thing I do.


Kyle's P.o.v

I awoke again but this time instead of being tied to a chair I was tied to a bed. I sighed in relief, my back was already feeling like it was gonna crack in half with that ridiculous steel chair.

I relaxed but I suddenly felt like I was being pricked by a million needles, and my body went stiff as a board.

I turned my head, careful to not relax my body again, and what I spotted made my eyes widen in terror.

I was under hundreds of needles, the bed was made of needles, nothing else.

I loudly gulped, although I knew since the needles were so close together they wouldn't hurt me at all, but the fear of being under sharp, and excruciatingly painful needles was enough to make me squeamish at the sight.

So this was that bitch's plan, to make me on the brink of alertness, mentally torturing me but not harming me.

I suppose she didn't want to harm her precious treasure.

I didn't get any sleep that night, my mind wouldn't let me knowing it seemed like I was on the brink of being stabbed hundreds of times.

The fact that I haven't seen my mate in what seemed like years didn't help me either, the endless nightmares of him coming back but being killed were torturous on my mental state.

They cracked and prodded at my sanity, at my stubbornness, at my will to escape.

Please, someone come and save me.

I made one final mental plea before drifting off into sleep, if you considered walking up ever 5 minutes because my mind was still wary of the needles sleep.

I know this chapter was quite a snore fest but I promise that next chapter will be much more exciting and adrenaline pumping than this one. Ciao!~

Call Me, Master (Bdsm) (BxB) (Discontinued) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant