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Kyle's P.o.v

I was panting, my heart was beating erratically, and my legs were burning like they being set on fire.

But I had to keep going, even if my brain wanted me to stop, even if it wanted me to catch my breath, I knew I couldn't. I knew that I wouldn't.

My heart was whispering to me, telling me to keep going, to never stop, no matter what.

The corners of my vision were turning black, and were closing in, quickly.

I could see a house in the distance, like a beam of hope, I was almost crying tears of joy.

'Cause God, the pain was unreal, it felt like hot fire burning through my skin, my muscle, almost to my bones.

I didn't care if there was someone in there, if they were a rapist, a psychopath, a fucking weirdo, I didn't fucking care.

I just wanted the pain to be over.

I guess God heard my prayer because I swear I was so close, I could almost touch the door handle of the house, could almost feel the relief of just stopping.


I heard a familiar shout of my name, the voice that it belonged to I used to love to be held by, to be kissed by, to be loved by.

It was Derek.

At his voice my heart jumped with joy, he actually came.

He actually still cared about me, and he even cared about me enough to come look for me.

I mean for all I know he could've just left, and stayed with Matt, who wouldn't have cared either.

"Kyle, please come back!"

I almost stopped, almost turned around, almost jumped into his strong arms.

"Kyle, come on, Matt's worried about you!"


So he didn't care, he only came because he cared about Matt, and that meant getting me back so Matt can trust him again.

Tears were rolling down my face, sobs were being held back from erupting, and I ran faster.

There was no point in stopping, there was no point in turning around and going back.

There was no point at all, Derek never cared, he never did.

Derek's shouts were getting quieter as I forced my legs to speed up, anything to get away from him, from my problems.

I looked down, noticing a river. The sound of rushing water was overpowering, and if someone jumped in you wouldn't hear it.

If I jumped in Derek wouldn't hear it, and he would leave and that's when I would get out and stay here in the forest forever.

They'll eventually pronounce me as dead, and no one will search for me anymore.

I was getting closer and closer, and so was Derek.

I don't care if I die, I'm jumping in no matter what.

And I did just that.

I launched my body forward, towards the fear inducing river, as it pounded against the rocks.

My hair was whipping around me as I was falling down, gravity pushing my body faster, towards the river.

There was a ringing in my ears, it was very irritating to say the least, I think I might've popped my eardrum.

Suddenly I felt cold water rush around me, pushing me in whichever direction it desired, it was futile to struggle, not that I would.

The ringing in my ears still hasn't stopped, and the pain in my legs was still as excruciating as ever.

I was content, finally I would be left alone, no problems, no worries, no responsibilities.


However, I guess God wasn't done screwing with me, as I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist, pulling me back up.

I opened my eyes, which I hadn't realized were closed this whole time, and took in a big gulp of air.

I was heavily panting, my body trying to take in as many gulps of air as possible.

I wondered who saved me, and curiosity got the best of me as I turned my head towards my savior.

I fully expected a head of midnight black hair, with chocolate brown eyes staring at me.

Instead, it was a handsome, naturally white haired, unlike mine, man with pure blood red eyes.

And they were starting me down, as they were filled with confusion, curiosity, and a little bit of lust.

Pow! Update, woo! Don't forget to vote if you enjoyed the chapter, ciao!~

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