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Kyle's P.o.v

I woke up to the sound of a loud 'thump!' followed by a not-so-silently, 'stupid piece of shit'.

I suddenly winced, barely realizing I had a humongous headache. I looked around, wait a second this isn't my room, and this isn't my house either. Where the fuck am I?

My floppy white hair fell into my eyes, and on instinct I moved my hands to push it away only to find out that they were tied up with rope.

My heart beat faster, questioning even further where I was, and trying to reminisce the last thing I saw.

The more I thought the more my head hurt, every time I try harder to remember the more agonizing and unbearable the pain becomes.

I tried to calm myself down, since I obviously wasn't getting out of these ropes sooner or later might as well try to look around and gather clues as to where I am.

I turned my head, spotting an open closet and a blanket on the floor. I pieced the pieces together and figured out that the person that tied me up and kidnapped me had slept on the floor, even though they could've slept on the bed, but I guess I would be too close to them and might possibly attack them.

Maybe shouting for someone will help? Nope, that's dumb, I might as well invite them to my funeral.

I sighed, my back hurt, my head hurt, my neck hurt, everything fucking hurts. Geez kidnapper couldn't you at least adjust my position before I fell asleep, damn you already tortured me without even knowing.

I looked around some more, nothing, I thought resting my head against the stiff pillow. Guess I'll be here awhile, and before I knew it I was dozing off into a slumber, my eyelids felt heavy before I accepted sleep with open arms.


"..le, Kyle, Kyle baby wake up." I opened my eyes in joy, only one person in the world would call me baby, and that was Derek.

"Derek!" I exclaimed in happiness, wrapping my arms around him, hugging the life out of him. And I barely realized Derek cut the annoying rope that attached my arms to the bedpost. 

"I'm glad you're back, I thought you left me," I said, an excited thrill running up my spine.

Suddenly I heard a loud, and terrifying growl echo in my ears, "Derek?", I felt my arms slacken as doubt rose within me.

As I as about to pull away I was shoved back into Derek's arms, "Derek isn't here, this is Cole, your mate," I stiffened, shock was plastered onto my face.

"Cole? You're my what?" I questioned confusion rising within in me. Why was Cole here, and why did he say I was his mate?

Suddenly as if I found the final piece to the puzzle I screamed in realization, forcing myself out of Cole's arms and backing away until the back of my head hit the bedpost.

This was Cole's house, this was Cole's room, and Cole kidnapped me.

As I stared into Cole's blood red eyes all I could see was hurt, and worry, polar opposite to mine which I'm sure showed terror present.

"K-Kyle," Cole said, slowly creeping towards me, hurt still evident on his face.

I screamed again, "Stay away!", and tried to back more into the bedpost, which was impossible.

Much to my surprise, Cole complied to my wishes and backed away. I sighed in relief, as I felt safer, before I wrapped my arms around my legs so I wasn't in such a vulnerable position.

We stood in silence for what felt like an eternity, the tension growing thicker by the minute, and as if testing the waters before submerging myself inside the pool I carefully broke the silence.

"W-hat's a-a ma-mate?" I asked, my horrible habit of stuttering when I'm nervous coming out to play.

It looked like Cole was in deep thought before he sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

"A mate is basically like a soul mate. You reject your mate then they will slowly become like a walking corpse, no emotions at all, like their always on autopilot." I silently nodded, so rejecting your mate was that bad huh?

Cole continued, "However, if you accept your mate, you will love each other forever and eventually mate and have pups of your own."


"Yes, you see I'm a-a w-were-werewolf," Cole squeezed his eyes shut as if he was just about to get slapped in the face.

Trying to hold back, tears began to put down my face, and my nose started to become running.

The look on Cole's face since he assumed I was crying was hilarious, and then I couldn't hold back anymore.

I started to laugh, laugh so loud that my stomach started to hurt, laugh so loud that tears were running down my face, laugh like I've never laughed before.

After a solid 10 minutes I finally stopped, a few chortles came out here and then but it eventually died down.

I looked at Cole's face, and he was beyond annoyed with me, his eye was twitching, he was grinding his teeth, and his foot wouldn't stop tapping angrily, I swear I saw the floor start to crack.

I sheepishly rubbed my head, "Sorry that joke was too good."

Cole's frowned deeply, "It wasn't a joke."

I looked at him like he had grown two heads, before I got angry, I hate people lying to me,"Oh yeah! Prove it wolfy!"

Then, suddenly, as if he was in the Olympics he took of his clothes so quickly I didn't even have time to blush at his naked body presented before me.

I kept wondering why he had taken off his clothes, how was making me horny supposed to prove anything.

And that folks is when my "mate" changed into a werewolf right in front of me, fur, fangs, claws, and all.

Sorry to keep you guys waiting, anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter, make sure to vote if you did! Ciao!~

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